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Yandrak grew up in the streets of Korbel, after his sailing half-orc father left him and his human mother there. Scrapping and hustling for food they barely made it over the years. This hard street life forced him to get tough fast especially after his mother died of sickness. Thanks to his orc blood he was already strong enough to fight with grown-up humans at the age of barely 12. This was both a blessing and a curse as it attracted the attention of gangs looking for goons, but also the city guard.

At the age of 13 he was grabbed by guards and put into a cellar where he met a tiefling girl named Jhessalia. The two would end up being sent north in a cage with some slavers where another boy named Bloddwyn was added to their company. Yandrak being used to fight for rank picked up a rivalry with the newcomer. The slavers noticed it and pitched the two into a fight one night for entertainment. Bloddwyn was at first hesitent, but as Yandrak went aggressively for him he hit the half-orc with the elbow into the face, breaking off a tusk. Enraged by the injury Yandrak beat up Bloddwyn to the point that the guards had to step in and put them into separate cages.

Only once they reached Rafalquor Yandrak found himself united with the two other children and would stay with them all the way to Rykthaven. When they reached the warehouse there, Jhessalia was picked up by the guards who started to drag her away. Yandrak stepped infront of them and was beaten unconscious for it. Left in a corner of the warehouse by himself he was found in his misery by Adelberg van Kymden who lead a raid against the slavers.

Adelberg used his prayers to heal the kid, but then left the orc boy to fend for himself outside of the temple of Caldis, from where Farkasz, who also took part in the raid, would lead him to some place.

Several years later Bloddwyn would meet the half-orc again at the docs as the human was fending off some drowners, while Yandrak was patroling the streets now as a member of the city guard. From that point on he quickly gained some reknown as he helped Bloddwyn saving council member Lydia. Though this deed gained him some enemies among his brothers in arms it also made him a friend of the councilwoman. Yandrak proved himself once more fighting in the streets of Hiven against cultists during the Day of the Demons 436th Y.o.U.

