Dimmir “Brightlight” Character in YonZora | World Anvil

Dimmir “Brightlight”


A job well finished, with a party on the horizon!
499 AD 30th of Demeter

Well, it's the 30th and I thought I'd take some time to sit and reflect now that the job is done.   Leaving off from before I woke the morning of the 23rd and headed downstairs to have a morning feast. My fellows seemed to already have their favorites picked out, but I hadn't sampled the wares before so I ordered everything they hadn't yet ordered from the menu. However, it seems I was wrong in assuming it a feast. They had picked a single meal without thinking of more. This was a good state of mind though. shortly after realizing that, I sampled most of what I had. Meanwhile, they all finished their meal and Calahan had even chatted up another table for more info on the old man's cabin. I wasn't sad to see the food left though. That bus boy or tavern wench was going to eat well for the rest of the day off of those table scraps!   We do a days safe travel and end up at the cabin that evening, a good sign the cheeseman always has a trustworthy route to travel and was hopefully fine. We arrive and the door is welcomingly ajar with a faint glow coming from within. All very good signs of a welcoming home from what I've heard tale of and witnessed so far at the inns...everyone else seemed conserned and cautious. The outside world seems to breed such emotions. You can at least say the positive in all the negative is that such caution has helped them survive the situations that their mutual distrust and paranoia creates...enough of all that philosophy though. Save that for later with a nice pipeweed!   All we found though was a house filled with spoiled goods and a few goats inside. They thought it also a bit untidy, but what expert at their craft DOESN'T let the side duties go a little bit. Honestly it just looked like he had a bad batch and was so focused on resupplying and resetting before the festival that he just left the bad batch where it was and just set out for resupply. After the group handled a handful of rats that had gathered in the barn, me and the bard heading to the cellar to see if he had stowed away down there or more rats needed clearing out. He found a list of names the old man, I thought, had been assigning to local wildlife. Nothing lifts your spirits more when you live alone then saying hello to a familiar face while out on the scavange. Assigning names to those wildlife just makes it all the more enjoyable. A self-made tight knit community of your own making. Already had a few wolves assigned. He also found a short sword while I found a few potions, come to find they were for healing. The tiefling gives the place another once over and finds a 2nd cellar it was smaller though and just had a strangley large saddle. A note was found too, but I can't recall where.   We all pondered a painting in the main living area and debated following some tracks leading from the house after hearing an eerie howl and worrying for the old man. I figured, with the tales going around, finding the old man now to ensure his safety wasn't a bad idea. But most were exhausted and some where injured more than others from the rats, so we stayed the night and headed off first thing on the old man's trail. We encountered some very odd voices along the way asking our business in the forest. They sounded animal in nature but we never got a look at a body. The group was very honest about what we were doing (I was so proud of how trusting the tiefling still was) and the voices left us on our way. We travel for some more time and finally come upon the old man. It seems the only thing he's found on this supply run was a big ol' pickle!   A minotaur and some lacky's were using him as a sacrifice in some ritual we jumped to take out the front line while they got a stab in to him. We got him healed and were starting in on the minotaur himself with some range when all the sudden some wolves standing on their hind legs jumped in to help us finish the job and saved the old man. One of the wolves died but it was revealed after passing that underneath all that fir their just humans. Looked similar to the condition of some of the corpes outside Lisontos actually.   After saving him he starts to tell us all about these things called vampires which are apparently those undead bodies in town and something about Posidon enlisting a group of his "Werewolves" as "dragon riders" against this unholy foe. All the dragons are of course gone, but the old man and these others remain to keep up the fight.   After all that, some of the group talked his ear off while we headed back to town with news of the cheese man. With tomorrow being the holiday and some fresh coin in my pocket I look forward to seeing how these outsiders party when they put their minds to it!

Odd, but Effective, Customs and Driven Companions
499 CD 22nd of Demeter

Day...I don't really recall...since I left the Revelry: Finally reached the town of Lisontos noted in the letter I had received. I noticed a strange custom I hadn't seen for celebrations. Their had been an attack just outside of town and it seems I had happened upon the guards halfway through the task of hanging the mangled bodies along their walls while they also pondered why half the bodies were completely nude. Hanging the bodies seems like it would be an effective deterant, so I offered to help. They turned me down after I wasn't able to really shed light on the oddities of the bodies state. One things for sure, after the festival, that will be a prestinely clean wall. Whoevers assigned to the task, I'm sure they'll want to THUROUGHLY clean it in hopes to wipe any reminder of the image from their memory as well.   I head to the inn along with a ragtag group of people whom were also arriving and noting the guards diligent work. Come to find these individuals had recieved the same letter I had. Even noted a familiar face I hadn't seen in quite a few years, a talented teifling bard. I could always recognize him by his flare! He was also one to never turn down a drink, and to my delight he had forgotten the name of one of the oldest tricks in the book and drank some of that Elven knockout juice without hesitation. Probably not the best moment for him to pass out either, our mysterious writer was filling us in on the details of our job and having us sign contracts. Silver lining, maybe more for us since he missed the signing part. Also couldn't miss the opportunity to doodle on him, respect the classics. Lord knows the preists did since they didn't prestidigitation it away while waking him.   The job was simple, investigate an old man in the woods who hadn't been seen for a ten-day and was scheduled to have been providing cheese shipments in preperation for the festival. The job Even payed a decent 100 electrum a day!   Some of our new companions seemed oddly focused on the scuffle that had happened outside of town though. They seemed intelligent, so maybe they just loved solving a good mystery that stumped them. Coming with us to wake up our teifling they inquired about some bodies they had heard were being stored here and got to study them under the guise that we had been hired to do so. It appears they were some kind of undead with elongated Canine teeth that had been impaled with some wood.   Thinking the wood was relavent (though I can't imagine why. A branch through my chest would end me just as easily) the companions head to the guards offices to try and grab the remaining wood...again under the guise that we were hired to look into it. I'm starting to suspect their passion for the mystery may have deafened their ears to our actual job, it is good to see the passion for thier misunderstood task though. The officer said only the captain has access to the part of the offices with the objects they seek, but he is also unable to give up evidence of the incident. Finding this unacceptable they go at him for quite a few more rounds insisting he wake the captain because the wood is key to our survival in the woods beyond. I'm all for everyone pursuing their own path. But I also know that my new companions seem to have a sense of duty that they wouldn't want to see tarnished. I apologize to the guard and try to mention how our job is actually about the missing cheese vendor. It didn't seem to sink in though so I left them to their pursuit and let them know I'd meet them at the gate. They never showed though, these other races are always oddly cautious about night travel. I head back to the tavern for the night, try a new experience; it's what makes life the joy that it is! Hopefully we won't get docked pay for our day of trivial pursuits. I wouldn't blame him, 1,000 electrum would be a large boon for such a small town. Even if we do though, we will still have earned the knowledge of those pursuits.   We all eat and head out and come upon a halfling inn at which point we inqure more about the undead and old man. They don't know much about the undead, but we did find that a full moon was a ten-day ago. The same day the old man was last seen. We all sit down for a bite and I decide to write this. Since I'm getting paid by the day I should learn the joys of keeping track of them!


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