Osca N Azure.

Village of Osca General Overview: Osca is a quaint fishing village nestled along a picturesque coastline, where the sound of waves crashing against the shore blends harmoniously with the gentle rustling of rice paddies in the breeze. With a population of around 500, Osca is a tight-knit community that boasts a rich Roman heritage, reflected in its architecture, culture, and religious practices.   Key Features: Farming Community:
  1. Rice Paddies: The fertile fields surrounding Osca are primarily used for rice cultivation. The paddies are a striking green in the growing season and a golden hue during harvest.
  2. Vegetable Gardens: In addition to rice, villagers grow a variety of vegetables, ensuring a diverse and plentiful diet. Common crops include beans, cabbages, and root vegetables.
  3. Irrigation System: Drawing from Roman engineering, the village has an elaborate irrigation system that ensures consistent water supply to the fields, using aqueducts and water channels.
Inhabitants’ Roles: Farmers, mostly humans and halflings, cultivate rice and vegetables. The fertile fields surrounding Osca are well-irrigated, ensuring consistent yields. Crops: Rice, beans, cabbages, root vegetables. Exports: Surplus rice and vegetables are traded with nearby settlements. Local Use: These crops provide the basis for most meals, ensuring food security and variety. Temples:  
  1. Temple to Neptune: Located near the harbor, this grand temple is dedicated to Neptune, the god of the sea. The temple is constructed from marble, with intricate carvings of sea creatures adorning its walls. Fishermen often visit to pray for bountiful catches and safe voyages.
  2. Temple to Faunus: This temple is nestled at the edge of a nearby forest, blending seamlessly with nature. Faunus, the god of the wild and fertility, is honored here, and local farmers frequently bring offerings to ensure fruitful harvests and protect their livestock.
  3. Temple to Ceres: Situated in the heart of the village, the temple to Ceres, goddess of agriculture, is a bustling hub during the harvest season. The temple is surrounded by lush gardens, and its altar is often piled high with the first fruits and grains of the season.
  Harbor: The harbor is the lifeblood of Osca’s fishing industry. A mix of small fishing boats and larger trade vessels can be seen here, with daily catches being brought ashore and sold at the bustling fish market. Architecture:   Roman Influence: Buildings are constructed with sturdy stone foundations, red-tiled roofs, and columned porticos. Public baths, a forum, and well-paved roads reflect the village's Roman heritage.   Economic Overview: Osca thrives through a balanced combination of fishing, agriculture, craftsmanship, and trade. The settlement’s strategic coastal location, fertile lands, and rich Roman heritage provide the foundation for its economy.


  1. Humans: 70% (350)
  2. Halflings: 15% (75)
  3. Elves: 10% (50)
  4. Dwarves: 3% (15)
  5. Other (Half-Elves, Gnomes, etc.): 2% (10)
Ethnic and Species Integration:
  1. Humans of Roman descent dominate the village’s cultural and social landscape, with traditions and festivals reflecting their heritage.
  2. Halflings are primarily involved in farming and craftsmanship, known for their close-knit families and jovial nature.
  3. Elves, often skilled artisans or scholars, contribute to the village’s cultural richness and are respected for their wisdom and longevity.
  4. Dwarves, though few, play crucial roles as blacksmiths and stonemasons, valued for their craftsmanship and reliability.
  5. Other species, including Half-Elves and Gnomes, often fill specialized roles and add to the village’s diversity, enriching its cultural tapestry.


The village is governed by a council consisting of a Baron/Baroness and two Lords or Ladies. The council meets in the Forum, a central open space with a basilica for administrative purposes.
  • Baroness : The current ruler is Baroness Tuccia Crispin, a wise and fair leader known for her dedication to both the village's heritage and its future prosperity. Ownes a rice plantation.
  • Lord : Lord Quintus Varro, a seasoned fisherman with deep ties to the maritime community.
  • Lord : Lady Marcella Tullia, a skilled agriculturist who oversees the farming operations and ensures the community’s sustenance.


Crimson guard (Two Platoons) Crimson Dragon( Two Platoons)

Industry & Trade

  1. Spices: To enhance local cuisine and for trade.
  2. Textiles: High-quality fabrics and materials not produced locally.
  3. Luxury Items: Jewelry, art, and rare goods for the upper class.
  4. Tools: Specialized tools for farming, fishing, and crafting.
  1. Fish and Seafood: Fresh and preserved, a major export sustaining trade relationships.
  2. Agricultural Products: Surplus rice and vegetables.
  3. Crafted Goods: Pottery, textiles, metalwork known for their quality.
  4. Raw Materials: Occasionally, surplus timber or stone.


