Session 13: The Grand Rose 3 Report Report in YonZora | World Anvil

Session 13: The Grand Rose 3 Report

General Summary

The companions of Franchise K headed for the Grand Rose with a plan to sneak aboard and try to take the ship stealthily. With some advice from Sanbalet about using the Sea of Azure to there advantage knowing that there are unknown creatures that roam the sea at night taking many sailor victims and any one else that dared get close to the sea at night. Unknown to the companions was the choice of Dante and his new loyalty to the pantheon who soul was sold to by his father. As the companions struggled with the Sea of Azure to get to the boat finally reaching it round the first hour of the day of the 22nd of Zeus. Approaching the boat two plans went into play the companions and Dante. Dagwyn was preparing to fire a arrow at one of three crew members leaning againts the rale of the Grand Rose. When She and Jasmal noticed Dante pointing a finger and whispering something in the Direction of the boat. Suddenly one of those crew members started to sound the alarm of ambush approaching. Immediately crew members from the Grand rose started to head to the ships ballista's. Dagwyn fired an arrow quickly at the crew member she intended on hitting while she warned her companions about the betrayal. Arceven asked Raz' Thrak to throw him towards the ballista's at the bow of the ship. Danta responded with praise Thanika and blasted Eldridge Blast at Arceven and asking Raz' Thrak to join him in there moment of glory for Thanika. Dimmer tried to do non lethal damage to Dante but to his surprise the golden rapier Saphira had other plans inflicting lethal damage to Dante. Dimmer immediately applied a healing potion to Dante which angered Saphira and Thorn then Dimmer was able to persuade Saphira that he had a plan to deal with the traitorous Dante. Raz' Thrak angered by the betrayal knocked out Dante and tied him up. Meanwhile Raz' Thrak and Dimmer did get aboard the ship when Jasmal used her Thaumaturgy with her voice booming 10 times as loud as a red aurora could be seen around her. A massive wave came out of no wear striking the port side of the ship as well scaring the crew of the Grand Rose into surrendering. The crew was bought to the main deck and Dagwyn began her interrogation of the crew. The crew memorized and confused by the questions being asked. This was there Sergeant and why was she asking questions that she should all ready know. Then when she ask about Bette the Siren Adlam the crew looked out to the starboard side of the ship as Raz' Thrak shouted flying boat inbound. Into the darkness the companions could make out a large flying creature fast approaching with a rider on it. The crew ran scared and headed below deck as the creature approached the ship. Raz' Thrak and Bonnie who were on the ballista's began firing on the creature as well as Dagwyn hitting the creature once. Those trained in martial and simple weapons could here the sound of cross bow being released in the darkness. Suddenly the main deck exploded with a fiery explosion as Dagwyn, Jasmal, and Karrin taking damage from the explosion. Jasmal and Dagwyn was able to survive the blast Unfortunalley Karrin was taking out. As the crew rushed back to the main deck to put out the fire that was now on the ship the companions continued to fight Bette. The companions were able to with the stand the charm of Bette's singing as well. Bette swooped down and pick up Dante who lay tied up and conscious on the Jolly and started to fly away. Arceven and Raz' Thrak contiued to fire blindly at the flying creature. Raz ' Thrak last attack before the creature was completely out of range managed to fatally kill the flying creature as the companions heard a large splash. Once the crew got the fire out on the main deck and the the boat ready to sale under Raz' Thrak orders headed to wear they estimated the splash was. As they approached the area Jasmal thought she saw a large black shadow come from the sky and the whole crew heard a noise that they never heard before. Then the large black form flied away before they got there. The crew found the dissolved remains of what was left of the creature. Dante body was not seen or found.

Rewards Granted

  • 300 EXP for Session 12
  • 1399 EXP for Session 13
  • 10 morningstars (Crate)
  • 10 Longswords (Crate)
  • 10 Shields (Crate)
  • 10 Javelins (Crate)
  • 01 set of splint mail (Dagwyns sister)
  • 03 sets of Scale Mail
  • Four Shields (Men in Jolly)
  • 15 Javelins (Men in Jolly) Can only be touched by Dante or take Acid Damage. 
  • 01 Heavy Cross bow (Dagwyn Sister)
  • 03 Long Swords (Men in Jolly) only can be touched by Dante or take acid damage. 

Missions/Quests Completed

The Grand Rose

Character(s) interacted with

  • Bette 'The Siren' Adlam
  • Captain Sigurd "Snake Eyes"
  • Punketah (Deck Wizard)
  • Foul Frithoff (Bosun)
  • Bloody Bjorn (First Mate)
  • Sanbalet


Dante Pyre was last seen being carried away on a  dragon type creature on the Sea of Azure.  The Dragon like creature was killed by Franchise K, but Dante body was never recovered and is considered lost at Sea.
The War for Soteropolis
Dagon Innsmouth
Raz'Thrak Bloodhoof
Dagwyn Oakencrown
Dimmir “Brightlight”
Chaotic Neutral Satyr (Revelry Bouncer )
Barbarian 1
14 / 14 HP
Report Date
23 Feb 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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