Crimson Dragon Codex Document in YonZora | World Anvil

Crimson Dragon Codex

The Crimson Dragons are the King’s elite army, structured into ten brigades. Two brigades are assigned to each of the four regions of Avalon, operating under the command of an Earl. The 9th and 10th Brigades serve as reserves, ready to support and reinforce other brigades as needed. Each region's brigades are supported by a Division of the Order of the Red Dragon. Historically, they were also supported by the Order of Phoenix until the War of the Ancients, which wiped out all of the Dovahkiin. A Knight of the Round Table serves as the commander of the Crimson Dragons.   Organizational Structure
  • Knight of the Round Table:(*****) Supreme leader of the Crimson Dragons, reporting directly to the King.
  • Earl:(****) Regional commanders overseeing two brigades.
  • Field Marshal:(***) Leader of each brigade.
  • Birgade XO:(**) a Senior general of Birgade assist the Field marshal
  • Birgade Sergeant Major Senior enlisted man within a Brigade.
  • Division General:(**) Two Star General leads of each division within a brigade.
  • Division XO: (*) One Star General Assist the Division Generals
  • Division Sergeant Majors: Senior enlisted man or woman of the Divsion.
  • Regiment: Colonol Manage regiments within divisions.
  • Regiment XO Senior Lieutentant Colonol of the Regiment Assist the Regiment CO.
  • Regiment Sergeant Majors: Senior enlisted man or woman of the Regiment Colonol
  • Battalion Commander Lieutentant Colonol: Oversee battalions within regiments.
  • Battalion XO Majors: assist the lieutentant Colonol with the Battalion.
  • Battalion Sergeant Major: Senior enlisted man or woman with in the Battalion
  • Company Commanders: Captains Head of companies within battalions.
  • Company XO 1st Lieutenants: Senior lieutenants who assist the captains in a company.
  • 1st Sergeant Senior enlisted man or woman of the Company.
  • Platoon Commander 2nd Lieutentants: Lead platoons within companies.
  • Sergeant: Senior enlisted man or woman in the Platoons.
  • Corporals: Squad Leaders.
  • Soldiers: Rank-and-file members.
  The Ten Brigades and Their Regions:   Camelot Region
  1. 1st Brigade (1st; 2nd; 3rd; Divisions) (1st-12th Regiments.)
  2. 2nd Brigade (4th; 5th; 6th; Divisions) (13th-24th Regiments.)
  Sparta Region:
  1. 3rd Brigade (7th; 8th; 9th; Divisions) (25th-36th Regiments)
  2. 4th Brigade (10th; 11th; 12th; Divisions) (37th-48th Regiments)
  Phanodes Region:
  1. 5th Brigade (13th; 14th; 15th; Divisions) (49th-60th Regiments)
  2. 6th Brigade (16th; 17th; 18th; Divisions) (61st-72nd Regiments)
Soteropolis Regionz:
  1. 7th Brigade (19th; 20th; 21st; Divisions) (73rd-84th Regiments)
  2. 8th Brigade (22nd; 23rd; 24th; Divisions) (85th-96th Regiments)
  Reserve Brigades: 9th Brigade (First Reserve Brigade) (25th; 26th; 27; Divisions) ( 97th 108th Regiments) Region: Stationed centrally, ready to deploy to any region as needed.   10th Brigade (Second Reserve Brigade) (28th; 29th; 30th; Divisions) 109th-120th Regiments) Region: Stationed centrally, ready to deploy to any region as needed.


