Valad Impaler Winery Building / Landmark in YonZora | World Anvil

Valad Impaler Winery

The Valad Impaler Winery is located a Day and half north of the town of Phandoes.  The vineyards and winery has been around for centuries. The family that owns it is the Wallachia family.  Not much is known about the family except that they have owned  Impaler winery from the start. What is know about the family is that they are a family similar to a gypsy family. The traveling they do is to sell there wine which is the second best wine in central Norther Azure. They like the Halfling seem to have the blessing of Demeter as well.  There very furtile grounds are renown in the area.

Purpose / Function

Makes every kind of wine for all races.  Even their elderberry wine competes with the elves. There wine is known thought out central and southern Azure.


Grapes of every kind.


The winery was bought on the 1st of Cupid in the year 10100 by the Wallachia family. They took the then rundown vineyard and turned into the second best winery in the Phandoes valley. The family has worked hard to get to this stage of the business.


Located just north of Phandoes it is a hot spot for tourism. The winery is one of many wine tasting stops in the Phandoes vally.
Founding Date
1st of Cupid 10100 C.D.
Warehouse, Massive / Storage complex
Parent Location


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