  During the trail of the Iiudash priests Yandrak and Bloddwyn saw Jhessalia for the first time since she was sold by the slavers. To their astonishment she was at the side of the nefarious city councilor Obus Beq as his companion. When Bloddwyn managed to talk to her Obus invited him to a dinner a few days later. Yandrak joined him there. Both were shocked by the display the councilor showed them surrounded by clearly abused slaves, even children. Both of them swore to each other to make sure they free her from his influence.   Later Jhessalia reached out to Bloddwyn and offered him insights into Obus Beq if he on the other hand offered information in regards to who their captors were. During Bloddwyn's investigation he found letters implicating Adelberg van Kymden as the person who ordered an aasimar and a thiefling child to the city. Jhessa demanded for his head, with or without the two boys help she would have him killed. Both Yandrak and Bloddwyn agreed to face Adelberg with the proof of his involvement challenge him within his church if he admitted.   As the three met they noticed that Jhessa had involved demonic help to distract the people around the church so they three would not draw attention. As the three kids approached Adelberg he openly admitted what he had done and a fierce battle begun. Enraged Yandrak assaulted the priest but proved no match for him. All three friends were battered and bruised and on the brink of death before Bloddwyn managed to finially deadly wound his former benefactor. Setting the church on fire the younglings ran for the woods to hide and wait for the stiuation to calm down. Jhessa left them to join her place at Obus side, while Yandrak and Bloddwyn hid Adelberg's head so no one could quesiton him - for Bloddwyn himself has seen such a ritual performed.   Knowing their life in the city could be over both tried to return to their regular daily duties. Even though they didn't draw any attention to them the next crisis awaited them as several days later they were informed by Bloddwyn's friend Bernard that Jhessa was captured by Reavers and hold at their compound.   In a desparate attempt to free her Yandrak, Bloddwyn, Bernard and Farkasz charged the compound. Fighting through several Reaver guards they found her. While Farkasz was covering their back the other three stormed the cellar where Jhessa was hold. Freeing her of her shackles they were attacked by chains hanging around the room and a chain devil controlling them. A brutal battle ensued and only an enraged Jhessa managed to kill the devil by unleashing a deadly lighting into him. The group managed to leave the compound, but were seen by a mob outside watching as flames engulfed the building. Bloddwyn draw further attention convincing everybody around that Jhessa was a demon hold underneath the warehouse by Reavers and they had saved her. Yandrak knew that their life in Rykthaven was over. They had assaulted the house of a councilor and killed his guards.   With their back against the wall they decided to leave the city. Only Farkasz managed to leave the scene unnoticed and he would stay behind as a contact for the group. Bernard had no choice but to join the three friends on their road south as Bloddwyn wanted to reach Eversted to learn more about demons. He even got a letter of recommendation by the Alchemist to do so. He only needed to present the Caldis priest in Eversted the letter and they would arrange for the training.   So the group travelled south. Surving the dangers of the woods around the city as well as the Reavers looking for them they arrived in Eversted. After a quick tour of the city they found a promising place to spend the night in the harbour. They also reached out to Gallard van Junn the local High Priest of Caldis who asked them to return the next day. To their shock the meeting point turned out to be a trap in an attempt to arrest them for the murder of Adelberg. As it turned out the letter of recommendation was actually an instruction by the Alchemist to deal with Bloddwyn for he had murdered the high priest of Caldis in Rykthaven.   After a short confrontation with the city guard the group escaped the city south west. Out of options and contacts the only place they could think of was the libary of Aaradem to seek further knowledge for Bloddwyn. Yandrak less excited about the prospect, but at the same time just grateful to be among his friends followed.   Their journey led them to Bruuksdorv where they enjoyed a day of feastivities and a chance to compete in carelss fun. They also met several other people on the road among them Alvery Vestergaard and Bran Sparkhammer. Both heading west towards the Griffin Mountain without specific goals. During the day Yandrak competed in the grand melee boxing his way through several fighters only to be bested by a clan warrior by the name of Dorn Brashard. The other fighter invited them all to a drink to celebrate his victory. At first a bit disgruntled Yandrak soon recognized that there was no illwill or boasting in the other man's celebration, just the fun for competing, so he relaxed and enjoyed himself.   Towards the end of the evening though they got a presentation that shocked his friend Bloddwyn. Dorn's friend Rajsha turned out to be an excellent bard and she sang a song about them two fighting alongside a goliath and an aasimar woman looking for her child that was stolen by slavers. Bloddwyn was reminded of his mother by this song and as it turned out those two actually had met her. Dorn offered to help him reach Saara where he last saw her. He suggested sailing from Rivgraad in the Griffin Mountain and offered them also to join the carawan he was working for as guards so they could earn a few coins along the way.   Together with Bran and Alvery the group around Bloddwyn joined the carawan and they all traveled west. A couple of weeks into the so far calm journey the group had to earn their keep as they were attacked by what turned out to be kobolds. The little assailiants ambushed them but were beaten back.   As the journey lead them on though they met a group of warriors from Rivgraad patroulling the road. Their chief, lord Ragnar, hired Bloddwyn, Alvery, Bran and Dorn to investigate some disappearances in the surroundings while the rest would be escorted to Rivgraad. Not too happy to see Bloddwyn go by himself Yandrak still agreed to stay with the carawan.   