Purpose of the Crimson Dragon Codex   The Crimson Dragon Codex serves as a comprehensive guide and organizational manual for the King's elite army, the Crimson Dragons. This codex is a vital document that outlines the structure, hierarchy, roles, and responsibilities within the army. It provides detailed descriptions of each brigade, division, regiment, battalion, company, and platoon, ensuring clarity and efficiency in military operations.   The creation of the Crimson Dragon Codex was prompted by several key factors:   Strategic Coordination:
  •  The need for a unified and coherent structure to coordinate the activities of the Crimson Dragons across multiple regions of Avalon.
Operational Efficiency:
  •  To enhance the effectiveness and responsiveness of the brigades in both offensive and defensive operations.
Historical Legacy:
  •  To preserve the knowledge and traditions of the Crimson Dragons, ensuring that future generations understand and respect their heritage.
Military Training:
  •  To provide a standardized reference for training new recruits and officers, ensuring consistency in tactics, strategy, and leadership.
Administrative Clarity:
  •  To offer a clear framework for the chain of command, making it easier to manage logistics, personnel, and resources.
The Crimson Dragon Codex aims to achieve the following objectives:   Organizational Clarity:
  •  To provide a detailed and transparent structure of the Crimson Dragons, facilitating better communication and coordination among different levels of command.
Enhanced Combat Readiness:
  •  By outlining the roles and responsibilities of each unit, the codex ensures that all members are prepared and capable of performing their duties effectively in combat situations.
Preservation of Traditions:
  •  To document and preserve the history, traditions, and ethos of the Crimson Dragons, instilling pride and a sense of duty in all members.
Leadership Development:
  •  To serve as a guide for leadership training, helping officers and commanders understand their roles and responsibilities, and develop the skills necessary for effective leadership.
Strategic Planning:
  •  To provide a framework for strategic planning and decision-making, enabling the Crimson Dragons to respond swiftly and effectively to threats and challenges.
By establishing a clear and detailed structure, the Crimson Dragon Codex ensures that the King's elite army operates with maximum efficiency, cohesion, and effectiveness, upholding their legacy as the defenders of Avalon.

Document Structure


Structure and Content of the Crimson Dragon Codex
  • The Crimson Dragon Codex is divided into several sections, each dedicated to a specific aspect of the organization, operations, and history of the Crimson Dragons. Below is an outline of the document's structure and the contents of each section:
  1. Introduction
  1. Purpose and Objectives: Explanation of the codex's purpose and what it aims to achieve.
  2. Historical Context: Brief history of the Crimson Dragons and their significance in Avalon.
  3. Organizational Overview: Summary of the army's structure and command hierarchy.
2. High Command
  1. Knight of the Round Table: Role and responsibilities of the supreme leader of the Crimson Dragons.
  2. Earl: Regional commanders, their duties, and areas of oversight.
3. Brigade Structure
  1. Field Marshal: Role, duties, and responsibilities of brigade leaders.
  2. Brigade XO: Senior general assisting the Field Marshal.
  3. Brigade Sergeant Major: Senior enlisted man within a brigade and their role.
4. Division Structure
  1. Division General: Two Star General leading each division.
  2. Division XO: One Star General assisting the Division General.
  3. Division Sergeant Major: Senior enlisted personnel within the division.
5. Regiment Structure
  1. Colonel: Commander of regiments within divisions.
  2. Regiment XO: Senior Lieutenant Colonel assisting the Regiment Colonel.
  3. Regiment Sergeant Major: Senior enlisted personnel within the regiment.
6. Battalion Structure
  1. Battalion Commander: Lieutenant Colonel overseeing battalions.
  2. Battalion XO: Major assisting the Battalion Commander.
  3. Battalion Sergeant Major: Senior enlisted personnel within the battalion.
7. Company Structure
  1. Company Commander: Captain in charge of companies.
  2. Company XO: 1st Lieutenant assisting the Company Commander.
  3. 1st Sergeant: Senior enlisted personnel within the company.
8. Platoon Structure
  1. Platoon Commander: 2nd Lieutenant leading platoons.
  2. Sergeant: Senior enlisted personnel within platoons.
  3. Corporal: Squad leaders.
  4. Soldiers: Rank-and-file members.
9. Regional Brigades
  1. Camelot Region: Structure and roles of the 1st and 2nd Brigades.
  2. Sparta Region: Structure and roles of the 3rd and 4th Brigades.
  3. PHANODES Region: Structure and roles of the 5th and 6th Brigades.
  4. Soteropolis Region: Structure and roles of the 7th and 8th Brigades.
  5. Reserve Brigades: Roles and deployment of the 9th and 10th Brigades.
10. Special Divisions
  1. Order of the Red Dragon: Support structure and roles.
  2. Historical Alliances: Past support from the Order of Phoenix and other alliances.
11. Training and Development
  1. Recruitment: Criteria and process for joining the Crimson Dragons.
  2. Training Programs: Overview of training regimens for different ranks and roles.
  3. Leadership Development: Programs and courses for developing leadership skills.
12. Combat Tactics and Strategy
  1. Offensive Tactics: Strategies for frontline and assault operations.
  2. Defensive Tactics: Strategies for defense and fortification.
  3. Reconnaissance and Espionage: Methods and techniques for gathering intelligence.
13. Logistics and Support
  1. Supply Chain Management: Handling logistics and supply chains.
  2. Medical Support: Structure of medical support within the brigades.
  3. Communications: Systems and protocols for effective communication.
14. Historical Campaigns and Battles
  1. Major Campaigns: Detailed accounts of significant battles and campaigns.
  2. Lessons Learned: Analysis and lessons learned from past engagements.
15. Appendices
  1. Glossary: Definitions of terms and acronyms used in the codex.
  2. Rank Insignia: Visual guide to the insignia of different ranks.
  3. Maps: Maps of Avalon showing the deployment of brigades and regions.
  4. This structure ensures that all aspects of the Crimson Dragons are thoroughly documented, providing a valuable resource for commanders, officers, and soldiers alike.


