Crown Prince/Crown Princess.

The oldest son or daughter of the current reigning King or Queen. The Human race it is the son for the elven race it is the daughter.


Normaly it is the first born son or daughter of the reigning King and queen. There are circumstances where the next in line in birth order can be given the title of crown prince or princess depending on the situation and circumstances.


Must be of royal blood born to the King and queen.


Normally he or she would be appointed at birth. Circumstances or death will change depending on what, When, or how that will change the time of appointment.


The crown Prince or Princess will be trained in all aspects of leadership holding several key leadership post through out there lives to be able to take the crown at the approiate time. To help the King or queen with royal duties which may include military duty, envoys, ambassadors, and various royal duties through out Avalon or other realms as needed.


They are to lead by example the ideals, laws, and edicts set fourth by King Arthur and the Original Knights of the round table. They also have the authority to administer justice and show mercy where needed. Any changes made by the current King and his knights of the round table are also to be carried out.


Will be come the king or queen of their realm.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

Death or by not following the Laws, edicts, and Ideals set fourth by the King and the Knights of the Round Table. Any unacceptable behavior deemed by the crown as well.
Nobility, Hereditary
Is in Effect
Form of Address
His or Her Royal Highness
Alternative Naming
Source of Authority
Length of Term
He or she is to be the crown prince/princess until crowned King or Queen or there death.
Reports directly to
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