Falasseh Settlement in Yeshilan | World Anvil


Once a populous sea port bustling with trade, Falasseh has suffered as pirate attacks on merchant ships increased, and crime within the city has risen as well, with some pirate gangs have taking up residence. Where there were once market stalls and merchant buildings are now gambling dens, taverns, and back-alley black markets.   Located along the southern coast of Lemyatel, Summers tend to be warmer though less humid than in Northern portions of the country, and Winter is more mild as well.    
Primary Residents: Elf
  Primary Language: Elvish, Common
  Market Trade: Rare items, illegal drugs & black market goods, some general trade goods.
  Temples: Primary: Sylvar Smaller: Abadar
Beware purchasing goods in back alleys
Taverns are often a place for deal-making
In the pirate-held markets, nearly anything could be for sale

Cover image: Meletis by Adam Paquette