Caveats of the Crimson Dragon Codex To ensure clarity and to set clear parameters and consequences for actions related to the Crimson Dragons, the following caveats are defined:   Duration of Command Assignments:  
  1. Knight of the Round Table: Appointed for life, unless removed by the King.
  2. Earl: Appointed for a term of 10 years, renewable based on performance.
  3. Field Marshal: Appointed for a term of 5 years, renewable based on performance and the needs of the region.
Chain of Command Violations:
  • Any officer or soldier who bypasses the established chain of command without just cause will face disciplinary action, including demotion or discharge, depending on the severity of the breach.
  • Any member of the Crimson Dragons who deserts their post or fails to fulfill their duties will be subject to court-martial and, if found guilty, may face penalties ranging from imprisonment to execution, based on the circumstances and the severity of the desertion.
Use of Force:
  • The use of excessive force or engagement in unauthorized combat will result in immediate investigation and potential court-martial. Consequences may include demotion, imprisonment, or expulsion from the Crimson Dragons.
  Support from the Order of the Red Dragon:
  • Each brigade is supported by a Division of the Order of the Red Dragon. This support is contingent on mutual respect and adherence to agreed-upon strategies. Any deviation from this cooperation will result in the withdrawal of support and possible reassignment of the Division to another brigade.
Historical Alliances:
  • Any attempt to reform alliances with historical groups, such as the Order of Phoenix, without the express consent of the King and the Knight of the Round Table, will be considered an act of treason.
  Training Requirements:
  • All members must complete mandatory training sessions and annual refreshers. Failure to comply will result in suspension from active duty until training is completed. Continued non-compliance may lead to discharge.
Resource Allocation:
  • Mismanagement or misuse of allocated resources, including supplies, weapons, and personnel, will result in investigation and potential penalties, including demotion or discharge, depending on the severity of the misuse.
  Engagement in Unauthorized Missions:
  • Any officer or soldier who engages in missions or operations not sanctioned by the appropriate command authority will face disciplinary action, including demotion, imprisonment, or discharge.
  Duration of Deployments:
  • Standard deployments are set for a duration of 6 months, extendable based on mission requirements. Extensions require approval from the Field Marshal and Earl of the region. Unauthorized extensions or reductions of deployment periods will result in disciplinary action.
Respect for Hierarchical Structure:
  • Disrespect towards superiors or subordinates, including insubordination, harassment, or discrimination, will result in immediate investigation and disciplinary action, including possible demotion or discharge.
Reporting and Accountability:
  • Regular reports must be submitted as outlined in the codex. Failure to report or falsification of reports will result in disciplinary action, which may include demotion or discharge.
These caveats are designed to maintain order, discipline, and efficiency within the Crimson Dragons, ensuring that the army operates smoothly and upholds the highest standards of conduct and performance.


