Village of Oakhurst Settlement in Yjarth | World Anvil
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Village of Oakhurst

  The community closest to the Sunless Citadel is a village called Oakhurst. Most of its 900 residents (including outlying farms) are human, with a sizable minority of halflings and a scattering of other races.    


  • Ol' Boar Inn

    • Bartender: Garon, male human commoner
    • Observant Vagabond: Eleanor Polster, female human scout
    • Untrained Hireling: Houdaet Stormtoe, male human commoner
    • Retired Mercenary: Dwarka Redskull, female half-orc veteran
    • Drunken Rake: Osney Applefree, male human commoner
    • Single bed (per night) 5 sp
      Food & Drink
      Mug of Ale (1 pint) 4 cp
      Gallon of Ale (aka buy 5 pints get 3 free) 2 sp
      Bread (⅛ lb.) 2 cp
      Cheese (¼ lb.) 1 sp
      Beef Sausage (½ lb.) 3 sp

General Stores:




Shrine of Pelor, god of sun and healing:

  • Priestess: Dem "Corkie" Nackle, female gnome priest
    • Healing Potions
      Potion of Healing 50 gp
      Potion of Greater Healing 250 gp

Village Hall:

  • Mayor's Office

    • Mayor: Vurnor Leng, male human noble
  • Jail

    • Constable: Felosial, female half-elf veteran
    • Sixteen guards and four scouts

Between Adventures

Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization

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