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City of Waterdeep




General Store:





  • Mad Bean

    • Alchemist: Gadir, male half-elf
    • Healing Potions
      Potion of Healing 50 gp
      Potion of Greater Healing 250 gp
      Potion of Superior Healing 2,500 gp
      Potion of Supreme Healing 25,000 gp
      Expanded Alchemy Items




  • The Marvelous Sun

    • Jeweler: Lastion, male half-elf
    • Jewelry Gems
      Mundane Ring 3 sp Common Gems 10 gp
      Exquisite Ring 3 gp Uncommon Gems 50 gp
      Mundane Earrings 4 sp Exceptional Gems 100 gp
      Exquisite Earrings 4 gp Rare Gems 500 gp
      Mundane Necklace 5 sp Very Rare Gems 1,000 gp
      Exquisite Necklace 5 gp Legendary Gems 5,000 gp





Foreign Merchants:

  • Throldruzh, male loxodon
  • Ice in Summer, female tabaxi
    • Refreshments Refreshments
      Full Waterskin 2 sp Coffee 1 sp/cup
      Fruit Juice 3 cp/cup Whiskey 3 sp/flask
      Green Tea 5 cp/cup Vodka 4 sp/flask
      Black Tea 6 cp/cup Gnomish Coffee 15 gp/cup
      Cider 8 sp/cup Dragonborn Tea 20 gp/cup
      Milk 1 sp/cup Expanded Edible Items
      Hot Chocolate 1 sp/cup
  • Jaxon Macguire, female firbolg
    • Flowers and Seeds Flowers and Seeds
      Bouquet of Common Flowers 1 cp Tree Seeds 5 cp
      Crop Seeds 1 cp Bouquet of Whistleweed 1 sp
      Wildflower Seeds 4 cp Bouquet of Glowblossom 1 sp
      Bouquet of Fine Flowers 4 cp Bouquet of Phoenixblossom 1 gp
      Fine Flower Seeds 4 cp Sprig of Mistletoe 1 gp
      Fruit Tree Seeds 3 cp Bouquet of Dragon Lily 5 gp
  • Zaspira, female tiefling
  • Dhaqmig, male satyr
    • Magic Items for Sale
      Bag of Holding 400 gp
      Goggles of Night 400 gp
      Sending Stones 400 gp
      Minor Common Magic Items 100 gp


  • The Blue Mermaid

    • Bartender: Eleazar, male human
    • Observant Vagabond: Gabragret, female dwarf
    • Functionally Alcoholic Sage: Miriam, female halfling
    • Retired Merchant: Vigdolg, male half-orc
    • Bard Entertainer: Curjutar, male dragonborn
    • Food & Drink
      Mug of Dragonbite Bitter Dark Ale 2 gp
      Glass of Elven Aleeian Wine 13 gp
      Feast per person 10 gp
      Room per night 8 sp




  • Sated Satyr (2 gp/night)
  • Golden Harp Inn (4 gp/night)


  • The Skewered Dragon

    • Bartender: Zogobu, male orc
    • Observant Vagabond: Shesk, female lizardfolk
    • Untrained Hireling: Gnaat, male goblin
    • Shady Dealer: Molshah, male yuan-ti (thieves' cant for black market)
    • Drunken Rake: Dhubnox, male rabbitfolk
    • Food & Drink
      Mug of Goblin Thudrud Beer (1 pint) 3 sp
      Gallon of Goblin Thudrud Beer (aka buy 5 pints get 3 free) 15 sp
      Shot of Orc Kragg Spirit (1 pint) 4 gp
      Bread (⅛ lb.) 2 cp
      Cheese (¼ lb.) 1 sp
      Chunk of Meat (½ lb.) 3 sp
      Room per night 1 sp
  • The Friendly Flounder

    • Bartender: Madame Ithra, female human
    • Observant Vagabond: Strexnagu, male owlfolk
    • Skilled Hireling: Syndra, female elf
    • Retired Mercenary: Gelma Threadchaser, female goliath
    • City Council Member: Athalia, female human
    • Food & Drink
      Pitcher of Common Wine or Shot of Liquor 2 sp
      Bottle of Mushroom Wine (8 glasses) or Aged Liquor (8 shots) 20 gp
      Triceratops Steak with Duck Eggs and a Glass of Wine (1 lb.) 4 sp
      Shark Filet with Wild Rice and a Glass of Wine (1 lb.) 5 sp
      Giant Toad Tongue with Quail Eggs and a Tankard of Hard Cider (1 lb.) 5 sp
      Room per night 5 sp





