Kupferkette Settlement in Yeshilan | World Anvil


There are a number of small Dwarven settlements throughout the Ornzar Mountains, but the royal capitol is the beautiful Kupferkette. A castle city overlooking steep snowy peaks, Kupferkette is the main source of refined metals not only for Fredsfelder, but the whole of Tirhollt. Snow-covered even in the midst of Summer, Kupferkette makes for a chilly escape no matter the season.    
Primary Residents: Dwarf
  Primary Language: Dwarvish, Common
  Market Trade: Metals and metal-forged goods
  Temples: Primary- Ordunnin, Abadar
  To know before your travels:    
  • To reach Kupferkette one must travel through the Ornzar mountains. The trek is beautiful, but not without it's hazards. Be prepared for long hikes, climbing, and camping, as well as the risk of unfriendly wild animals.

  • While most of the citizens of Kupferkette speak Common, it is considered a show of respect to know at least a few words in Dwarvish for trade.

  • If you seek well-crafted arms and armor, the talent of the local Dwarven smiths is second to none.
The Road to Kupferkette
Kupferkette is a fantastic source for fine weapons & armor