In the next couple of days they reached Rivgraad and waited for their friends to return. Yandrak though also got the chance to experience the clan warriors. For the first time in his life he saw warriors that didn't to it for money or power but instead embraced a lifestyle that had at its heart was one of battle and honor. After his initial sceptisim he soon started to look up to them and that feeling would grow even stronger in the next couple of days as Bloddwyn and the others returned - with a dark skinned elf - reporting of an imcoming siege.   The battle of Rivgraad turned out to be a hard fight. Never before had he or any on his side seen these Drow. Using magic and stealth they ambushed their oponents in the streets. At their side were dark skinned dwarfes that could turn invisible and even demons. After a long night of fighting though the clan warriors and his friends emerged victorious. Yandrak was even more impressed by the controlled rage and fierceness he wittnessed fighting side by side with the clan warriors. So when Bloddwyn, Bernard and Jhesse declared they would move on towards Saara and Aaradem he told them that he would stay behind and learn from the Vaeger clan. Once they would be ready to return north or to hunt down the slavers who had captured them - or if they just needed help - they should reach out to him and he would be there.   The next year Yandrak trained and fought with the clan becoming a guardian to Ragnar's son Yaroleg. For his role in the defense of the city Yandrak was even awarded with a shield as a sign of gratitude. He also embraced the teachings of Ylfgaar, the god of war.   A couple of weeks later Bran returned from the Duchy of Merrildyn with a prisoner. He asked the clans for help to escort him to the Realm of the Middle for he was deemed involved in some demonic scheme that also was somehow connected to the siege of Rivgraad. Yandrak, Yaroleg and a couple of guards were assigned to guard them on their way to the border, but once out of reach of the town they were ambushed by a powerful caster who summoned two flaming demons. As Yandrak and the guards dispatched of the demons Bran challenged the powerful mage, but ended up unconscious with Yandrak interfering to chase off the attacker. The man, who they deemed to be a high cultist of the demon prince Kha'ash, was still successful as though as he was forced to retreat he had managed to kill the prisoner.   Yandrak's time with the clan continued to surrounded by mysterious events. For when he and Yaroleg returned from the border they found out that the city was once again attacked by elves, though this time they appeared to be from the surface and they had stolen a draegloth's head Bloddwyn had claimed during the battle for the city as price.   Before the year has gone by Yaroleg and Yandrak were also sent as part of a small force to Elandril to fullfil a request for help to clear the city of undead by Alvery Vestergaard. So he and the warriors fought once again side by side with Alvery and Dorn clearing streets and ruins of warriors from the time of the Hegemony of Fire and the Elven Empire. He also there saw the temple of Litheth and heard the story of how Lolth tricked her sister to unleash demons into the world.   Serving the clan several months to help their friends Yandrak once again returned to Rivgraad to find the next group of friends asking for his help. Jhessa and Bloddwyn planned to strike back at their slavers who they tracked to Rafalquor. As Yandrak decided to leave Rivgraad to aid his friends, Yarloeg and several warrior joined him to take revenge on those who dare to take other people's freedom. Throughout this year Yandrak had become a new man. A warrior not out of necessity or anger, but instead of pride and purpose.   Once he arrived in Rafalquor he met up with Jhessa who explained the trap she had prepared and what role Yandrak and his unexpected fighters would play. Once the trap sprung he and clan warriors joined the fray surprising not only the slavers but Bloddwyn as well.   Reuinted with his childhood friends they travelled to Elandril for Bloddwyn to experience the temple of Litheth on their way north towards Rykthaven. But their stay in Elandril uncovered one more thing as they went through all the experiences the diverse groups made. With Dorn present filling in some blanks they figured out that Bloddwyn's new companion, a moon elf by the name of Sotha Ciyl, from his time at Aaradem's library, was acutally a spie for the Moon Isles elves. He had reported about the drow and the draegloth which lead to the attack to steal these artefacts for the elves themselves. Confronted with this Sotha admitted his role and was taken prisoner.   Yandrak said goodbye to his clan warriors and Yaroleg and rejoined Bloddwyn on his path. Together they delivered Sotha Ciyl to the Arch Mage Nekaria in Eversted and then moved on north. On their path they kept being tested fighting of the demonic presence around Kirkthavs and the cultists in its church. They battled against minotaurs on their way to Rykthaven before finally reaching their goal. In the city Yandrak assumed the role of bodyguard for Bernard who planned to ascend to the city council.   As Bernard became a public figure around the civilian harbour in the north Yandrak became his shadow to make sure no one would dare to threaten him. Most had forgotten about them with all blame about the burning Reaver compound being attached to Bloddwyn. Still Yandrak was an imposing appearance towering over most people in the docs with a battlehardened look - only broken up by the presence of Priscilla, the little girl Bernard took in after they saved her close to Kirkhavs and her family abandoning her in Rykthaven.   During the Cleansing Yandrak fought alongside Bernard at the docks bearing the first attack of the cultists and demons with the help of Bloddwyn. Later on he and Bernard beat back a significant force of cultists lead by a champion of the Nameless, before joining again Bloddwyn's assault at the church.
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Year of Birth
420 Y.o.U. 22 Years old

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