Waterdeep Castle


Military Base

  • Barracks
  • Training Grounds

Ministry of Magic

  • Research Laboratories
  • Library
    • Free service once per day, roll an intelligence-based skill check to learn one piece of information on a common subject.
  • Book Store
    Book on common subject (advantage on next intelligence-based skill check) 10 gp
    Book on uncommon subject (advantage on next research downtime activity) 20 gp
    Book on rare subject (lore and select pieces of a monster's statblock) 50 gp
    Commune spellcasting 275 gp
    Legend Lore spellcasting 750 gp


  • Gond, god of craft
  • Kelemvor, god of the dead
    • Spellcasting Services
      Gentle Repose 44 gp
      Raise Dead 1,250 gp
      Speak with Dead 99 gp
  • Lathander, god of birth and renewal
    • Spellcasting Services
      Cure Wounds 11/44/99/176/275 gp
      Greater Restoration 450 gp
      Lesser Restoration 44 gp
      Remove Curse 99 gp
  • Mystra, goddess of magic
  • Oghma, god of knowledge
  • Selûne, goddess of the moon
  • Silvanus, god of wild nature
    • Spellcasting Services
      Animal Messenger 44/99/176/275 gp
      Skywrite 44 gp
      Speak with Animals 11 gp
      Speak with Plants 99 gp
  • Sune, goddess of love and beauty
  • Tempus, god of war
  • Tymora, goddess of good fortune
  • Tyr, god of justice


Waterdeep is ruled by a council whose membership is largely secret. These hidden Lords of Waterdeep maintain their identities behind magical masks, called Helms, and while they rule in public, none know the true identities of most of them. The subject of who the Lords are become a common topic of noble conversation, and some consider it a game to discover the Lords' identities, a game made more confusing by the fact the Lords themselves set their own rumors afloat.  

Legal Code


Waterdeep maintained two separate armed forces, the City Guard and the City Watch. The City Guard serves as Waterdeep's soldiery and its members staff garrisons, road patrols, and watchposts, and serve as bodyguards and gate guards. The Watch is the local police force.   Waterdeep has strong walls on its landward sides and is protected in part by Mount Waterdeep on the seaward side. Mount Waterdeep is studded with watch towers and defensive positions, and patrolled by special guard units on flights of griffons. Aside from this, Waterdeep also benefits from a large native population of the adventuring classes (including powerful mages, priests, and warriors) who are more than willing to deal with any and all miscreants who threatened their home city, and did so in the past. This often proved the City of Splendors' most potent defense.   The city also has the eight giant Walking Statues of Waterdeep. Seven of these statues can be animated by the Blackstaff of Waterdeep to defend the city, one is too damaged to be activated. These statues are extremely destructive, and only used to fend off armies or win otherwise impossible battles.


Waterdeep, also known as the City of Splendors or the Crown of the North, is the most important and influential city in the Kingdom of Thrane and perhaps in all of Yjarth.    Waterdeep was named for its outstanding natural deep-water harbor, and the city that grew up at this site became the commercial crossroads of the northern Realms. More than 100,000 people made their home in the city proper of Waterdeep. The city sprawled northward from the sea, spreading along the flanks of Mount Waterdeep, which used to be home to the Melairkyn, a mithral-mining dwarven clan, and the entire length and great depth of the mountain was riddled with passages and tunnels, most of which were occupied by deadly creatures whose presence in the mountain predated the founding of the city itself. The halls of Undermountain located beneath the city were a popular target for adventurers, who enjoyed the close vicinity of the city's main taverns and temples where aid could be purchased through donations.


Waterdeep was built on the site of the ancient elven settlement of Aelinthaldaar, which gave way to a farming community of humans that developed into Bloodhand Hold. This was conquered and renamed Nimoar's Hold before the name "Waterdeep" caught on. Waterdeep is the most common name used by the sea captains docking at the port to trade.
Alternative Name(s)
City of Splendors. Crown of the North.
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization
Yjarth World Map

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