Session 01 Mysterious death Report Report in YonZora | World Anvil

Session 01 Mysterious death Report

General Summary

The two day festival is over and the party was in there rooms at the head quarters of Acq Inc in Camelot.  Dagwyn had left the day before to get to Soteropolis before the winter storms hit Azure Sea. Her mission was to establish a basic office for the Acq Inc Head quarters for Franchise K.  Raz' Thrak is awakened and throws his ax at the door. As he answers the door Oman Dran and a mage dressed in purple stands at the door. Omin a very patient man calmly tells the Raz that he will pay for the door. The man in purple just shakes his head. Omin tells the minotaur to meet him for breakfast in the great hall and is advised to bring his key interns with him. Meeting for breakfast Franchise K meets a Sergeant Gron Chin of the Crimson Guard who informs them that 12 people went missing in the middle of the night.  Witness said that the people seemed to be sleep walking out of town. Included in this 12 was the Dwarf who was an intern of Franchise K. Sergeant Chin a little skeptical of there lack of experience trust Omin's Judgment and ask that they look or find clues of the missing 12 as witness indicated that they were heading to Nysine. Sergeant Chin warns the group that they do not know what they are up againts and proceed with precaution. The five day trip to Nysine ended up with finding eight dead bodies all gruesomely murdered with some symbol of betrayal on the bodies as well as names burned into there arms. Arriving to Nysine in the evening of the fifth day the team learned of four more bodes a half a day a way towards the Mutton Forest. With lots of questions on there mind the party got rooms and headed out the next day to find the bodies on four crosses executed in crucifixion style death. Along with these last four dead bodies were there old companion Fangblow Dagboldson. On him was a letter left for who ever was to find the body. A message to somebody to whom this message is for remains the question.  The opening statement was "This is where it began" The initials of AH on the letter. Raz' Thrak picking up a trail that ended up leading to a cabin that had been burned down to the ground. A brand new alter was found set up with five stones in a circle. Six burnt sacrifices lay on the alter. Digging through the wreckage of the house Raz' Thrak weight found a hidden secret door that had been weakened by the fire. falling into this trap door a 3ft long case was found in the room. This case had magical properties and was of elvish nature. Taking the case other spotted it and some had concerns about the case. Raz' Thrak claiming it talked to him.  Dagon tried to get Raz' Thrak to leave it saying it was dangerous. Jasmal cast a protection from good and evil on the case which ended up opening the case revealing a red long sword of elvish make. The sword is old and the scabbard as well yet it is pristine condition. The elvish markings were ancient and not even Jasmal could read it. Then a eerie strange howl that sounded like a wolf yet it was very different came for the south. Dimmer upon further investigation of the alter found a hidden trove where a letter was found. Then the party went south to investigate the mysterious howl. Heading south about 7 leagues from the cabin they were surround by a group of ten humnoids dressed in robes of the following colors of Black, Green, White, Silver, and Brass. This group attacked the party for no know reason.  As this encounter continued a bipetal wolf appeared and began attacking.  This caused a reaction in Jasmal as for the first time in her life she polymorphed in a wolf as well and the fight was on.  Some weapons had no effect on the large wolf creature including breaking the ax of Raz' Thrak in three pieces. The creature was killed trying to run away. Then Jasmal ran off into the woods.

Rewards Granted

  1. EXP: 219
  2. 90 Drachma
  3. 6 Daggers
  4. 10 Scimitars
  5. 50 Mina
  6. A old map well preserved of a coast line with the words Mermaid Bluffs
  7. Red Elvin made sword with a 3" crystal Ball.
  8. Letter From Caeso Calvisius Fagus
  9. A warning letter from somebody with the Initials AH
  10. 12 Names that were burned in to the 12 victim's
  11. Fagus, Megellus, Leon, Rufinus, Pacatianus, Pustula, Toutius, Philippus, Alethia, Maecius, Rogatus, and Lisontos.

Missions/Quests Completed

The party learns of 12 names related to some kind of betrayal from the past which included some kind of ancient war as well. This was a test mission for the party by Omin Dran for various reasons.

Character(s) interacted with

  1. Omin Dran
  2. Jim Darkmagic
  3. The Goat Cheese Man
  4. Sergeant Gron Chin.  
The War for Soteropolis
Report Date
02 Oct 2022
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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