Infrastructure of Osca The entrepreneurial spirit of Osca’s inhabitants has led to the development of various infrastructural marvels that enhance daily life, support economic activities, and reflect their rich Roman heritage.   1. Watermills and Windmills:  
  • Watermills: Positioned along the small river that runs near the village, these watermills are primarily used for grinding rice and grains, providing a steady supply of flour and milled products for the community.
  • Windmills: Located on the outskirts of the village, these windmills supplement the watermills, especially during dry seasons, ensuring continuous milling operations.
2. Irrigation System:  
  • Aqueducts and Channels: Drawing on Roman engineering, Osca has an elaborate system of aqueducts and irrigation channels that supply water from nearby springs and rivers to the rice paddies and vegetable fields. This system ensures consistent and efficient water distribution, vital for agriculture.
3. Sewer System:
  • Roman-Style Sewers: The village features a well-maintained sewer system inspired by Roman designs. This system effectively manages waste and rainwater, keeping the streets clean and reducing the risk of disease.
4. Roads and Bridges:
  • Paved Roads: Osca boasts a network of well-paved roads, facilitating easy movement within the village and to nearby settlements. These roads are maintained by the community, ensuring they remain in good condition.
  • Stone Bridges: Sturdy stone bridges cross the local river and irrigation channels, connecting different parts of the village and supporting both pedestrian and cart traffic.
5. Shipyards:
  • Harbor Shipyards: Located near the harbor, these shipyards are bustling centers of activity where fishing boats and trade vessels are built and repaired. Skilled craftsmen and laborers work here, ensuring the fleet remains in top condition.
6. Courtyards and Public Spaces:
  • Forum: The heart of Osca’s public life, the Forum is an open courtyard surrounded by important buildings, including the council hall and basilica. It serves as a gathering place for meetings, markets, and festivals.
  • Market Square: Adjacent to the Forum, this lively square hosts daily markets where villagers trade goods. It is also the venue for seasonal fairs and community events.
7. Blast Furnaces and Workshops:
  • Blast Furnaces: Located in the artisan quarter, these furnaces are used for metalworking, including the production of tools, weapons, and household items. Skilled dwarven and human blacksmiths manage these furnaces.
  • Workshops: Artisans, including carpenters, potters, and weavers, have dedicated workshops where they produce goods for local use and export. These workshops often cluster around the Market Square.
8. Public Bathhouse:
  • Roman Bathhouse: The village boasts a communal bathhouse with separate sections for men and women. This bathhouse includes hot, warm, and cold baths, serving as a place for relaxation, hygiene, and socializing.
9. Educational and Religious Buildings:
  • Schools: Small schools operated by knowledgeable villagers, often priests or retired adventurers, provide basic education to the children of Osca.
  • Temples: The temples to Neptune, Faunus, and Ceres are not only religious centers but also places of community gathering and cultural preservation.


Fishing Sector:
  •  The Temple of Neptune plays a crucial role, with fishermen seeking blessings for safety and bountiful catches. The harbor is a bustling area where fresh catches are brought in and processed.
Agricultural Sector:
  •  The Temple of Ceres is central to agricultural life, with rituals ensuring fertile fields and good harvests. Farmers often gather to exchange techniques and celebrate harvest festivals.
Craftsmanship Sector:
  •  Artisans gather in workshops and guilds, often passing down skills through generations. The amphitheater sometimes hosts markets where these goods are sold.
Trade Sector: 
  • The Market Square is the heart of Osca’s commerce, where traders from other regions exchange goods with local merchants. Seasonal fairs attract traders from distant lands, boosting the local economy.


