Session 12: The Grand Rose Returns 2 Report Report in YonZora | World Anvil

Session 12: The Grand Rose Returns 2 Report

General Summary

The companions of Franchise K while conducting an ambush on a jolly carrying weapons and armor to stop a smuggling operation ordered by the king stumbled on information that a Roman Legion is in the area someplace and that this was the first shipment of weapons for an operation called Caesar. The Legates turns out to be Dante's farther. The Captured NCO moon elf turned out to be Dagwyn identical twin sister. She also has learned that her father is still alive. Also on the note was a name of Legatus Legionis Harker. Also on the note was the name Shruikan who was supposed to be coming soon and would aid in the attack giving them the advantage. The twin sister name is Magwynn Oakenbreeze Dagwyn also learns that her father is still alive and is being  tortured for his betrayal to the Black Moon Empire by her mother. Dante is able to pick up the Dragon Armies weapons with out taking any damage. Dante is giving a choice to who he must follow. Did the companions intercept this message in time. Can this Legion be stopped or found so many questions that need to be answered for the companions and individuals of the companions them selves. The party heads for the open sea on the captured jolly heading to Grand Rose to try and put the smuggling operation down once and for all.

Rewards Granted

Will combine session 12 and 13 together for EXP points and rewards.

Character(s) interacted with

Magwynn Oakenbreeze (Dagwyn twin sister) Sanbalet
The War for Soteropolis
Dagon Innsmouth
Raz'Thrak Bloodhoof
Dagwyn Oakencrown
Dimmir “Brightlight”
Chaotic Neutral Satyr (Revelry Bouncer )
Barbarian 1
14 / 14 HP
Report Date
17 Feb 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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