Tatningsfak Settlement in Yeshilan | World Anvil


The Gnomish village of Tatningsfak is friendly and welcoming to traders and visitors. Located on the Eastern end of Istrolheim, Tatningsfak is the perfect place to resupply on your trek back across the frozen land.   Locals are known for their walrus herds, typically raised for food and skins, but with talented specimens trained to assist in fishing by pulling nets and amphibious sleds. Walruses can grow incredibly large- legends tell of one specimen known as Great Tosker- a walrus rumored to weigh over 5,000 lbs. The village pub is named for him, and he features in a number of local songs.    
Primary Residents: Gnome
  Primary Language: Common, Gnomish
  Market Trade: Ivory, Fish, water-tight leather products
  Temples: Small: Elhaz
  To know before your travels:  
  • Dwelling space for visitors is limited, and those of larger stature may find it difficult to obtain comfortable accommodations.

  • Do not touch walrus without permission. Even a trained walrus is a large and dangerous beast.

  • If you are easily offended by potent aromas, pack your scarf with fragrant herbs before your arrival. The strong odor of the walrus herds is noticeable even at a distance.
Walruses of Tatningsfak
by Henry Wood Elliott

Cover image: Lake Town by Telthona