Socrates Forest Geographic Location in YonZora | World Anvil

Socrates Forest

This legendary forest hold many secrets that have yet to be discovered. How such a green and lush forest survives in a dry climate has baffled Azuring historians and archeologist since its discovery. Wood elves live in these forest and will do anything to protect the forest and its secrets. The timber that comes from these forest is high quality wood that is harvested only in the towns of Salmantica and Katendos. Any place else that the timber is taken from the parties involved have dissapeared never to be seen or heard from ever again.


The Socrates forest is thick with tree's and rolling hills and valleys. The Socrates river and Brixia river run through this massive forest. both rivers run into Kriton Lake. Wood elves are know to populate this region and have kept thriving for thousands of year.


There seems to be a magical effect in this forest. People who camp in these forest can sometime hear singing in the evening. The forest has survived forest fires, pestilence, disease, and war since they were discovered.


It hard to describe the climate in these forest. Magic seems to control the forest. Even though this area of Avalon is a dry climate these forest are all ways green and lush with vegetation.

Natural Resources

Portions of the forest are set a side for timber to be harvested.  The wood that comes from these forest is high quality wood that sought through out the realms.


This forest has survived the test of time.  Man has learned to harvest the timber through the school of hard knocks. The wood elves who live in this forest protect the forest  with their lives and will not put with any one who does not treat this forest right. Legends say the forest is alive and will take care of those who do not treat the forest well. Legends also talk of walking trees who roam through the forest as well though this has not been confirmed. This forest has been here since the beginning even before the elves arrived to live in it.
Included Locations
Owning Organization
Related Reports (Primary)
Inhabiting Species


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