Knight of the Round Table. Rank/Title in YonZora | World Anvil

Knight of the Round Table.


Basic Qualifications   Noble Birth or Exceptional Merit:
  •  The candidate must be of noble birth or have demonstrated exceptional merit and heroism. 
Combat Prowess:
  •  Mastery in both armed and unarmed combat, with a specialization in one particular weapon or combat style.
Leadership Skills:
  •  Proven leadership abilities, capable of leading troops into battle and making strategic decisions.
Chivalric Code:
  •  Adherence to a strict code of chivalry, including virtues like honor, courage, loyalty, and justice.
Advanced Qualifications   Magical Aptitude:
  •  Some level of proficiency in magic, either through innate abilities or learned spells, to enhance combat effectiveness and versatility.
Questing Experience:
  •  Completion of significant quests or trials demonstrating bravery, resourcefulness, and commitment to the kingdom.
Diplomatic Skills:
  •  Capable of engaging in high-level diplomacy, negotiating treaties, and handling political affairs.
  •  Experience in training and mentoring younger knights or soldiers, fostering the next generation of leaders.
Wisdom and Intelligence:
  •  Possessing a keen mind and deep wisdom, enabling them to offer sound advice to the king and make insightful decisions.


Selection Process   Nomination:
  •  Candidates are nominated by current Knights of the Round Table, high-ranking officials, or regional commanders based on their exemplary service and qualifications.
  •  A council, including the king and current Knights, evaluates the candidates' merits, achievements, and character.
  •  Final approval must come from the king, as the supreme authority in the kingdom.


Upholding Justice:
  •  A Knight of the Round Table must always strive to uphold justice, ensuring that the laws of the kingdom are applied fairly and equitably. They should intervene in cases of injustice, protecting the innocent and punishing the guilty.
  • Protecting the Weak: They have a duty to protect those who cannot protect themselves, such as peasants, children, and the elderly. This includes defending villages from raids, aiding the poor, and ensuring the safety of the realm's most vulnerable citizens.
Maintaining Morale:
  •  Knights must take care of the morale of their men and the general populace. This includes providing encouragement, leading by example, and ensuring that their soldiers are well-cared for both physically and mentally.
Charitable Acts:
  • They are expected to give to charity, supporting causes that benefit the kingdom and its people. This might involve donating money, resources, or time to help the poor, fund orphanages, support education, or rebuild after disasters.
Mentorship and Education:
  • Knights are responsible for mentoring younger knights, squires, and other aspiring leaders. They should impart wisdom, teach combat skills, and guide them in understanding their social responsibilities and the moral code they must uphold.
Diplomacy and Mediation:
  • They must act as diplomats and mediators, resolving conflicts both within the kingdom and with neighboring realms. This requires a fair and balanced approach, ensuring that peace and harmony are maintained.
Honesty and Integrity:
  • Knights must be paragons of honesty and integrity, never engaging in deceitful or dishonorable conduct. Their word should be their bond, and they must be trusted by all who rely on them.
Loyalty to the King and Kingdom:
  • They must demonstrate unwavering loyalty to the king and the kingdom, placing the needs of the realm above their own. This includes defending the kingdom from threats and supporting the king’s decisions, while also advising wisely.
Moral Leadership:
  • Knights must exemplify moral leadership, setting a positive example in their behavior, decisions, and interactions. They should inspire others to live by the same high standards of conduct.
Fostering Unity:
  • Knights should work to foster unity among the people of the kingdom, bridging divides between different social, racial, and regional groups. They must promote a sense of common purpose and mutual respect.
By adhering to these moral obligations, the Knights of the Round Table will not only be formidable warriors and wise advisors but also moral leaders who inspire and uplift those around them, ensuring the prosperity and harmony of the kingdom.


