Qayalar Geographic Location in Yeshilan | World Anvil


Qayalar is a nation divided into two distinct sections: the unforgiving Northern rocky tundra, and the Southern dense evergreen forests. Decades ago the nomadic Orc tribes of Drachenwald were moved to Qayalar in a campaign to increase land available for farming and settlement. This led the Orcs into clashes with the clans of Goliaths who already inhabited the stone plains, with some of those rivalries still ongoing today. Treaties amongst a few of the tribes led to the creation of Yaxshi Kaih, the quarry city of Qayalar- home to incredibly talented stoneworkers and source of Runekeep stone. Here you may even meet a Golric, the offspring of Orc & Goliath parents.   To know before your travels:  
  • The forested area of Qayalar is known as Stillerwald Forest, though it is also called by other, less inviting nicknames- the Dark Wood, the Silent Stand, or the Vanishing Place. The cold woods are difficult to navigate, with steady snowfall and frequent dense fog. There are also rumors that Stillerwald is haunted by those who have gone missing. It is unwise to let the main road leave your sight, lest you never find it again.

  • Life in Qayalar is hard, with scarce resources and harsh weather conditions. Prepare your pack with plenty of provisions, as well as goods to trade with the local tribes in case of emergency.

  • Many of the tribes in Qayalar still resent being pushed out of their traditional homes and may be aggressive towards outsiders. Bringing valuable trade goods and speaking a passable amount of both Orc & Giant may save your life.

  • Qayalar is the only known source of Runekeep Stone, a type of rock known for it's strength and ability to both store magic & withstand magical damage.
  The Cities & Towns of Qayalar:  
Known World map of Yeshilan
Qayalar Stone Plains

Raided Village Ruins
Stillerwald Forest