Session 15: The village of Tegile Report Report in YonZora | World Anvil

Session 15: The village of Tegile Report

General Summary

The companions of Franchise K arrive in Soteropolis and prepare for the next adventure. Take some prepared bathes that were prepared by Mr. French taking a days rest as they prepare for there next job for the king. The companions learned that the newly hired assistant of Mr. French has hired four new adventure groups and four were leaving the next day for new jobs. The new cook was growing in popularity and was attracting non guild members for meals. The sea elf Onceanus that was rescued on the Grand Rose and newly hired intern mage Sanbalet worked on the crude drawn map for hours to finally discover that the map location is the fishing village of Tegila 17 leagues north of Soteropolis in the middle of the Drowned Forest. While a few members of the companions were having breakfast when a young female dwarf and a young male Orc dressed in robes of royal blue with a gold sigil of a phoenix on there chest arrived in the guild hall. They asked for Dimmir and Raz' Thrak were not present at the time. Dagon showed them around the guild and took them to the quarters of Dimmir and Raz'Thrak. Then Dagon left for the Village of Odessus to meet with Annia Alethia to tell her of her position with Acq Inc not knowing that the companions would be leaving for the village of Tegila. Other members arrived at the guild hall and discussion of how they were going to get to Tegila they discovered that Raz'Thrak flag ship the Grand Rose was under the kings authority. The crew has been arrested and are in the prison cells of the Charlie company a waiting trial. Raz Thrak along with the aid of Dagwyn spend the day fulfilling his promise to Captain Sigurd and his Crew. The rest of the campions left around the 15 hour knowing that they would arrive in the next town of Clazos close to early morning hours of the Thor's day the 24th of Zeus. Along the way to the town of Clazos Dimmir, Arceven, Jasmal, Raz' Thrak, Karrin and the newly hired employee Marik ran into a Three Hobgoblins and a Skeletal Knight collecting a toll tax to cross a bridge that crossed the Socrates river. Of course the companions would not be paying any tax to Hobgoblins. Jasmal, Karrin, and Raz' Thrak paladin and cleric training also knew that a Skeletal Knight only served a powerful Death Knight. The sigil on the knight and the Hobgoblins was a Black Rose.

Rewards Granted

  • 200 EXP (role Play)
  • 400 EXP (Combat Encounter)
  • Three sets of Chain mail with the Sigil of a Black Rose on them. 
  • Three long swords
  • Three long bows

Character(s) interacted with

  • Oceanus (Male Sea Elf)
  • Sanbalet (Male Human)
  • Mr. French ( Male Moon Elf)
  • Halie Ribes (Female Human Guild Chef)
  • Panderica (Female Tiefling Mariks Sister)
  • Jinwin Gullurin (Female Dwarf Raz'Thraks Squire)
  • Grag The Barbaric ( Male Orc Dimmirs Squire)
The War for Soteropolis
Dagon Innsmouth
Raz'Thrak Bloodhoof
Dagwyn Oakencrown
Dimmir “Brightlight”
Chaotic Neutral Satyr (Revelry Bouncer )
Barbarian 1
14 / 14 HP
Report Date
16 Mar 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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