The tasks associated with the rank of a Knight of the Round Table are diverse and significant, reflecting their role as leaders, protectors, and advisors. Here are some of the key tasks they might be responsible for:     Strategic and Military Tasks
  • Military Leadership: Commanding brigades or divisions within the Crimson Dragons, planning military campaigns, and leading troops in battle.
  Training and Drilling:
  • Overseeing the training of soldiers and knights, ensuring they are well-prepared for combat. This includes organizing drills, mock battles, and specialized training sessions.
  Fortress and Defensive Maintenance:
  • Ensuring that castles, fortresses, and other strategic points are well-maintained and fortified against potential attacks.
  • Advisory and Diplomatic Tasks
  Royal Counsel:
  • Advising the king on matters of state, including policy decisions, military strategy, and internal governance.
Diplomatic Missions:
  • Representing the king and kingdom in diplomatic missions, negotiating treaties, and fostering alliances with other realms.
Conflict Resolution:
  • Mediating disputes among nobles, townsfolk, or other factions within the kingdom to maintain peace and order.
  • Administrative and Governance Tasks
Regional Oversight:
  • Managing specific regions or territories, ensuring that laws are enforced and that the populace is well-protected and prosperous.
  Resource Management:
  • Overseeing the allocation and use of resources, including food supplies, weapons, and other essential goods. This includes ensuring that soldiers and citizens have what they need to thrive.
  Judicial Duties:
  • Serving as judges in legal disputes, interpreting the law, and delivering fair judgments.
  • Community and Charitable Tasks
Charitable Work:
  • Organizing and participating in charitable activities, such as distributing food to the poor, funding orphanages, and supporting educational initiatives.
Public Engagement:
  • Interacting with the populace, listening to their concerns, and addressing issues that affect their daily lives. This includes attending public events, ceremonies, and festivals.
  • Guiding and mentoring young knights, squires, and other aspiring leaders, helping them develop their skills and understand their responsibilities.
  • Personal and Ceremonial Tasks
Personal Training:
  •  Maintaining their own combat skills and physical fitness through regular training and exercise.
Ceremonial Duties:
  • Participating in royal ceremonies, knightings, and other significant events that require their presence and involvement.
Spiritual Practices:
  • Engaging in spiritual or religious practices to maintain their moral and ethical grounding, seeking guidance and blessings from the gods or ancestral spirits.
Specific Examples   Military Exercises:
  •  Conducting and participating in regular military exercises to ensure readiness and cohesion among the troops.
Strategic Planning:
  • Developing detailed plans for defending the kingdom, including contingency plans for various scenarios.
Public Speeches:
  • Giving speeches to rally the troops or inspire the populace, particularly during times of crisis or celebration.
Overseeing Construction:
  • Supervising the construction of infrastructure, such as roads, bridges, and fortifications, to improve the kingdom’s defense and connectivity.
Resource Allocation:
  • Ensuring that supplies are distributed fairly and efficiently, particularly during times of scarcity or emergency.
These tasks ensure that Knights of the Round Table are integral to the kingdom’s functioning, providing leadership, protection, and support in various aspects of daily life and governance.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

Grounds for Dismissal   Treason:
  • Acts of betrayal against the king or kingdom, including aiding enemies or conspiring against the throne.
  • Engaging in behavior that significantly violates the chivalric code, such as cowardice, deceit, or abuse of power.
  • Demonstrated inability to fulfill the duties and responsibilities of a Knight of the Round Table, resulting in harm to the kingdom.
Criminal Acts:
  • Committing serious crimes, such as murder, theft, or other unlawful acts that undermine their role and the kingdom’s stability.
  • Involvement in bribery, embezzlement, or other corrupt practices that betray the trust placed in them.
Moral Failure:
  • Persistent immoral behavior, such as exploitation of the weak, neglect of duties, or failure to uphold the knightly virtues.
Procedure for Dismissal   Investigation:
  • Upon receiving credible allegations, a formal investigation is launched. This is conducted by a special council, which may include other Knights of the Round Table, trusted advisors, and legal experts.
  Gathering Evidence:
  • The council collects evidence, including witness testimonies, documents, and other relevant information to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the case.
  • The accused knight is given the opportunity to defend themselves in a formal hearing. They can present evidence, call witnesses, and make their case before the council.
  • After the hearing, the council deliberates on the evidence and arguments presented. They must reach a consensus or a majority decision on whether the knight is guilty of the charges.
  • The council presents their findings and recommendations to the king, who has the final authority to decide on the dismissal.
Royal Decree:
  • If the king agrees with the council’s recommendation, a royal decree is issued formally stripping the knight of their title and privileges. This decree is typically made public to maintain transparency and uphold the integrity of the institution.
  Public Announcement:
  • The dismissal is publicly announced, and the reasons for the dismissal are explained to ensure that the people of the kingdom understand the gravity and justification of the decision.
  • The dismissed knight is stripped of their regalia and any associated honors. They may also face additional legal or punitive consequences, depending on the severity of their actions.
  • If applicable, efforts are made to rectify any harm caused by the knight’s actions, such as compensating victims or restoring stolen property.
  By following these procedures, the kingdom ensures that dismissals from the esteemed rank of Knight of the Round Table are handled with due process, fairness, and justice, maintaining the honor and integrity of the institution.
Nobility, Military
Form of Address
Sir or Dame
Source of Authority
Who ever is the current King at the time he or she is chosen as a member of the round table.
Reports directly to
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