Session 59: Exploring Harker Island. Report

General Summary

17th Ares (18th Hour) The members of Shining Eclipse spent most of the evening freeing the 42 slaves from the slave collars that they all had. Jasmal spent several hours checking on the health care of the malnutrition slaves. Tending to their wounds, broken bones, and mental health. Those that were the strongest raided the kitchens of the slave masters preparing a good meal to begin the healing process. Arceven and Marik rescued the old wizard from the light house who has been badly maimed. The evidence of years of abuse and torture evident. Dimmir, Dagon, and Karrin worked on securing the perimeter of the harbor area. Arceven offered five Sheckels to those that were willing to finish loading the cargo to take back to Soteropolis. Plus he would give them more to get them home from where they are from. A half-Orc by the name of Goluk takes Arceven offer to stay and run his small harbor since he really has nowhere to go. Goluk did ask to go back to Soteropolis for a couple of days before taking on this task. The slaves did tell the companions that Lilly was here the last two days removing as much men and equipment as she could. She never told the men why she was moving. They also told her that she was more moody than normal as well. Some of the slave overheard conversations with her lieutenants about the house being compromised as well as the Ziggurat. She need to follow up on the latest intel she had gotten from one of her daughters. Dagwyn insisted on the ten family members be taken to her house as soon as they arrived in Soteropolis. All 42 former slaves left for Soteropolis that evening with 10 promising to return to run the small harbor. Other intel gathered was the Keep itself was 9 leagues away, a full days travel. They were also told that there were more slaves and a skeleton crew of Lilly men left on the island. The companions were also told of the drow being hired to capture and enslave the slave on this island. The companions took there well deserved short rest at the 24th hour.   18th Ares, 500 CD (8th Hour) As Arceven woke up for the last watch of the night he noticed a ship just beyond the harbor a ship with a ruined hull and torn sails, and eerie green glow surrounding the ship moving by the harbor. He hears eerie voices as well claiming that dead man tell not tails. Once the sun rises the ships disappears into the depths of the Sea of Azure. The crew eats a hardy breakfast from the kitchens of the task masters. Then they begin there accent up the cobble stone road leading to the south of the island. According to the map this roads winds through the island eventually reaching the Keep in the NW portion of the island. As they proceed up the gradual climb of the cobble stone road. The flora of the island is diverse, with a mixture of wild and cultivated species. The forests are dominated by oak, beech, and pine trees, their dense canopies creating a shaded underbrush where ferns, mosses, and shrubs thrive. The companions spend a half of the day walking through this forest with an occasional glimpse of farmlands as they continue in the uphill climb. They stop at a league marker buried for centuries which is the half way point to the Keep of the Harker's. The companions take a hour break to rest from the travel. Scouts tell the party that there is evidence of the road being repaired as they traveled. Now the party is marching in a westerly direction traveling one more hour in the dense forest when they reach the wide open farm lands. More slaves can be seen cultivating the land and preparing for the spring plant. Three task masters can be seen in this section of the farm lands with three farm houses in the distance. 60 slaves are counted working this section of the farm fields. Dagon using a disguise self and the command spell is able to lure the three task master to the group well hidden in the forest line and took out the Task masters without being noticed. Now the party needs to decide what their next move is as they can barely see the outline of the keep in the distance.

Rewards Granted

  1. 670 EXP awarded to Jasmal, Karrin, Arceven, Dagwyn, Dagon, Marik, Zayrdi, Conan, Dimmir (Rescue of Slaves)
  2. 500 EXP Awarded to Raz' Thrak.
  3. 72 Sheckels
  4. Three Great Axes.

Character(s) interacted with

  1. Goluk Uzgal (male Half-Orc)
  2. Dorkdark Oakenbreeze (male sun elf the first Dorydark)
The War for Soteropolis
Dagon Innsmouth
R̶e̶d̶a̶c̶t̶e̶d̶ R̶e̶d̶a̶c̶t̶e̶d̶ ( R̶e̶d̶a̶c̶t̶e̶d̶)
R̶e̶d̶a̶c̶t̶e̶d̶ 7
54 / 54 HP
Conan Enamed
8 / 8 HP
Raz'Thrak Bloodhoof
Dagwyn Oakencrown
Chaotic Neutral High Elf (Charlatan)
Rogue 5
Ranger 2
48 / 48 HP
Snoopy Baron
Dimmir “Brightlight”
Chaotic Neutral Satyr (Revelry Bouncer )
Barbarian 7
63 / 73 HP
Pyfor GreenDragonFly
Report Date
18 Aug 2024
Primary Location
Related Characters


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