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Clans of the Griffon Mountains

The clans gained their independence after the Griffon riders and tribes from the Stone Desert killed Zeryakobaal, who they followed previously battling Sahuagin and elves.

The clans are fiercly independent and only united to fend off attacks from the outside. Besides the Stone Desert tribes they are probably the most traditional Morskani. While the individual clans handle their own territories they come together to set up rules among each other and how to deal with neighbouring states.

The current largest clans are:
Tjartov - Wyndhgraad
Craskhov - Gryffgraad
Nerran - Nerransgraad
Vaeger - Rivgraad
Tajsza - Wulfsgraad
Szandrov - Raavengraad
Bjarov - Moradinsgraad
Thyane - Bhaergraad
Hywanov - Kjatsgraad
Imarziv - nomadic


Each clan is lead by a chief and his family. Usually they are selected by the clan eldest and stay in power as hereditary title unless there is a challenger, who can unify the clan behind him.

Clans that can muster more than 500 warriors can join the clan chief meeting in Wyndhgraad to discuss issues that affect all clans.


The clans split up in three cultural groups - high- and lowerlander clans as well as the costal.

The highlanders are living in the highest regions of the mountains and are used to a simple and ascethic lifestyle. They have a strong druidic influence and are known for taming griffons. They are considered the most traditional Morskani.

Lowlanders are found in the east of the mountains and are mostly known for their horsebreeding and being excellent horsemen, with the exception of those who live around Raavengraad due to the rough and wooded terrain.
Usually there is a conflict between high- and lowlanders as the griffons tend to snatch up horses as their prefered food. This also just deepens the cultural devide as the highlanders consider themselves the real clans, while the lowlanders usually are more tolerant towards other cultures as they are more exposed to other cultures.

The costal clans are the most open towards foreigners as they have a lot of merchants not only stopping at their harbours but also sometimes settle in their towns. While they accept others, they are like the other clans closed off when it comes to integrate outsiders into the clan.


The most short and secure traderoute between Eversted and the western coast of the continent goes through the mountain from Rivgraad and Wulfsgraad. The roads are mainted and patrolled while both harbour towns protect merchants from pirates and accept by merchants from all places.

Moradinsgraad is build ontop of the abandoned  Dhor Moradin after the dwarfs were displaced by dragons in the Age of Heroes. Now a few dwarfs returned and settled among the Bjarov clan to mine and produce quality armour and weapons.

Among several places where griffons are trained, Gryffgraad is the most well known and accommodates the largest roost of tamed griffons and has a significant amount of griffon riders.

The plains of Nerran and all the way south to the Horseriver the best horses of Yarklash are breed and also wild horses can be found.

Demography and Population

85% humans, 5% half elves, 5% goliaths, rest mixed


Wyndhgraad, Rivgraad, Gryffgraad, Raavengraad, Kjatsgraad, Nerransgraad, Wulfsgraad, Moradinsgraad, Bhaergraad.


Each clan has a strong core of clan warriors, as each men and women learns the basics of fighting, but many go and become guards for the cities. Also there are hunters that supplement the forces when needed as skirmishers and scouts.

Each clan chief has also a loyal guard of huscarls, elite warriors of each clan.

The clans usually can muster a couple of hundred clan riders that split up in two categories, either light cavalry or heavy shock troops. Known for using javelins in addition to lances and having access to the best horses of Yarklash they are considered as the most versitle and feared cavalry on Yarklash.

Along the cities of the Blood Sea you will also see a small navy with hardend and battle ready sailors, veterans of naval battles against pirates.

The by far most reknowned and feared unit that one confronting the clans might face though are the Griffon Riders. While extremely few in numbers, these flying shockstroops of heavy armored griffons and elite warriors can wreck havoc against any enemy.

Overall the clan warriors are regarded as fierce individual fighters that often might use javelins or throw axes in addition to battle axes and shields. Usually dressed in leather or hide armors or among wealthier warriors carrying scale armor.


While the whole human pantheon might be accepted usually the clans have only either temples of Ylfgaar or along the sea for Kajlaen.

Foreign Relations

Realm of the Middle - They are seen as weak, pompous and corrupt.

Dwarfen City States - They respect their craft and fortitude.

  Kingdom of the Phoenix - Arrogant pyromaniacs. Their king and druids are dangerous.

  Alliance of the Fathomless - Just a bunch of pirates that are an annoying blight for trade.

  Duchy of Merryldin - Elves are not to be trusted, especially these two-faced, but you can trade with them in summer.

Tribes of the Stone Desert - Respected for their ferocity and morality.

Cities of the Free Men's Coast - Good for trading.

Agriculture & Industry

The Griffon Mountains offer only few fertile places. They are a harsh place for argiculture, but have some pastures for herds of goats or sheeps. Also the lowlands between the Griffonriver and Horseriver are known for their horse breeding.

Along the coast the clans have several harbours for fishing as well as for trading. Whale bones are used for carvings and traded along the coast and even to the Realm of the Middle.

Trade & Transport

Roads connect most of the clans' capitals and through out the summer there are a lot of caravans on these. A significant part of the Realm of the Middle's trade with the cities around the coast goes through the Griffon Mountains as they are well secured and there is no real animosity between the clans and the Realm.

The roads are well suited for horses and carriages and protected by fierce clan warriors so that bandits are scarse. The bigger danger are the wild animals, especially the griffons.

The costal towns are important trade locations as they connect the elves and free cities with the Realm and the clans. Thus a lot of the wealth of the clans comes from tarrifs merchants have to pay to pass through them.


Clans usually take care to teach basic knowledge to their children, making sure they are literate. Beyond that some history about the clan is usually shared with them to have them aware of their traditions.

As often with Morskani being independent and able to provide for oneself is highly regarded, therefore children start early to learn to handle weapons by playing and serious training.

Geopolitical, Clan
Government System
Power Structure
Major Exports
Besides furs and fish products there is little production that is worth exporting for the clans. Most other production is only for their own usage.

Though the clans avoid sharing their horses with others, some are sold to wealthy merchants or nobles for huge sums.

Major Imports
Besides wheat, corn, spices and other argicultural products imports are mainly quality weapons and metals from dwarfen or elven colonies.

Legislative Body
Clan chiefs decide the rules for their own clans.

Rules between clans are established in a meeting of all major clan leaders. They vote on new laws by simple majority.

Judicial Body
Law disputes are settled by the clan chief or he may hand it to his advisors to act in his name. In issues regarding the clan chief themselves a group of elders of the clan might decide.

Between clans the disputes are settled by the meeting of the clan chiefs.

Official State Religion
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Related Ethnicities

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