Acquisitions Incorporated Franchise K

Acquisitions Incorporated was founded in the year 209 CD in the city of Camelot by a half-elf known as Omin Dran. He formed the guild using funds given to him by his mother who runs a very successful inn called the Prancing Pony. His mission was to find his missing twin sister Auspicia who dissapeared in the Muttonwood Mountains.   The concept of an adventure group was new to everyone, but Omin felt that a guild like this was needed to do jobs the Crimson Guard or the Crimson dragon had no time to do. At first he met opposition from the aforementioned military units, but Omin was driven to find his missing sister and never gave up. The more jobs he completed the more his guilds reputation grew, as well allowing Omin to expand with the creation of Franchise B and C.   Once these franchise were established in different cities and were successful this got the attention of the Pendragons. A meeting between Omin and the King resulting in the blessing of the king and Acquisitions Incorporated has never looked back. Acquisitions Incorporated has established 11 franchise through out the kingdom of Avalon. The newest Franchise, known as K, was established in the city of Soteropolis after the King specifically asked Omin to put a Franchise there. The King gave Omin the starting funds needed to start the franchise; with strings attached of course.   Franchise K was started in the year 499 CD with a large recruiting party during the Festival of the Harvest between the months of Gaia and Demeter in Camelot. He met a young bull headed minotaur by the name of Raz' Thrak Bloodhoof. Omin knew that he was new to realm of Avalon but would be the leader he needed to start the franchise in Soteropolis. He also appointed Dagwyn Oakencrown to be the MajorDomo as requested by the King. Omin was able to recruit five other employees and a handful of interns who were willing to relocate to the city of Soteropolis to establish the foundation needed in the untamed region of Soteropolis. Omin sent his new franchise on its first mission to the village of Nysine where several people were seen sleep walking out of Camelot. The newly formed franchise successfully completed the mission with ties to the city of Soteropolis. As the members were given two months to say there goodbyes and get their affairs in order to move to Soteropolis.   Dagwyn left immediately for Soteropolis to establish the ground work for the new franchise. She arrived in Soteropolis on the 15th of Demeter. Where she ran into a problem as the title to Harker island was contested by a women who claimed to be a descendent of the Harker's. This would delay things till Spring. Meanwhile she was able to purchase a guild hall in the port district, a dock near the guild hall, two warehouses, two ships and their crew. The rest of the franchise arrived in Soteropolis on the 15th of Zeus and began adventuring right away by doing a job for the librarian Merlin Ambrosia.


  • Ominifus Herveward Dran (Half-Elf Cleric)
  • James Winifred Darkmagic III. (Human Wizard)
  • Flabbergast (Majordomo) Human Mage.
Franchise K: Franchise Leader:Arceven Stormwalker Majordomo: Mr. French MajorDomo:  Employees/Officers:
  • 1. Decisonist: Marik Blight (Soteropolis)
  • 2. Horards Person: Arceven Stormwalker (Soteropolis)
  • 3. Carthgrapher: Dimmir Brightlight (Soteropolis)
  • 4. Obviator: Dagon Innsmouth (Soteropolis)
  • 5. Secretarin: Dagwyn Oakencrown (Soteropolis)
  • 6. Lore Monger: Jasmal Moonbrook (Soteropolis)
  • 7. Ducumancer: Karinn Pfaphnyrennish (Soteropolis)
  • 8. Occultant: Conan (Enamed)
    Interns: Zaydri Kan (Soteropolis) Zandi Ottore (Soteropolis) Raz' Thrak Bloodhoof (Unknown)     Erick Sutton Male Human (Soteropolis)


The Culture of any Acq Inc franchise varies from franchise to franchise and each individual employee or intern.   These adventure groups as they are called have unique mind sets and motivations. Some are in it for just the riches and glory. Other groups are out to save the world of YonZora. Other adventure groups by into the franchise model and do what ever they can to bring profit for the franchise and themselves. Other just do it for the adventure and travel in Azure.


  • Guild hall in the City of Soteropolis
  • CAS Golden Jacket
  • CAS Sleepy Jacket
  • 7 Employees
  • 1 Commodore
  • 1 Captain
  • 42 Interns (Adventure Guild Members)
  • 80 Interns Sailors (Ships)
  • Blight Trade Caravan (Tiefling Gypsies)


1st of Demeter 499 CD Franchise K is established in the city of Camelot: During the Festival of the Harvest Omin Dran recruits Raz' Thark Bloodhoof as his Desisionist and Dagwyn Oakencrown as his majordomo with the understanding they are to relocate in the city of Soteropolis at the southern end of the kingdom of Avalon. This city is know as the wild west of Avalon and still has a strong roman influence in it.   1st of Demeter: Franchise K get its first Job: Dagwyn leaves for the city of Soteropolis to establish the franchise foundation and financial needs as well. She is given a deed for Harker Keep and 20, 000 Sheckels for start up fees. The rest of Shining Eclipse is given its first test job by Omin in the village of Nysine. The new found franchise successfully completes the job. In this process they find clues that start in the City of Soteropolis. Raz' Thrak finds one of the legendary guardian weapons of the Stewarts of YonZora.   15th of Demeter: Dagwyn arrives in Soteropolis: Dagwyn arrives in Soteropolis and begins the ground work to establish Franchise K running into opposition as the people of Soteropolis have a hard time excepting what a adventure guild mission is. She also runs into a problem with the title for Harkers Keep as a woman shows up with a deed herself for the keep and claims that she is descendent of the keep and have had the title for centuries. The clerk takes both title deeds and informs both women that the magistrate in in Phanodes till the spring then this dispute will be settled.    20th Demeter: Dagwyn recruits Captain Draken Orris: Dagwyn goes and recruits Captain Draken Orris and  promotes him to Commodore and gets a steal on two ships as well as the purchase of the Pier associated with the two ships. She also purchase a guild hall and two warehouse as she begins to establish the franchise.    1st of Zeus 500 CD: Franchise K says good buy to Camelot: Raz' Thrak, 5 employees, and 16 interns, and newly promoted lieutenant Chin depart for Soteropolis. Fame, fortune, glory, or what ever motivates these companions of franchise K.    15th of Zeus 500 CD:  The rest of franchise K arrives in Soteropolis meeting Dagwyns assisstant at the pier go the guild HQ and starts to settle into there new home.    16th of Zeus 500 CD: Raz' Thrak excepts there first job in Soteropolis form the Librarian Merlin Ambroshia. The companions are teleported the village of Salmantica. Upon the completion of this job Dimmir finds another legendary guardian weapon a golden rapier.

you inquire - and we acquire.


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