Session 30: The New Face of the Franchise. Report

General Summary

The Employees and intern of Shining Eclipse woke up to a full house of around 150 individuals ranging from ships crews, adventures, and guild staff. The companions also learned that CEO Oman Dran, CFO Jim Darkmagic, and CIO Mr. Flabbergast were also present. Sanbalet was going around posting a note on each room informing the interns of a mandatory meeting at the 10th hour. Dimmir decided to do his usuall prank mode and change the times on the second and the third floor of 8th hour and the 20th hour. Dagon while doing his morning prayers on the beach noticed that both Acq Inc Galleons were docked at the pier. The pier it self was also shut down for the most part with the exception of the watch. Dagon also asked around the docks if any of the crews and dock workers had seen the creatures that had crustaceans covering there bodies. Dagon was informed that these creatures were only seen at night. While eating breakfast the companions Mr. French announced of the meeting at the 8th hour. Then Mr French made a beeline to the companions informing them that they were wanted in Raz' Thraks office. Arriving in the office they met with Omin Dran, Jim Darkmagic and Mr. Flabbergast. Omin praised the team on the hiring of Mr. French much to Dagwyns disapproval. Then he went on to inform the group that in the last 10-day that they were out on their job that four adventure groups had been killed in mysterious circumstances. Omin even quoted that he has lost interns in the past but not this many in such a short period of time. These mysterious deaths have also caused friction with the Crimson Dragon causing problems with the upstart franchise forcing Omin to ask the King to intervein. Omin also tells the companions with the disappearance of Raz' Thrak he was going to appoint on of them as the new face of the franchise. This was needed He explained that he has done a short extensive back ground check on all the companions and decided that he need a face of royalty that would demand respect even by the Crimson Dragon. So he offered the position to Arceven who took it. Arceven has big shoes to fill, but has a plan for the franchise. An hour later the meeting was held in the commons area along with VIP visitors Colonol Alethia commanding officer of the 9th Regiment of the Order of the Red Dragon, Colonol Orcus Commanding officer of the 69th Regiment, Duke Fagus of Soteropolis, Captain Chin and Sergeant Menadros.  Omin announced the promotion of Arceven Stormwalker as the new guild leader. Then Arceven gave a speech to the interns. Then a meet and greet party was on provided by the services of Mr. French and chef Ribes. Colonol Orcus let be known that he did not approve of this franchise and had no problems letting be known. Then a street urchin arrived giving dispatches to the companions and the V.I.P. to meet at the the great library of Azure. They arrived at the library around the 13th hour in room A. The newly crowned King Arthur sit at a round table along with Orym and Merlin. The  update was given to the king in a very comical round about way. The information about the crimson brotherhood was confirmed as well as the leader the Assassin know as the widow maker Lilly Harker who betrayed the Order of the Phoenix along with her husband. The Pendragon thought she was dead.  The party also revealed the six dragon eggs. This got Merlin and the king excited.  Once again the statement was made to protect the Golden Egg. Merlin asked if the eggs could stay in the library. Then the King revealed to the Regimental commanders that Order of the Phoenix was reestablished and that Dimmir was promoted to Colonol. Marik was knight as Sir Blight and Dagwyn would retain her title as Baron. Unknow to her is she would be commander of the Order of the Phoenix. The meeting was concluded and the King was teleported back to Camelot. As the party went back to Soteropolis the party did there various things. Dagon going to the blacksmith discovered that one of the parties went to Rock and Stone Mine to get Mithril when there tragic death occurred in the mine.

Rewards Granted

  • 300 EXP: to everyone.
  • 150 EXP : Dagwyn, Dagon, Karinn, Arceven, Dimmir, Marik.
  • Knighthood: Sir Marik Blight
  • Knighthood: Baroness Dagwyn Oakencrown.
  • Franchise K Decisionist: Arceven Stormwalker
  • 565 Drachma Previous jobs
  • 392 Shekels Previous Jobs
  • 4 Mina Previous Jobs
  • 60 Drachma per companion for finishing current job. 

Character(s) interacted with

Important NPCS:
  1. Grag The Barbaric Male Orc Dimmir Squire
  2. Sergeant Baerius Menandros (Male Human Crimson Dragon)
  3. Lede Hektor (Female Human maid at the guild hall)
  4. Veldak Pazavur (Male Dragon Born Squire Karrin)
  5. Zid Female (female kobold Karrin)
  6. Colonel Azeus Orcus CO of the 69th Regiment Crimson Dragon Male Human
  7. Colonel Clodia Alethia CO of the 9th Regiment Order of the Red Dragon. 
  8. Omin Dran
  9. Jim Darkmagic
  10. Mr. Flabergast
  11. Mr. French
  12. Duke Fagus
  13. Orym Bimyar
  14. Sanbalet
  15. King Aurther
  16. Merlin
  17. Captain Chin CO of Charlie Company . 
The War for Soteropolis
Dagon Innsmouth
R̶e̶d̶a̶c̶t̶e̶d̶ R̶e̶d̶a̶c̶t̶e̶d̶ ( R̶e̶d̶a̶c̶t̶e̶d̶)
R̶e̶d̶a̶c̶t̶e̶d̶ 7
54 / 54 HP
Raz'Thrak Bloodhoof
Dagwyn Oakencrown
Chaotic Neutral High Elf (Charlatan)
Rogue 5
Ranger 2
48 / 48 HP
Snoopy Baron
Dimmir “Brightlight”
Chaotic Neutral Satyr (Revelry Bouncer )
Barbarian 7
63 / 73 HP
Report Date
09 Jul 2023
Primary Location


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