Dagwyn Oakencrown Character in YonZora | World Anvil

Dagwyn Oakencrown


Magwynn Oakenbreeze


Towards Dagwyn Oakencrown



Dagwyn Oakencrown

Sister (Trivial)

Towards Magwynn Oakenbreeze



Lilly Harker-Oakenbreeze

Mother (Trivial)

Towards Dagwyn Oakencrown



Dagwyn Oakencrown

Daughter (Important)

Towards Lilly Harker-Oakenbreeze



Dorydark Oakencrown

Father (Vital)

Towards Dagwyn Oakencrown



Dagwyn Oakencrown

Daughter (Trivial)

Towards Dorydark Oakencrown



Zindove Harker - Oakenbreeze

Half-Sister (Trivial)

Towards Dagwyn Oakencrown



Dagwyn Oakencrown


Towards Zindove Harker - Oakenbreeze


Ruled Locations

Hello my Daughter.
3rd of Cupid 500 CD

Hello Dagwyn I found your journal in the barracks of the Crimson guard. I did have a hard decision to make between you and your sister Magwyn. It was your eyes they looked to much like your farther the son of a dragon rider who almost kill my dragon. Besides the fact that he found my husbands life work of stealing the last 100 eggs of the Stewarts of YonZora. Its to bad that six did not make it but that is the price dark magic. The 94 that have survived have been very faithful servants of the queen. Killing, maiming, and destroying villages and town. We tested them against the rebels of Black moon empire and also made some coin by letting the black Legion empire use them as well. I used your father like yesterdays news to infiltrate the Pendragon line. My husband Abraham would have been so proud of me. That is how I found about you, working for the same organization as your father. Your father chief lieutenant and best friend taking over the organization after he dissapeared. Everyone presumes he is dead lol what fools he is very much alive but he may never be the same again. But he is a sun elf what do I care. I have question my daughter does the organization know of your blood line. Do they know that you are a half-elf of two different races of elf. What side do you chose to serve I could offer you power beyond your wildest imagination. My only child who followed after me. You have a lot to learn my child a good assassin never never gives up who they are. Yes my daughter I have eyes and ears in your organization I have heard of deeds good and bad. Orym still believes in you much like your father what a fool. I am the only that can train you and show you the way of the ultimate assassin maybe someday you will have assassinated as many as I have. But of coarse you would have to serve with me to even have a chance at that. Other wise I will just add you to my scroll of death just like the recent King Uther Pendragon. The look in his eyes when I took his life is so precocious just like your grandfathers when I took his. Your guild should have stayed north. The Soteropolis region belongs to the Brotherhood it belongs to the queen. I have demonstrated our influence in North Azure no matter what realm your are from we can reach out and demonstrated our power and influence. If you don't believe me just pay attention to what is going on in the realm of Eskairia that is true power my daughter. I only wish Magwyn was as driven as you are. Oh well she sits in prison her life in my hands. I have the power in Soteropolis I decide who dies and who lives. Keep medaling in my organization and find out how much power I have. Next time it will be more that 25 useless workers. Got to go I am sure by now that your friends have ran into the true lieutenant and she will be here shortly. Maybe I will have her killed as well. Tegila has been the Oakencrown town for centuries why do you think you can come in and change that. I will need to clean house again and get my people on the city council or maybe I have all ready done that. Tsk Tsk Tsk you could have this power if just join me.   Lilly Harker the true Governess of Ephesus.


drowned forest

Possible hags… Very aggressive plants Someone came in and hasn’t come out Gives us money for harvesting ingredients “


Platinum eyes ?   Baron Aggripas Silas pilotis- Roman - works with Betty - dirty council member   Black rose family sidual   Posidon connected to Aneas family  


Shurikan is a dragon, black stone in the five stones   Silver heart clan   Thanika   Thran and saphira~ Original dragon riders   Dragon cousins with harkens   Harkers are the original traitors of the dragons, harkers thought they were the true kings   Puff the magic dragon   Linens, silk, respect goose feathers clean

The Adventure Begins

IF YOU GET FRESH COMPONENTS FOR SPELL YOU WILL GET A BENEFIT, FRESH INGREDIENTS LAST TEN DAYS     Met a minitaur, thinks I am his servant so thats great. Maybe he can be of use with his resources to help me find out who killed my parents.   I met a wood elf named Jasmal, a cleric, she seems okay. Theres a dwarf named Fangblow whos a paladin. Another paladin whos a dragon born named Karrin. A warlock, who is also now a sevant of the minitaur whos named Dante.    


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