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Echedoros is completely destitute and rundown, and is known for having hordes of beggars. There is a 16% homelessness rate because the city gates are almost always open and they allow anyone who's not a convicted felon to enter. This means the city is seen as refuge for these seeking shelter away from the monsters and tyrants who roam the lands, even if 1,478 of them must sleep on the street. The city is surrounded by a half circle wall with towers, guard posts, and gates, and the mountains protect the south side. Lord Yaromir Bazovic is fair and just, respected by the populace. The races live together mostly in harmony. All of the shops in Echedoros are normal cost and have rural availability.     Population: 8,881 Size: 148 acres
Wealth: 17,762,000 gp. Max value for sale: 2,931 gp. Max pawn value: 15,542 gp
Demographics: Human (50%), Elf (26%), Halfling (12%), Dwarf (7%), Gnome (3%), Half-Orc (1%), Half-Elf (1%)
Transportation:   Show Spoiler
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Tavern: The Lonely Jester Lodge

Owner: Eleanor Rayden, Female Human
Location: In an adventurer's district of taverns and rogues. The street outside has drunken revelers.
Description: The tavern is a timber and brick rowhouse, with a red tile roof and simple furniture. It contains some planter boxes on the walls and shelves filled with random kooky crap.
Meatballs Soup and a Glass of Wine (4 sp)
Meatballs Soup with Cake and a Tankard of Cider (5 sp)
Mutton Ramen with Roasted Apple and a Glass of Whiskey (5 sp)
Ale, mug (4 cp) or gallon (2 sp).
Pay Lifestyle Expenses for daily food, housing, and equipment maintenance.
Menu:   Show Spoiler

Shady Dealer: if Thieves' Cant is spoken   Show Spoiler

Other Patrons:
Eldeth Broodfist, Female Dwarf
Eran Copperkettle, Female Halfling
Aline Darby, Female Human
Foxilon Hogcollar, Male Halfling
Theodoric Shipley, Male Human
Theirastra Hanali, Female Elf

General Store: Fleetfoot's Whistles

Owner: Enialis Rothenel, Male Elf
Location: In a side street near the town gate. The street outside is adjacent to a large home.
Description: The general store is a plaster and wood framed big orb-like building, with a brown tile roof and well-made wooden furniture. A raccoon serves as a mascot and greets customers. It contains a beautiful oak countertop and a full suit of armor holding some specialty items.
Vial (phb 153) (1 gp)
Woodcarver's Tools (phb 154) (1 gp)
Lock (phb 152) (10 gp)
General Store:   Show Spoiler

Maritime Inventory:   Show Spoiler

Adventuring Supplies:   Show Spoiler

Market Produce & Foods:   Show Spoiler

Art & Games:   Show Spoiler

Other Patrons:
Erdan Yaeldrin, Male Elf
Korfel Sylvaranth, Male Elf
Korag Dmitriyev, Male Half-Orc

Blacksmith: The Tempered Bastion

Owner: Eridred Torunn, Female Dwarf
Location: In the middle of the slums. The street outside is adjacent to a large home.
Description: The blacksmith is a log big orb-like building, with a reinforced wooden door and a large cellar. It contains religious paraphernalia on the walls and saws and tools hanging from the ceiling.
Armor, +1 (dmg 152) (1,405 gp)
Trident of Fish Command (dmg 209) (741 gp)
Ammunition, +1 (dmg 150) (23 gp)
Blacksmith/Armory:   Show Spoiler

Fletcher/Bower:   Show Spoiler

Leatherworker:   Show Spoiler

Tailor:   Show Spoiler

High End Clothing:   Show Spoiler

Other Patrons:
Elizabeth Wordsworth, Female Human
Dee Copperkettle, Female Halfling
Caramip Folkor, Female Gnome
Beiro Eathalena, Male Elf

Alchemist: The Radiant Brew

Owner: Agatha Ramsay, Female Human
Location: In a civic quarter. The street outside is adjacent to a large home.
Description: The alchemist is a stone-walled simple building, with several shuttered windows and finely-crafted furniture. It contains an empty cage and a large troll skull on a desk.
Potion of Resistance (dmg 188) (290 gp)
Potion of Healing (dmg 187) (50 gp)
Oil of Slipperiness (dmg 184) (466 gp)
Alchemist Shop:   Show Spoiler

Tattoo Shop:   Show Spoiler

Other Patrons:
John Cason, Male Human
Wella Smoothhands, Female Halfling
Adran Ostoroth, Male Elf

