Session 14: The Crude Map Report Report in YonZora | World Anvil

Session 14: The Crude Map Report

General Summary

As the companions of Franchise K spent several hours securing the the Grand Rose and its crew and guaranteeing the crew that it would not be turned in for its crimes againts the crown. Raz' Thrak told Captain Sigurd that this would be his flag ship. The companions was able to find the weapons crates besides the ones that was all ready delivered. They also a crewed map of a location some place around Soteropolis but no markings or writings to indicate where the location was unless you knew the area. They also found the payment for the delivery of the weapons in the form of a chest full of Talent trade bars. The captain also told the companions that he also had a chest which was half the payment he was given and the rest was to be paid after the delivery of the weapons. Also in there search about the ship the crew found a small holding cell holding a sea elf and two Tieflings. The sea elf was cowering in far corner chained to the hull. The two tieflings were beaten to a pulp and lay uncontentious and chained to the hull as well. The elf name is Oceanus and tells the companions that the king of sea elves advisors have been keeping eye on what going on the surface and have watched this ship come several times to this location and moving things to some place on the land. He was assigned to find out where the stuff they were moving the stuff to. He says that the last time this kind of secret movement was happening was over 700 years ago just before the start of the War of the Ancients. The fact that it was this same location 700 years ago is what peaked the interest of the Sea Elves. Unfortuanlly he was seen and captured and has been on the ship for five ten-days. The two tieflings are brothers the older one who name is Alford while the younger one is Marik. The story is that they came to Soteropolis to work a deal out with Acq Inc on moving things that need to be moved but not openly. Oswald had contacted their sister Panderica and suggested that she meet with the Franchise owner. The went to the open net to do the pit fights because the franchise owner was out and they did not know when he would return. The little brother won several pit fights againts the crew of this ship and apparently the Bosman did not like this and drugged the two tieflings and beat them to a pulp then brought them onto the ship to be sold to a minotaur clan north of here. While this was going on three ships were spotted by Dagwyn from the crows nest approaching the Grand Rose. The center ship had the royal flag the ships made two of the ships put themselves into a defensive location while the third ship positioned them selves to board the Grand Rose. Once solid contact was established a rope bridge was set up between the ships and five cloaked and hooded figures walked aboard the Grand Rose and went straight to the Captains quarters. The Companions joined the robed figures where once again King Arthur met with the companions. The king was brought up to date on the capture of the ship and the intel that they had discovered. The crud map was brought up and the King looked at Raz' Thrak to ask if that was there next conquest. He not only wanted them to find the location, but also gather what intel they could get on the location. Then the king began asking questions to both Raz' Thrak and Dimmir on there intentions with with the valued weapons they possess. Then a discussion went on between the two companions and there weapons. Thron informed Raz' Thrak they they had faithfully served the Pendragon line for thousands of years and that he hoped that he would do the same. He assured Raz' Thrak that he was not asking him to give up his full independence, but that he put the needs of YonZora first then his needs. Thorn assured the Minotaur that the Dragons who served YonZora were very much independent and would not put up with any race that went its againts the ideals of the dragons. YonZora and the protection of YonZora was the most important. A reluctant Raz' Thrak and the Nieve Dimmer dropped to a knee and swore there allegiance to the King. The King Knighted them as members of the Order of the Red Dragon but also gave them the command of the The Order of the Phoenix a secret organization among the Order of the Red Dragon. Raz' Thrak was promoted to the rank of Field Marshal Commander of the Order of Phoenix and Dimmer was promoted to General and XO of the Order. Then the companions took a well deserved long rest as the all four ships sailed back to Soteropolis. Thorn and Saphira both said that they feel the presence another companion by the name of Puff. Once arriving in Soteropolis the companions headed back to the guild house where they met the sister of Marik and Alfred who looked relieved when she first saw them giving them loving affectionate hug then immediately slapped them in the face and began scolding them about there actions and that they put the family business and structure in danger. This impressed Raz' Thrak and he joined in the family bonding. Then Panderica went into the guild hall to talk to the Franchise owner about the moving of black market items and the employment of her youngest Marik with the guild. The party also learned that Shruikan is the name of an ancient black dragon thought to be dead. and the the black stone on the sigil of the crimson brotherhood meant that he was in North Azure. The companions need to focus on finding the location of the dragons. The Name of Puff was also mention by the two dragon weapons to Dimmir and Raz'Thrak. The location of the crude map after Oceanus and some locals studied it determined that it was near the city of Tegila 17 leagues north of Soteropolis. Mr. French and the new chef has also turned the new guild hall into a very busy place as non guild members have come to eat the food of the guild bring good business to the guild as well as three more adventure groups.

Rewards Granted

  1. 300 EXP Points
  2. 10 Trade bars 100 Talents Each (Dragon Army Quarters)
  3. 10 Trade bars 100 Talents Each (Captains Quarters)
  4. 50 bolts of Silk (50 Drachma each)
  5. 40 Casks of Brandy (10 Drachma each)
  6. 40 Casks of Fine wine (7 Sheckels each)
  7. 01 large crate of high quality Mining gear (200 Sheckels)
  8. A pack of well-used, greasy playing cards with two ace of spades.
  9. Spell Scroll Gust of Wind
  10. Two sets of dice one of them loaded
  11. A book titled Grog Hovels, which describes Taverns and inns along the coastline suitable for patronage 
  12. 700 Drachma
  13. 50 Sheckels
  14. Five crates each of the following weapons with 10 in each crate with the exception of the Javelins which is 20 in those crates:
  15. Morningstars
  16. longswords
  17. Shields
  18. Javelins
  19. Punketah Spell book:
  20. Cantrips: Friends, mage hand, prestidigitation, ray of Frost
  21. 1st Level: Disguise self, fog of cloud, mage armor, witch bolt.
  22. 2nd Level: Gust of Wind, Melf's Acid arrow, misty step 

Missions/Quests Completed

The Grand Rose.

Character(s) interacted with

  • King Arthur
  • Orym Bimyar
  • Bonnie Stormwalker
  • Duke Fagus
  • Earl Hippasus
  • Captain Sigurd
  • Lieutenant Colonol Virric Shonnax
  • Alfred Blight (Male Tiefling)
  • Panderica Blight (Female Tiefling)
  • Sanbalet
  • Oceanus (Male Sea Elf)
  • Mr. French (Male Moon Elf)

Created Content

The Order of the Phoenix has been reformed with Raz' Thrak and Dimmer.
The War for Soteropolis
Dagon Innsmouth
Raz'Thrak Bloodhoof
Dagwyn Oakencrown
Dimmir “Brightlight”
Chaotic Neutral Satyr (Revelry Bouncer )
Barbarian 1
14 / 14 HP
Report Date
02 Mar 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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