Muttonwood Mountains Geographic Location in YonZora | World Anvil

Muttonwood Mountains

The Muttonwood mountains named for the legendary Muttonwood forest that run parallel on the west side of the mountain range. These beautiful majestic mountains are located two days southwest of Camelot in the realm of Avalon. These majestic mountains run over a 1000 leagues in a north south direction. These mountains are intermixed with dormant volcanic peaks that run along the whole range with the tallest peak at 30,000 feet called Mount Olympus. These mountains are teaming with life much like the forest that run parallel with it. Beautiful snow capped mountains can be seen from miles away. On the east side of the mountains running parallel with it is the legendary forest know as Sleep Hollow. Another forest with tall tales and stories of intrigue. The legends of both forest bring all kinds of tourist, hunters, adventure seekers just name a few. There is even a tale of a family feud that has lasted many centuries.


Beautiful majestic mountain range with dormant volcanoes intermixed with the highest peak at 30,000 ft. The peak is called Mount Olympus.

Localized Phenomena

Deep within the Muttonwood there lies a thick concentration of stiff needled blue pine trees that is locally named the "Bray Glade" There are legend and stories of half-man, half-ram monstrosities that hunt anything that ventures inside the glade, but mostly such tales fall from the lips of drunken hunters who wish to explain away their lack of success.

Natural Resources

Sheep, goats, Wooly lambs, conifers, nut-bearing trees.


The mountain range attracts many climbers and hunters do to the Muttonwood forest that run along the length of the mountain ranges.  On the south end of the mountain range in the southern end of forest  is know for great party places called Revelry ran by Satyrs.
Alternative Name(s)
The sheep mountains
Mountain Range
Location under
Included Locations


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