Jeweler: The Blue Sun

Owner: Cecily Ashley, Female Human
Location: In the middle of the slums. The street outside is adjacent to a small office and has a fortune teller.
Description: The jeweler is a brick sprawling single storey building, with a red tile roof and vines covering the walls and roof. A raccoon serves as a mascot and greets customers. It contains low ceilings and arrangements of roses in the corners.
Used Jeweler's Tools (phb 154) (24 gp)
Ring of Jumping (dmg 191) (2,427 gp)
Exquisite Necklace (5 gp)
Jeweler:   Show Spoiler

Other Patrons:
Stannor Jamjar, Male Halfling
Ella Mitchell, Female Human
Chaedi Berevan, Female Elf
Jarsali Casilltenirra, Female Elf
Bertram Berkeley, Male Human

Enchanter: Syllin's Magnifications

Owner: Syllin Holimion, Female Elf
Location: In a civic quarter. The street outside is next to a grand hall.
Description: The enchanter is a concrete two-storey building, with a yellow tile roof and a smooth stone floor. It contains a small wood oven and rows upon rows of bookshelves.
Helm of Comprehending Languages (dmg 173) (482 gp)
Elemental Gem (dmg 167) (250 gp)
Driftglobe (dmg 166) (150 gp)
Arcane Shop:   Show Spoiler

Books:   Show Spoiler

Special Crafting Materials:   Show Spoiler

Other Patrons:
Beloril Bofdann, Male Dwarf
Chay Cherrycheeks, Male Halfling

Temple of Trithereon

Owner: High Priestess Liftrasa Dankil, female dwarf. She is constantly adorned with expensive silk clothing, often dyed in bright brown and white, and wears rings and necklaces with large, colorful gems. She is portly but not overly obese. Her red hair is kept up in a ponytail inside a wide-brimmed hat. Her gray unseeing eyes seem to look past you. She's a lovable grump. To blow off anger she lifts weights and to control her otherwise explosive temper she works out a lot.
Location: A large stone temple with a tall tower and a huge golden bell.
Description: The largest good-aligned temple in the the city of Echedoros honors Trithereon, god of liberty & retribution. He is chaotic good, has the war domain, & his symbol is a triskelion (a 3-armed Celtic symbol). The priests here instruct commoners in self-defense & promote individual liberty, they say if you are wronged then you have the right to exact vengeance yourself.
Temple Supplies:   Show Spoiler

Way of Earth Monk's Temple

Owner: Grand Master Kenta Fujii, middle-aged male human with a mohawk.
Location: The temple is built on top of a steep and fantastic plateau and requires ascending a large spiraling staircase around the stone structure.
Description: Apprentices train to be Way of the Four Elements monks who specialize in the earthen tradition of the elemental martial arts. After their daily practice they meditate, and then they volunteer in the city to feed dinner to the homeless. The soup kitchen is in a rough part of town and the way home at night can be dangerous for the apprentices, it provides good training and civil duty.    

Mining Complex

Owner: The Roscoe Brothers; Boris, Radovan, and Stanislav. All have haircuts similar to Mark Davis, owner of the Raiders.
Location: South of the city leading into the mountains.
Description: Aside from the administrative building which grants access to the mining trails, the complex has restricted access to authorized personnel only.  

City Castle:


Lord Yaromir Bazovic

Permanent Mighty Fortress.
  City Council:
Representative from the Kingdom of Thrane; Hand of the Lord; Commander of the Lords Guard; Court Cleric; Court Wizard; Master of Coin; Master of Laws; Master of War; Master of Whispers;   Defenses:
The stone door entrance is guarded by knights who confiscate all weapons and equipment before entering and ensure compliance by waving wands of Detect Magic and Heat Metal on everyone.
All guests are escorted by the Court Wizard and/or the High Priest who cast Antimagic Field around them.
The perimeter walls and bailey are routinely covered with Alarm.
The perimeter walls and bailey are routinely trapped with Glyph of Warding.
The perimeter walls and bailey doors are routinely locked with Arcane Lock.
The perimeter walls and bailey are guarded by stone golems.
The keep is protected by permanent Guards and Wards.
The keep is protected by a permanent Private Sanctum.
The keep is guarded by iron golems.  
Kingdom of Thrane: Northern Frontier
Diverse humanoid population and center of trade in the free world. Human monarchy currently ruled by King Theric X. The Kingdom's two territories are the Northern Frontier and the Eastern Province.   Founded 1061 years ago by King Thrane the Patriach after he united the city-states of the Hellenic Peninsula into a world power. 600 years ago, King Thielin the Great raised a vast army and swept through Persia, conquering the Goblin Empire by burning down the capitol, Persepolis. 300 years ago, King Theric I selflessly sacrificed himself in a heroic feat to end the 100 year War of Humanoids. Thanks to his heroics, the peaceful underwater kingdom of Aquatica was established along with a vast network of international trade routes across the continent.
Location under
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