Captain Gron Chin Character in YonZora | World Anvil

Captain Gron Chin

Lieutenant Gron Chin

Basic Information: Race: Human Age: 30 Class: Fighter (Battle Master) Level: 6 Background: Soldier Alignment: Lawful Neutral Languages: Common, Dwarvish, Elvish (learned from his time with Acquisitions Incorporated)   Appearance: Captain Grom Chin is a sturdy and imposing figure, standing at 6'2" with a muscular build. He has short-cropped black hair, a neatly trimmed beard, and sharp, dark eyes that convey both determination and a hint of cunning. His skin is weathered from years of battle, and a jagged scar runs across his left arm—a souvenir from a skirmish during his early days as a soldier.   Personality: Grom is disciplined and steadfast, known for his unwavering commitment to his duties and his soldiers. He is pragmatic and level-headed, preferring to think strategically rather than act impulsively. While he may come across as stern, he deeply cares for the well-being of his comrades and takes his leadership responsibilities seriously. His ties to Acquisitions Incorporated have given him a shrewd understanding of politics and economics, making him a valuable asset in both military and administrative matters.   Background and History: Grom Chin grew up in the village of Nysine , a small fishing villagecity known for the birth place of the Pendragons. Enlisting in the city guard at the age of 20, Grom quickly distinguished himself through his bravery and tactical acumen. Over the next decade, he participated in numerous campaigns and skirmishes, steadily climbing the ranks due to his competence and reliability.   His career took a significant turn when he formed connections with Acquisitions Incorporated, a renowned organization known for their business ventures and adventuring exploits. Through these ties, Grom gained insights into logistics, resource management, and the subtle art of negotiation—skills that greatly enhanced his military career.   Recently promoted to Captain of Charlie Company of the Order of the Red Dragon, Grom now commands a unit of seasoned warriors tasked with defending Soteropolis and maintaining order within the city. His new position comes with challenges, as he must navigate the politics of the Order, manage his company's operations, and ensure the safety of the city against external and internal threats. He is the contact point with Franchise K of Aquisitions Incorporated based in the city of Soteroplis.   Statistics:   Strength: 18 (+4) Dexterity: 14 (+2) Constitution: 16 (+3) Intelligence: 12 (+1) Wisdom: 13 (+1) Charisma: 10 (+0) Combat Abilities:   Hit Points: 52 Armor Class: 18 (Plate Armor) Weapons: Longsword, Shield, Heavy Crossbow Fighting Style: Defense Battle Master Maneuvers: Riposte Disarming Attack Commander's Strike Feats:   Heavy Armor Master: Grom has honed his ability to use heavy armor effectively, reducing damage from non-magical attacks by 3 points. Tough: His experience and endurance grant him additional hit points. Equipment:   Plate Armor Longsword Shield Heavy Crossbow Explorer’s Pack Signet Ring of the Order of the Red Dragon Roleplaying Hooks:  
  1. Acquisitions Incorporated: Grom's ties to Acquisitions Incorporated provide potential for intrigue and missions that blend mercantile interests with martial prowess.
  2. Scar of Battle: The scar on his cheek is a reminder of a personal vendetta or unfinished business that could resurface.
  3. Loyal Leader: Grom's loyalty to his soldiers can be both a strength and a vulnerability, as enemies may target his men to get to him.
  4. Strategic Mind: Grom’s strategic acumen makes him an ideal NPC for players seeking guidance on complex military or logistical challenges.
  5. Personality Traits:
  Calm Under Pressure: Grom remains calm and collected even in the heat of battle, making rational decisions where others might panic. No Nonsense: He values efficiency and directness, preferring actions over words. Ideals:   Duty: Grom believes in fulfilling his duties and responsibilities above all else.   Honor: He strives to act with honor and integrity in all his dealings.   Bonds:
  1. Charlie Company: His loyalty to his company is unwavering, and he will go to great lengths to protect and support his soldiers.
  2. Soteropolis: He is deeply committed to the safety and prosperity of his home city.
  1. Overly Cautious: His strategic mindset can sometimes lead to over-cautiousness, potentially missing opportunities for bold action.
  2. Trust Issues: Grom is wary of political maneuvering and can be slow to trust those outside his immediate circle.
  3. Captain Grom Chin stands as a seasoned warrior and strategic leader, ready to defend Soteropolis and guide his company through the challenges ahead. His connections with Acquisitions Incorporated add an intriguing layer to his character, providing ample opportunities for adventure and intrigue in your D&D campaign.
                            Captain Chin is a 10 year veteran of the Crimson Dragon who serves in the Crimson Guard. He trains the the new recruits of the Crimson Guard. He has just recently been promoted to Lieutenant and give orders to Soteropolis because of his contact with the adventures guild known as Acquisitions Incorporated. While in Soteropolis Chin was promoted to Captain of Charlie Company of the Crimson Guard after the assassination of a city council member and the previous captain. Then was given command of Charlie company of the Crimson Dragon after the mysterious deaths of 25 interns of Acq Inc. He is to be the contact point between Acq Inc and a very disgruntle Colonol Orcus who wants to shut the franchise Down.

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

The capture of Jadon the Ruthless


Contacts & Relations

Has respect for the adventure guild known as Acquisitions Incorporated.

Religious Views


Social Aptitude

can communicate very effectively in all situations. Knows his place in society and respects those who are above him. demands the same respect from those below him.


Very disciplined

a ten year veteran of the crimson guard with wearing plate amour a long sword, He stands at 6 feet well chiseled with short cropped brown hair. He has green eyes and a scar on his left arm.

Character Location
View Character Profile
Current Location
Date of Birth
17 Jupiter 470 CD
Year of Birth
470 CD 30 Years old
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Common, Elvish


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