Documents Referenced in the Crimson Dragon Codex
  • The Crimson Dragon Codex references several other key documents to provide comprehensive guidance, historical context, and legal backing. These documents are cited in various capacities to ensure that the codex is well-rounded and authoritative. Below is a list of referenced documents and the capacity in which they are used:
  Royal Decree on the Formation of the Crimson Dragons
  1. Capacity: Legal Authority
  2. Description: This decree issued by the King formally establishes the Crimson Dragons as the elite army of Avalon. It outlines the army's purpose, structure, and the supreme command vested in the Knight of the Round Table.
  The Avalon Military Code of Conduct
  1. Capacity: Ethical and Behavioral Standards
  2. escription: This document provides the ethical guidelines and behavioral expectations for all military personnel. It is referenced to ensure that the members of the Crimson Dragons adhere to the highest standards of conduct.
  Treatise on Military Strategy and Tactics by General Thaddeus Varn
  1. Capacity: Tactical and Strategic Guidance
  2. Description: A comprehensive treatise on military strategy and tactics written by renowned strategist General Thaddeus Varn. It is referenced for developing and implementing effective combat strategies and training programs.
Historical Records of the War of the Ancients
  1. Capacity: Historical Context and Lessons Learned
  2. Description: These records provide detailed accounts of the War of the Ancients, including the involvement and eventual destruction of the Order of Phoenix. They are referenced to understand historical alliances, battles, and strategies that shape current military doctrine.
Order of the Red Dragon Charter
  1. Capacity: Support Structure and Coordination
  2. Description: The Codex of the Order of the Red Dragon outlines their organizational structure, mission, and role in supporting the Crimson Dragons. It is referenced to ensure proper coordination and utilization of the Order’s resources.
King’s Council Minutes on Military Affairs Capacity: Policy and Decision-Making
  • Description: Minutes from the King’s Council meetings on military affairs provide insights into high-level decisions and policies affecting the Crimson Dragons. They are referenced for understanding current military policies and strategic directives.
  Manual of Logistics and Supply Chain Management
  1. Capacity: Operational Support and Logistics
  2. Description: This manual provides detailed procedures for managing logistics and supply chains within the military. It is referenced to ensure efficient resource allocation and logistical support for the Crimson Dragons.
  Medical Corps Handbook
  1. Capacity: Medical Support and Protocols
  2. Description: The handbook outlines the protocols for medical support within the military, including the structure and responsibilities of medical personnel. It is referenced to ensure that adequate medical support is provided to the brigades.
Communications Protocols for the Armed Forces of Avalon
  1. Capacity: Communications and Coordination
  2. Description: This document details the communication systems and protocols used by the military. It is referenced to ensure effective and secure communication within the Crimson Dragons.
Avalon Code of Military Justice
  1. Capacity: Legal Framework and Disciplinary Actions
  2. Description: This code outlines the legal framework for military justice, including procedures for court-martials and disciplinary actions. It is referenced to ensure that all actions and decisions within the Crimson Dragons are legally sound and just.
  By referencing these documents, the Crimson Dragon Codex provides a well-rounded and authoritative framework for the operation, organization, and conduct of the King’s elite army. This ensures that the Crimson Dragons function effectively within the larger military and legal context of Avalon.

