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Dwarven Clerics

Cleric: Arcana, Death, Forge, Knowledge, Life/Light, Order, Peace, Tempest, War, Unity.   Dwarves are some of the very few creatures that lack a creation myth of any kind. Rather the dwarves claim that they have always existed, working the earth and creating vast underground cities of unequaled beauty. The truth of this assertion is impossible to ascertain for certain, but what is known is that no god claims patronage of the dwarves, who in turn shirk the attention of most gods as unneeded. Rather it is their devotion to the two great kings and their many generals, apostles, and saints that give them cleric-like powers. The various orders under Ronlin and Dulgun make up the traditional domains of other clerics.   First amongst these saints is the saint of Arcana, Nowarka, Thrumshaper, Kettlemaster Nightriver. Magic, at least dwarven magic, was developed from their deep connection with the thrum of the planet. This set of barely perceptible vibrations carries power that specially attuned, and trained dwarves can use and manipulate to their advantage. The first dwarf to stumble upon this art was a shroom tender, and cook by the name of Nowarka Nightriver. Though how this came to be was never recorded, the end result was a new school of magic that has persisted for millennia relatively unchanged.   The domain of Death was mostly forgotten about or ignored until the war against The Dark Ones began. Soon a dwarf referred to only as the Grey Watcher appeared, and aided the dwarven forces using magic gained from being so close to death for so long. Nothing is known about the gray watcher, not even their gender, name, or history though theories abound. Some say they were a soldier who was the sole survivor of her company, others say they lost their entire clan after a particularly brutal skirmish. Either way they had gained power over death itself, and taught others before disappearing, or dying, no one can be certain. Some claim that they live still, having achieved a sort of undying immortality.   The Forge Domain is the most expansive domain, encompassing weapon, armor smithing, smelting, and embodying family for most dwarves. This is due in part to how the forge domain began with the Iceforge Family known for their ability to turn even the most worthless of metal into something of value. Findel the mother was the master smith, her husband Runadod was the miner, and her three sons were masters of their chosen craft. Sturtgart had armor, Bargarod, and weapons, and Thorstrum had more mundane tools and items. They were aided by their youngest sister, Fareeka the Forgetender. Known for her alien nature, and smelting mastery. Most clerics who choose the forge domain usually choose to embody one of these legendary figures, though that is not a hard and fast rule.   Neftke the Seeker was the progenitor of the Knowledge domain. Originally beginning life as an especially inquisitive archivist, and scribe, Neftke was insatiable, seeking out any knowledge no matter how important, or useless. It was truth, and the only truth that mattered to the young dwarf. Though his teachers and peers tried to get him to go down a single path, he refused and continued to wander, seeking out any knowledge thought lost. Abandoned by his fellows, Neftke plunged into the ancient runes of some lost Deepholme, and emerged a changed man. He had found lost knowledge great and small and learned much. To this day his legend lives on, and many clerics who follow his doctrine often claim that they study for “Neftke’s sake” a sort of excuse to research whatever they desire without care of its apparent value.   The original founder of the Life/Light domains has long since been lost to history, their legend scoured by the insatiable deep ones. Whether they were targeted specifically, or if their destruction was simply the byproduct of constant war, cannot be said for certain. Either way, the domain of life has only recently been reclaimed since The Long Climb was completed. The current paragon of light is Odmeag Boulderfall, who teaches that the power which he wields is the will of a being he calls The Allbright. Though few believe his more religious teachings, many come to learn how to wield this strange and powerful source of magic.   The Domain of Order is synonymous with the Mason’s Guild, who are both builders and lawkeepers, their founder Lorhume Whitebraid, having glimpsed a realm of pure order after the erecting of his greatest masterpiece, a court of law larger than any built by dwarven hands up until that point. After this vision, his eyes became pure white, though his sight only improved, supposedly so much so that he could spot the disharmonious individuals in society with a glance. These people were carefully guided back into the fold if possible, but were expunged if necessary. In time the Mason’s Guild evolved into a police force more intent on maintaining the purity of order than the punishment of the wicked.   Early on during the The War Of Darkened Halls, The Order Of Peace (Peace Domain) was tricked into aiding the dark elves and inadvertently dooming the city of Stonehallow. For their mistake, those who remained within the order were commanded to undertake an eternal penance. Renamed the order Of Penant Souls, they are still charged with creating peace though their methods are far more heavy-handed. Kind-hearted, but guarded, the fury of the penitent is limitless, and those who seek to use them always live to regret such a decision. They also lead Penitent Legions, former criminals, exiles, or clanless who seek to re-earn their rights.   Close associates to the Storm Heralds are The Order Of The Sacred Tempest (Tempest Domain). Inspired by General Lodrick Magmacairn, lord commander of the northern outposts before the Long Climb was complete, they served as a special unit under his command until being relieved by the great clans arrival. Since then Lodrick has continued to lead this unit before eventually retiring alongside many of his fellows and starting the order of the sacred Tempest. Having first gained his powers when he inadvertently called down a lightning strike upon a group of raiding Aarokacran, he has since gained much insight into the Tempest Domain though he is now old, even for a dwarf.   War Clerics, or Haedath’s Chosen are disciples of one of the greatest generals ever to command an army. Born during the first climb when the dwarves fled the encroaching darkness, he grew up on the move, and was immediately thrust into battle when they met the Dark Elves/Drow. For two hundred years he fought them, rising up through the ranks, until becoming part of the first triumvirate, a ruling council of generals who commanded the dwarven nation during this time. His true rise to power would happen only five short years into his tenure during a time of relative peace. His fellow council members were unexpectedly assassinated, and Hadaeth himself escaped with severe scarring. The experience had imparted a strange sort of wisdom, however, with Hadaeth glimpsing a realm of pure war. The sight disgusted him, pushing the dwarf to beat back the drow and finally secure peace for his people. Though wildly successful he eventually ran out of supplies and soldiers during a prolonged campaign and was killed. Not before creating an opening for his closest lieutenants to escape however, who went on to found the order of Haedath’s Chosen, one part military school, and one part religious institution, they are a powerful political body in modern dwarven politics.   Unity Domain clerics are known as Iron Preists. A tradition older than all of recorded dwarven history, the iron priests have healed the broken bodies of their kinsman for as long as anyone can remember. Named for their ability to ‘speak’ to the blood within a dwarf’s body, they don't actually have any such ability. Rather it is an old superstition that grew from the knowledge that blood has a high iron count. Traditionally all dwarves that wish to reach a higher rank than captain require a set number of years spent as an Iron Priest. During this time the dwarf must wear a mask carved by their teacher so as to ensure that there is no favoritism. This tradition continues up until you reach the highest levels within the iron priesthood, at which point they take on a leadership role. Grim, and dispassionate, Iron Priests are intimidating to most, especially when they are found on the battlefield, empowering their allies.   grave   nature   twilight   protection   city   Fate


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