Session 51 An Ancient reveals Herself Report Report in YonZora | World Anvil

Session 51 An Ancient reveals Herself Report

General Summary

5th & 6th of Ares, 500CD. After the conflict that saved the lives of the traveling bard and her companions. The crimson guard was able to finally arrive at the scene due to the stampede of 200 people watching the concert. The problem is that they did not witness nothing so when they arrived they found the companions alive and with three dead bodies to answer for. A confrontation between Jasmal and Sergeant Verik Redclaw got pretty heated as the high priestess felt insulted that she was being questioned for the murder of these three possible rival guild mates. The sergeant asked Sir Marik to intervein. The Sergeant asked for the party to turn in their weapons to go to the inn and not leave town until a proper investigation could be done. The investigation was to be done by the crimson guard not travelling civilians of a guild. This did not set well with many of the party members, but they did do as they were asked.   The next morning the party learned that they were not allowed to leave the inn that they were staying at. The only exception was Dimmir because he was not seen with the guild members. This upset Jasmal even further for she was not allowed to go to the temple Todo her morning routine. The inn was busier than normal due to the light rain. The fisherman of the village did not want to chance the Sea of Azure. Many felt that attempted murder of the traveling bard had upset Neptune especially with 18 Segal's that had been seen with no feathers . 10 more were found alive but passed out. A human vagrant was also found passed out as well. The conversations in the inn was all about the night before. Many question going around about who was possibly responsible for the attempted murder. Other questions about this unknown guild that save the elf from certain death. Other questions of whether they were rival guilds and this was a guild war. Others were talking about whether Lieutenant Voss was in charge of the investigation.   Then two Lieutenant's walked into to the inn One a female with piercing green eyes wearing the colors of the Crimson Guard. The other a redhead with the colors of the Crimson Dragon. Lieutenant Voss spoke first saying that there were only here to gather information and carry on with their business. Lieutenant Drex also spoke with curtness in his voice saying they were seeking the truth and was here for the safety of the town. Both Lieutenants proceeded to the companions table where a series of question was asked by both lieutenants. Lt. Voss was pleasant and very professional. Lt. Drex on the other hand was rude and very curt. Both asked questions about the guild and why they were here. Questions were also asked if they knew anything about this other guild. Questions were asked if the travelling squire and his knight were from a foreign realm that both were not familiar with. Then both lieutenants learned that they were in the presence of the Prince Arceven Stormwalker and Lt. Drex demeanor changed drastically. He was still curt with his responses. This opened doors for the companions to help with the investigation. Lt. Voss lifted the restrictions and let the party leave the inn, but could not leave town yet as the investigation was still going on.   Then questions were asked about the patron Breenova Glittergem. Both lieutenants wanted to talk to her, but no one had seen the gnome yet. She was discovered in her room passed out. She had hives all over her body as well. Jasmal was able to determine that the gnome was suffering from the effects of Elderberry wine, but there was no evidence of that item in the room. The only thing found was two goose feathers. After casting a lessor restoration spell the Gnome was revived and this of course embarrassed the gnome. Meanwhile Arceven went and looked a the bodies of the dead of the attack. As he checked the bodies he discovered that the back of the shoulders contained a branded mark a cobra intertwined on a dagger. Like the mark on the contract they had found. This was shown to both Lt. This even made Lt. Drex more frustrated. Then he showed both lieutenants there guild contract and the contract they had with Breenova Glittergem. Arceven began asking questions if a similar contract had been found on these bodies. Both Lt said no, but Lt. Drex body language said different. Through this investigation it was learned that six bodies had been found dead outside of town and that is why Lt. Drex was here. Then they went to the stable where they looked a the wagons full of lumber that the other guild arrived in. Lumber was completely in tacked. No contract was found. Further investigation showed that six backpacks had been discovered under the wagons in a storage compartment. The backpacks were still intact and nothing was missing. Arceven conclusion was that the six bodies found were the victims of these assassins.   Around the 13th hour of the day the investigation was completed with an upset lieutenant Drex galloping out of town upset that an outside source had done his job. The Crimson Guard was to conduct this investigation not hired mercenaries. The party prepared to leave for Messesopontos. The injured traveling bard along with her companions were also leaving with them along with a squad of Crimson Guard under the command of Sergeant Norwood. The party still had three wagons to deliver to the city of Messesopontos. After traveling 4.5 leagues the party was coming up on the common rest area between towns. The rain still had not let up. The tiefling that ran the food cart had set up a gazebo for shelter with the rain falling. Smoke from the wagon could be seen. As the party approached the rest stop there were 29 people on the rest area 9 being tiefling. five gypsy wagons were also present. A platoon of Crimson Dragons were also at the rest area. Breenova who had been silent this entire trip so far spoke for the first time saying that a hot meal sounded good and offered to pay for everyone. As the party was taking a quick break and enjoying a hot meal screaming from various people from the crowd started erupting as they pointed to the east. A adult silver dragon with a rider along with 10 dragon soldiers with the crest of Abraham Harker could be seen. As the party began to prep themselves for the attack Reba took matters into her own litterly grabbing Jasmal running about 40 feet from the camp leaped into the sky transforming into her true self Ramoth the healer. Dimmer not far behind grabbed onto her tail just before she flew towards the oncoming dragon. In fury she used her breath weapon and instantly killing the dragon soldiers and damaging the adult silver dragon as well as the rider. The rider turned tale as fast as they could and flew away from the scene. Ramoth roared with fury as the enemy rider rode away. She told Jasmal there will be another day to confront her we need to protect the people of the rest area. flying back looking for a certain Lieutenant.

