Phanodes N Azure Settlement in YonZora | World Anvil

Phanodes N Azure

Phanodes the city built on hills. This coastal town is a fishing village, but no where near the fishing that Soteropolis or Camelot get each day. The Sea of Azure is teaming with sharks in this area. This area is known for its wine, almonds, and olives. The area is also known for it romantic views with its rolling hills in the city.  Phanodes is famous for its bathhouses, theaters, and art.


Three man City council of noble's pick by the King. Earl Brumbek: Tharbek (Male Dwarf) Vice countess: Bliss Erakas (Female Tiefling) Baroness: Wibrix Teyas (Female Halfling)

Industry & Trade

Fishing, wine, Ships yards, and fine grapes.


Mopsoro's Pewter:
  • The workshop of a male human pewtersmith named Mopsoro,
The Archer and Tankard:
  • A grand elven tavern, decorated with monstrous skulls.
An arch of weathered stone:
  • placed to honor Lord Pidico.
Phusosil's Pottery:
  • The workshop of a male human potter named Phusosil, who was once a great wizard, but stumbled into a fortune and retired.
The Guildhall:
  • An impressive half-timbered building, once a minor temple. It contains a large meeting hall and several smaller rooms, and is shared amongst several local merchant guilds.
Eniphus' Ironworks:
  • The workshop of a male human blacksmith named Eniphus, who was once the best weaponsmith in the kingdom.
The Shrine of Poseidon:
  • A stone niche enshrining the holy symbol of Poseidon, God of the Sea, said to be sometimes visited by the god himself.
Persa's Clocks:
  • A cluttered clockmaker's workshop, filled with swinging pendulums and interlocking gears.
The Arena:
  • A large semi-circular amphitheatre, said to be built upon an ancient and bloody battlefield.
The Fey Pavilion:
  • A two-storey stone-walled theatre, said to be haunted by the ghost of a mummer.
Glittergem Jewelers:
  • A well built stone building well protected owned by Zankur Glittergem. (Male Gnome)
Budding Tastes:
  • The is bakery is famous for its well renowned fritters and meat pies. Owned by a Zefora Sharkas (Female Halfling)
Bags Bunny:
  • A general merchandise store that sells adventure gear The owner also buys and sells fur pelts. Owned by a retired Ranger (Basom Shuz Human Male)

Guilds and Factions

Mariners Guild.


Thesaloniki Prison: This prison is located on an Island near the city of Phanodes. The hard core prisoners who have done the worst crimes are sent here. All of North Azure will transport prisoners here. The prison is famous for no one ever escaping. Several attempts have been made, but either the prisoners died or were captured before getting of the island. It has been said the the guards that run this place run a well discplined prison and will not tolerate and kind of bad behavior.   Temple of Poseidon: Like any other coastal fishing city or village there is a large temple dedicated to the god of the sea. The temple is ran by a Halfling priestess by the name of Gracey Ankas   Temple of APHRODITE:  The city of Phanodes besides its fishing is also known for its beautiful women and parties. The temple of Aphrodite's was built from almost the beginning even before the temple of Poseidon. This valleys are ripe with grapes and a beautiful view of the country side. Couples often come to Phanodes for their honeymoons and romantic getaways.  This temple is ran by a Human priestess by the name of Nixie Stormmoon.    Temple of DIONYSUS:  Because of the rich valley's of grape vineyards in this area and the fantastic wine made here in Phanodes the temple to the god of wine was built to honor fine wine and grapes that are grown and made in the Phanodes valleys.


Grapes, Olives, Almonds,
Founding Date
-9800 AD
Alternative Name(s)
The town built on hills.
Location under
Included Locations


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