Publication Status

Accessibility of the Crimson Dragon Codex The Crimson Dragon Codex has varying levels of accessibility, reflecting the sensitive nature of its content and the need for operational security:   Public Sections:
  1. Introduction: The purpose, objectives, and historical context of the Crimson Dragons are publicly accessible to foster understanding and respect for the army's role and heritage among the citizens of Avalon.
  2. General Structure: A high-level overview of the army's structure, including the existence of brigades and their regional assignments, is publicly accessible to ensure transparency and public confidence in the army's organization.
Restricted Sections:  
  1. High Command Roles: Detailed descriptions of the roles and responsibilities of high-ranking officials, such as the Knight of the Round Table, Earls, Field Marshals, and Division Generals, are accessible only to senior military personnel and government officials. This ensures that strategic leadership information remains controlled.
  2. Operational Details: Information about specific operations, tactics, and deployments is restricted to active members of the Crimson Dragons who need to know this information for their duties. This includes officers and enlisted personnel at various command levels.
Private Sections:
  1. Training and Development Programs: Detailed training regimens, leadership development courses, and recruitment criteria are private and accessible only to members of the Crimson Dragons and authorized training personnel. This ensures that training methodologies and strategic doctrines are not compromised.
  2. Combat Tactics and Strategy: Detailed combat tactics, strategies for offensive and defensive operations, and reconnaissance methods are private and accessible only to relevant military personnel. This maintains the element of surprise and strategic advantage in combat situations.
  Clandestine Sections:
  1. Special Operations: Details of special operations, espionage missions, and sensitive intelligence are completely clandestine, accessible only to a select few high-ranking officials within the Crimson Dragons and the King’s Council. This ensures the highest level of security and confidentiality.
  2. Historical Alliances and Sensitive Information: Information regarding past alliances, such as with the Order of Phoenix, and any sensitive historical events, such as the War of the Ancients, are kept clandestine to protect the integrity and security of the Crimson Dragons and the kingdom.
By maintaining these varying levels of accessibility, the Crimson Dragon Codex ensures that essential information is available to those who need it while protecting sensitive details that could compromise the security and effectiveness of the King's elite army.

Legal status

Jurisdiction and Legal Validity of the Crimson Dragon Codex The Crimson Dragon Codex is valid and enforceable under the following legal frameworks and jurisdictions:   Royal Decree:  
  • The Crimson Dragon Codex is established and upheld by a royal decree issued by the King of Avalon. This decree grants the codex the highest level of legal authority within the realm, making it binding for all members of the Crimson Dragons.
Laws of Avalon:
  • The codex operates within the overarching legal framework of the Kingdom of Avalon. All provisions, rules, and consequences outlined in the codex are subject to and consistent with the laws of Avalon.
Military Jurisdiction:   The Crimson Dragon Codex falls under the jurisdiction of the military court system of Avalon. This includes:
  1. Court Martial: For handling breaches of military conduct, desertion, insubordination, and other serious offenses as specified in the codex.
  2. Military Tribunals: For adjudicating disputes, handling appeals, and ensuring due process for accused personnel.
  Regional Authority:
  • Each Earl, as a regional commander, has the authority to enforce the codex within their assigned regions. This includes overseeing disciplinary actions, ensuring compliance, and implementing the provisions of the codex.
  Command Hierarchy:   The codex is enforced through the established command hierarchy of the Crimson Dragons. This hierarchy includes:
  1. Knight of the Round Table: Supreme authority over the Crimson Dragons, ensuring adherence to the codex.
  2. Field Marshals and Division Generals: Responsible for enforcing the codex within their brigades and divisions.
  3. Regimental and Battalion Commanders: Ensure compliance at the regimental and battalion levels.
  King's Council:
  • The codex is subject to oversight by the King's Council, which includes the Knights of the Round Table. The council has the authority to review, amend, and update the codex as necessary to adapt to changing circumstances and ensure continued relevance and effectiveness.
Amendment Process:
  • Any amendments to the codex must be approved by the Knight of the Round Table and ratified by the King. This ensures that the document remains authoritative and up-to-date with the current needs and legal standards of Avalon.
  By operating under these legal frameworks and jurisdictions, the Crimson Dragon Codex maintains its authority, ensuring that all members of the Crimson Dragons adhere to a consistent set of rules and standards that uphold the integrity and effectiveness of the King's elite army.
Manual, Military
Authoring Date
30 of Jupiter 4909 AD
Ratification Date
30 of Jupiter 4907 AD
Signatories (Organizations)


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