Elda Voss Character in YonZora | World Anvil

Elda Voss

Lieutenant - Crispen (a.k.a. Ironfist)

Appearance: Elda Voss is a striking woman in her mid-twenties, standing at about 5'9". She has short, raven-black hair cut in a practical, military style. Her piercing green eyes seem to miss nothing. She wears the traditional crimson and silver armor of the Crimson Guard, adorned with her rank insignia. A scar runs from her left eyebrow down to her cheek, a memento from a past battle.   Personality: Elda is disciplined and fiercely loyal to the Crimson Guard. She is known for her strategic mind and unyielding dedication to her duties. Her demeanor is stern, but she cares deeply for the well-being of her comrades and the safety of the town. She has little tolerance for nonsense and values honesty and integrity above all else.   Background: Elda joined the Crimson Guard at a young age, following in the footsteps of her father, who was a decorated captain. Over the years, she has proven her worth through countless battles and missions, rising quickly through the ranks. Her leadership skills and tactical acumen have earned her the respect of her peers and superiors alike.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Background: Elda joined the Crimson Guard at a young age, following in the footsteps of her father, who was a decorated captain. Over the years, she has proven her worth through countless battles and missions, rising quickly through the ranks. Her leadership skills and tactical acumen have earned her the respect of her peers and superiors alike.

Personality Characteristics


To serve the town of Osca as her father did.

Representation & Legacy

She is a Third Generation Crimson Guard.

Elda Voss is a striking woman in her mid-twenties , standing at about 5'9". She has short, raven-black hair cut in a practical, military style. Her piercing green eyes seem to miss nothing. She wears the traditional crimson and silver armor of the Crimson Guard, adorned with her rank insignia. A scar runs from her left eyebrow down to her cheek, a memento from a past battle.

Character Location
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Current Status
investigating the Assassin attempt on Traveling Bard.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Date of Birth
21st of Helios
Year of Birth
474 CD 26 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
2nd of Four
Current Residence
She wears the traditional crimson and silver armor of the Crimson Guard, adorned with her rank insignia. A scar runs from her left eyebrow down to her cheek, a memento from a past battle
Raven-black hair cut in a practical, military style
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Olive skinned


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