1. General Stores and Market Stalls:
  • The General Emporium: A large store located near the Market Square, offering everyday necessities such as food, clothing, household items, and basic adventuring gear. Run by a friendly human couple, Marcus and Julia.
  • Market Stalls: The Market Square is filled with stalls selling fresh produce, fish, and locally made goods. These stalls change regularly, with farmers, fishermen, and artisans showcasing their latest products.
2. Specialty Shops:  
  1. The Fisher’s Net: A store near the harbor specializing in fishing equipment, including nets, lines, hooks, and boat supplies. Managed by an experienced fisherman, Gaius Varro.
  2. The Harvest Basket: Located close to the fields, this shop sells farming tools, seeds, and supplies. It’s a popular spot for farmers preparing for the planting season, run by Lady Marcella Tullia herself.
  3. The Artisan’s Alley: A collection of small shops and workshops near the Forum where skilled craftsmen sell their wares, including pottery, woven goods, and wooden items. Each shop is unique, reflecting the craftsmanship of its owner.
  4. Obswald Emporium: A collection of scented candle's, trinkets, and various collectables. Run by a Halfling by the name of Pippen Greenbottle.
3. Blacksmith and Metalworks:  
  1. The Iron Forge: A prominent blacksmith shop operated by a dwarf named Thrain Ironbeard. It produces high-quality tools, weapons, armor, and household items. The forge is known for its reliability and craftsmanship.
  2. The Bronze Anvil: A smaller metalworking shop focusing on decorative metal items and fine tools, run by an elven artisan named Elandor.
4. Shipyards and Maritime Supplies:  
  1. The Ocean’s Bounty Shipyard: The main shipyard near the harbor where fishing boats and trade vessels are built and repaired. It also sells shipbuilding materials and equipment. Overseen by Lord Quintus Varro.
  2. The Sailor’s Supply: A store providing maritime supplies, including sails, ropes, navigational tools, and provisions for long voyages. Run by a halfling named Pippin Seawind.
5. Taverns and Inns:  
  1. The Neptune’s Trident: A popular tavern near the harbor known for its fresh seafood and lively atmosphere. It’s a favorite gathering spot for fishermen and sailors. Owned by a retired sailor named Brutus.
  2. The Golden Sheaf Inn: A cozy inn near the Market Square, offering comfortable lodgings, hearty meals, and a welcoming environment. Perfect for travelers and traders. Managed by a kind-hearted widow, Lavinia.
6. Valuables and Luxury Items:  
  • The Jewel of Osca: A high-end shop dealing in jewelry, fine art, and luxury goods. It caters to the upper class and visiting merchants. Run by a sophisticated elf named Arannis.
  • The Velvet Touch: A boutique selling exquisite textiles, rare fabrics, and finely tailored clothing. Popular among the nobility and wealthy traders. Owned by a human tailor, Claudia.
  • GlitterGem Mutual Holdings The town bank run by Tiberius Glittergem
  • Alastor Nodding Carpets. Located near the Market Square, this shop is filled with vibrant rugs and tapestries of all sizes and patterns. The shop itself is a work of art, with beautiful displays and a welcoming atmosphere. Manager is Jasmine Crispin. 
7. Magical Items and Alchemy:  
  1. The Arcane Alcove: A small, mysterious shop offering magical trinkets, potions, and scrolls. The shopkeeper, an enigmatic gnome named Zook, is rumored to have extensive magical knowledge.
  2. The Herbal Haven: An apothecary selling medicinal herbs, potions, and alchemical ingredients. Run by a wise old human healer, Magda.
8. Public Facilities:  
  1. The Public Bathhouse: A communal facility providing hot, warm, and cold baths. It’s a place for relaxation and socializing, reflecting Roman influence.
  2. The Library of Ceres: A modest library near the Temple of Ceres, containing scrolls and books on agriculture, local history, and Roman culture. It serves as a place of learning and research.
9. Storage and Warehouses:  
  1. The Grain Silos: Large storage facilities near the fields where surplus rice and grains are kept. These silos ensure food security and manage the surplus for trade.
  2. Harbor Warehouses: Secured warehouses near the harbor where goods for export and import are stored. Managed by the local trade guild, ensuring efficient logistics.
Conclusion Osca’s infrastructure supports a wide range of economic activities through its diverse array of stores and facilities. From general goods and specialty shops to luxury boutiques and public amenities, the village is well-equipped to meet the needs of its inhabitants and visitors. This vibrant marketplace fosters a thriving economy and enhances the community’s quality of life.

Guilds and Factions

  1. Fishing Guild
  2. Artisans Guild 
  3. Agricultural Guild
  4. Metalwork Guild
  5. Trade Guild

Points of interest

The Market Square:
  •  A bustling center where villagers trade goods, share news, and gather for festivals.
The Bathhouse:
  •  A communal bathhouse with separate sections for men and women, providing a place for relaxation and socializing.
The Amphitheater:
  •  A small amphitheater where villagers enjoy plays, storytelling, and public ceremonies.
Temple of Neptune:
  •  A central hub for the fishing community, influencing maritime activities and harbor management.
Temple of Faunus:
  •  Crucial for farmers and those seeking blessings for livestock, enhancing the agricultural sector’s productivity.
Temple of Ceres:
  •  The focal point during the harvest season, bringing together villagers in gratitude and celebration, reinforcing community bonds.


Festivals and Traditions:   Festival of Neptune: 
  • Held in early summer, this festival features boat races, feasts, and offerings to Neptune to bless the fishing season.
Harvest Festival:
  •  Celebrated at the end of the harvest, this event honors Ceres with a grand feast, music, and dancing, showcasing the bounty of the fields.
  • A festival dedicated to Faunus, marked by rituals to protect the livestock and ensure the fertility of the land.


Inhabitants’ Roles: Farmers, mostly humans and halflings, cultivate rice and vegetables. The fertile fields surrounding Osca are well-irrigated, ensuring consistent yields.
  • Crops: Rice, beans, cabbages, root vegetables.
  • Exports: Surplus rice and vegetables are traded with nearby settlements.
  • Local Use: These crops provide the basis for most meals, ensuring food security and variety.
Founding Date
5145 AD
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Characters in Location
Related Reports (Secondary)


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