Lemyatel Geographic Location in Yeshilan | World Anvil


Lemyatel is the heart of the Elven Empire. A land of stunning forests, with trees so massive you could build a towering home within- and the Elves of the land have done just that! Cool snowy winters coat the trees in glittering crystalline snow, while the mild Spring and Fall bring out the most gorgeous colors throughout the nation.   To know before your travels:  
  • Be sure to take in the sights of the capital city of Ethshara. There, the Library of The Masked God holds the largest collection of knowledge in all of Yeshilan, and doubles as a magnificent temple to Nethys. A simple guided tour may be arranged at the library itself, but to browse the tomes within requires written permission. One may apply for such access at the temple, either in person or ahead of your visit by letter.

  • While the Elves of Lemyatel are known for the beauty of their arts and elegance of their culture, those living in the cities are not terribly welcoming to tourists- especially those who fail to conform to their standards of etiquette. Take the time to keep clean and well groomed, and perhaps use your visit as an excuse to wear your finer attire. It is recommended to learn a passable amount of Elvish prior to your arrival as well.

  • Foreigners are welcome to visit, however non-Elves (including those of only partial Elven blood) are forbidden from owning land or becoming full citizens of Lemyatel.

  • Falmagne Isle, though geographically part of the Islands of Laumei, is claimed by the Elven Empire and generally considered to be a part of Lemyatel. However, the residents of Falmagne Isle see themselves as culturally descended but nationally independent from Lemyatel.
  The Cities & Towns of Lemyatel:  
Known World map of Yeshilan
A small Elven village
A clear spring within the forest