Kingdom of Thrane Organization in Yjarth | World Anvil
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Kingdom of Thrane

Diverse humanoid population and center of trade in the free world. Human monarchy currently ruled by King Theric X. The Kingdom's two territories are the Northern Frontier and the Eastern Province.   Founded 1061 years ago by King Thrane the Patriach after he united the city-states of the Hellenic Peninsula into a world power. 600 years ago, King Thielin the Great raised a vast army and swept through Persia, conquering the Goblin Empire by burning down the capitol, Persepolis. 300 years ago, King Theric I selflessly sacrificed himself in a heroic feat to end the 100 year War of Humanoids. Thanks to his heroics, the peaceful underwater kingdom of Aquatica was established along with a vast network of international trade routes across the continent.


Current Year 1,061 of the Kingdom of Thrane, King Theric X reigns. Dawn of the Age of Heros.
  • 300 years ago King Theric I decisively ends 100 year war after a mythic sacrifice. Aquatica established.
  • 400 years ago War of Humanoids: Humans, Dwarves, Elves vs Orcs, Goblins, Lizardfolk.
  • 450 years ago Orc Wars. Short territoritorial battles between Thrane and Gaul.
  • 600 years ago King Thielin the Great burned down Persepolis, the Goblin capital of Persia.
  • 700 years ago Wars of Human Nations. Two 10 year wars with 10 years of peace between.
  • 750 years ago Goblin Wars. Thrane vs Persia back and forth 50 years. Battle of Thermopylae.
  • 800 years ago Republic of the Salt & Iron Nations established.
  • 850 years ago Pirate Plutocracy established.
  • 1,061 years ago King Thrane is born and would unite the peninsula & establish the Kingdom.
  • 1,100 years ago Human barbarians establish territory in Gaul and Orcs in Himalayas.
  • 25,000 years ago Realms of Elves, Dwarves, and Goblins are established.
  • 50,000 years ago The Magocracy and Red Theocracy are established.
  • 100,000 years ago Great Cataclysm. Dawn of the Age of Humanoids.
  World Event Timeline

Demography and Population

Mostly human but a community of each core PC race can be found in the country.


Royal Army, Northern Garrison, Eastern Garrison, Royal Rangers, Royal Navy.


Freedom of Religion

Foreign Relations

Intercontinental trade with friendly territories.


  • Kingdom of Thrane: Northern Frontier
    Diverse humanoid population and center of trade in the free world. Human monarchy currently ruled by King Theric X. The Kingdom's two territories are the Northern Frontier and the Eastern Province.   Founded 1061 years ago by King Thrane the Patriach after he united the city-states of the Hellenic Peninsula into a world power. 600 years ago, King Thielin the Great raised a vast army and swept through Persia, conquering the Goblin Empire by burning down the capitol, Persepolis. 300 years ago, King Theric I selflessly sacrificed himself in a heroic feat to end the 100 year War of Humanoids. Thanks to his heroics, the peaceful underwater kingdom of Aquatica was established along with a vast network of international trade routes across the continent.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Economic System
Copper, Silver, Gold, & Platinum pieces

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