Goluk Uzgal

Personality: Goluk is known for his disciplined and no-nonsense attitude. He takes his duties seriously and expects the same level of dedication from those under his command. Despite his intimidating presence, he is fair and just, valuing order and efficiency above all else. Goluk has a deep sense of loyalty to his superiors and the people of Harker's Keep, always putting their needs before his own. While he may come across as stern, those who earn his trust will find a dependable ally in him.   Goluk is a man forged by adversity. His years of enslavement have instilled in him a strong sense of discipline and a relentless drive to prove his worth. He is serious and focused, valuing efficiency and order, and has little patience for those who waste time or act carelessly. However, Goluk is also deeply loyal to those who have shown him kindness, and he values justice and fairness, especially given his own experiences with oppression.   Skills and Abilities:
  • Combat Expertise: Goluk is a seasoned warrior, with expertise in a variety of weapons and combat techniques. His fighting style is a mix of brute force and calculated strikes, honed through years of surviving in brutal conditions.
  • Leadership: As Portmaster, Goluk has developed strong leadership skills. He is decisive, organized, and capable of managing the port's operations with an iron hand.
  • Tactical Mind: Goluk possesses a keen tactical mind, able to assess situations quickly and make decisions that ensure the security and prosperity of Harker's Keep.
  • Survivor’s Instinct: His years as a slave have made Goluk incredibly resilient and resourceful, with a strong will to survive and adapt to any situation.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Goluk Uzgal is a towering figure, with a broad, muscular build that speaks of years of hard training and battlefield experience. His skin is a mottled gray-green, and his sharp tusks protrude slightly from his lower jaw. His piercing amber eyes carry a sharp, calculating gaze that can intimidate even the most seasoned warriors. He keeps his black hair tied back in a simple knot, with several scars visible on his face and arms, each with a story of its own.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

History: Goluk Uzgal's life has been one of struggle and survival. Born to an orcish father and a human mother, Goluk was captured during a raid and sold into slavery. His captor, ZinDove Harker-Oakenbreeze, brought him to Harker's Keep, where he was forced to labor under harsh conditions.   Goluk's life changed dramatically when Arceven Stormwalker, the leader of Acquisitions Incorporated Franchise K, led a successful campaign to take over Harker's Keep from the Harkers. Arceven, recognizing Goluk's potential and the injustice of his situation, freed him from slavery and offered him a position of responsibility. Seeing this as an opportunity to reclaim his life and prove his worth, Goluk accepted the role of Portmaster.   As Portmaster, Goluk now oversees the operations of Harker's Keep, ensuring that trade flows smoothly and that the keep's defenses remain strong. He is determined to transform the port into a thriving hub, using his position to protect others from suffering the same fate he once endured.

Personality Characteristics


Motivations: Goluk is driven by a desire to prove himself and to ensure that no one else suffers the way he did as a slave. His role as Portmaster is more than just a job; it is a chance to rebuild his life and leave behind a legacy of strength, justice, and leadership. He is committed to making Harker's Keep a place of order and prosperity, where everyone is treated fairly and with respect.

Goluk Uzgal is a towering figure, with a broad, muscular build that speaks of years of hard training and battlefield experience. His skin is a mottled gray-green, and his sharp tusks protrude slightly from his lower jaw. His piercing amber eyes carry a sharp, calculating gaze that can intimidate even the most seasoned warriors. He keeps his black hair tied back in a simple knot, with several scars visible on his face and arms, each with a story of its own.

View Character Profile
Lawful Neutral
Date of Birth
17th of Demeter, 462 CD
Year of Birth
462 CD 38 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Only Child.
Goluk Uzgal stands at 6 feet 5 inches tall and weighs 250 pounds. His towering height and muscular build contribute to his imposing presence, both in battle and as a leader.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Orc, common, Moon Elf.


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