Half-Orc Species in Yeshilan | World Anvil


"When Orc clans come into regular contact with human communities, they may form uneasy alliances- vicious wars of the past still echo in the present, with resentment still present on both sides. Where these populations regularly overlap, the birth of Half-Orcs are inevitable. Many Half-Orcs find it difficult to live within non-Orc populations- their appearance being just 'monstrous' enough to keep others on edge. Some Half-Orcs find purpose becoming proud leaders in Orc communities. Others venture into the world to prove their worth, becoming adventurers and achieving greatness for their mighty deeds."     Traditional Homelands: Dragenmor, Tirhollt   Current Homelands: Qayalar, Masduulaagii Mountains, Fredsfelder   Physical Description: While most commonly born as the children of Orc and Human pairings, it is possible for a Half-Orc to have a non-Human parent. In either case, the Half-Orc will exhibit a blend of their Orc and non-Orc parent's characteristics, so their appearance varies widely. Grayish to Greenish skin tones, prominent tusk-like teeth, and pointed ears are the most common shared elements among these folk. Half-Orcs also tend to have taller, broader builds than the non-Orc side of their heritage.   Lifespan: Half-Orcs live an average of 70 years, much like their Human and Orc parents.   Size: A bit taller on average than Humans, Half-Orcs are typically around 6 feet tall. With their dense bone & muscle mass, they are usually about 25% heavier than a human of the same height.
Half-Orcs often find jobs that allow them to roam freely
Half Orc Pirate.jpg
The intimidating looks of Half-Orcs may lead to mistrust