Salmantica N Azure Settlement in YonZora | World Anvil

Salmantica N Azure

Salmantica  was built in the first year of the new Era. The three clans that live in the Socrates forest negotiated with the Crown Prince Arthur Pendragon the IX. The elves pick what trees can be harvested and sold to market. The timber that comes from this massive forest is the finest timber in all of YonZora. The population of the town is limited.  The amount of Timber that can be harvested is also limited. The people of this town honor the deal and will not put up any one who tries to break the contract. The town people are friendly to out siders as long as they follow the conditions of the pact made.


  • 50 percent Human
  • 30 percent Elf
  • 10 percent Unknown race
  • 10 percent various races. 


  • Baron Kristofer Sanborn
  • Lord Aquilan Legolas
  • Lady Keenor Elrond

Industry & Trade

  • Timber
  • Spell components
  • Medical components
  • dyes
  • Exotic Fruits
  • Maple tree saps.
  • Fresh game
  • pelts


  • The Guildhall: An impressive half-timbered building, decorated with finely carved gargoyles. It contains a large meeting hall and several smaller rooms, and is shared amongst several local merchant guilds.
  • The Bloody Shield: A modest dwarven tavern, built atop an outcrop of obsidian
  • The White Pipe: A grand elven inn, which seems to be bigger on the inside than on the outside.
  • Gifu's Carvings: The workshop of a female human woodcarver named Gifu, who also brews potions and elixirs.
  • Hylle's Woodwork: A neglected woodcarver's workshop, carved out of the trunk of a large oak tree.
  • Boris lumber Mill: The only lumber mill in town that cuts and process the timber for market
  • Jaquelin's Amusing Forest of everything.
  • The Amusing Forest Pharmacy: Owned by Zindan Galadriel

Guilds and Factions

  • Guild of the Lumberjacks
  • Guild of Hunters & Trappers
  • Guild of Potion Makers
  • Guild of the Teamsters  


This town was built after the pact with the elves of the forest. The lumber mill was the first building built then the town was build around the lumber mill. The river is used to move the wood to the markets in Soteropolis. The town has thrived by following the edicts of the pact made. The town leaders follow these edicts to the word and will not let any outsiders stray from these edicts.


The town sets on the banks of the river Brixia surrounded by the seemingly magical Socrates forest.

Natural Resources

  • Lumber
  • Spell components
  • Medical supplements 
Founding Date
01 CD
Location under
Owning Organization


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