Rewards Granted

  1. 1540 EXP awarded: to Jasmal, Arceven, Dimmir, Conan, Marik
  2. 856 EXP Awarded: to Dagon, Dawyn, Karrin, Zaydri, Raz' Thrak
  3. 75 Bonus EXP Awarded to: Conan
  4. 50 Bonus EXP Awarded to: Arceven
  5. 25 Bonus EXP Awarded to : Dimmir
  6. 100 Bonus EXP Awarded to Dimmir for covering the gems in coal.
  7. 100 Bonus EXP awarded to Arceven for solving the easter egg.
  8. 100 Bonus EXP Awarded to Jasmal for healing the Leiutentant and saving his arm.
  9. Sheckels:43
  10. Drachma:131
  11. Mina:107
  12. 7 Healing Potions (2d4+2)
  13. 3 Supreme Healing Potions (Deborah) (10d4+20)
  14. 1 Scroll of Feather Fall
  15. 1 Scroll of Cure Wounds
  16. 1 Scroll of Sleep.

Character(s) interacted with

  1. Ramoth/Reba
  2. Grag The Barbaric Male Orc Dimmir Squire
  3. Veldak Pazavur (Male Dragon Born Squire Karrin)
  4. Zid Female (female kobold Karrin)
  5. George Patten (Marik Squire Male Human
  6. Annia Alethia (Female) Jasmal Assistant.
  7. Breenove Glittergem (Female Gnome Daughter of Zanbar) Associate traveling with group if this job is picked.
  8. Hehelana Oakencrown (Female Elf)
  9. Lieutenant Elda "Ironfist" Voss (Female Human 26 years old) Crimson Guard Osca
  10. Sergeant Varek Redclaw (Male human 24 years old) Crimson Guard. Osca.
  11. Lieutenant Roran Drex (Male Human 26 Years old) Crimson Dragon. Osca.
  12. Sergeant Thalia Norwood
The War for Soteropolis
Dagon Innsmouth
Raz'Thrak Bloodhoof
Dagwyn Oakencrown
Snoopy Baron
Dimmir “Brightlight”
Chaotic Neutral Satyr (Revelry Bouncer )
Barbarian 1
14 / 14 HP
Pyfor GreenDragonFly
Report Date
15 Jun 2024
Primary Location
Related Characters


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