Session 40: The Village of Betu Report Report in YonZora | World Anvil

Session 40: The Village of Betu Report

General Summary

20-22 Of Cupid, 500 CD Location The village of Betu which is in the Zavabu realm on the continent of Sappire.   The companions of Shining Eclipse after Marik touched a magical ruin in a tome found in the library of Clodia Alethia ended up in the middle of a desert. Now mind you there is no desert anywhere on N Azure. The closest thing to a desert is the plains of the Cyan Moon as the halfling have nick named their home realm. Where they stood was a hot desert and 50 feet below them stood a half buried statue of a brass dragon as Sir Karrin would come to determine. There two humans, a boy and older gentlemen, were digging around the statue. They were dressed in loose fitting robes called an Aba with cloaks called Jellaba. They also carried a dagger and a scimitars as well. Dagon looking on upon these two nomad recognized where he was and began telling the party that the customs here were nothing like the kingdom of Avalon. She suggested to the woman in the party that while they were here that they would be part of his hariom with Karrin being his Eunuch and Sir Marrik his body guard. This did not boad well with Baroness Dagwyn but she went along with it until they could figure out what was going on. They went down the sand dune to meet the Stranger who name was Shamir and his grandson Pesh. In true hospitality the companions were given some water. Unfortunalley when they were teleported the only thing that went with them is what they carried on their bodies. Dagon in the proper custom began a conversation with Shamir asking if wives could stand behind the side of the statue to protect them from the scorching sun. Dagon set up Dagwyn perfectly where she could use her skills to investigate the statue without breaking any customs of the land. He along with his son Arceven and Sir Marik kept the two distracted so that Dagwyn could use her skills. In doing so she found a secret compartment that was trapped and more than likely would have killed the old man and his son. The compartment consisted of a 6' long circular tube with the head of a dragon on top of it with cobalt eyes matching the statues cobalt eyes. She carefully pulled out a plain oak staff which also held a scroll wrapped around the staff. Meanwhile Sir Marik climbed the statue to get the two cobalt eyes giving one of them to Shamir being they found the statue first. Then the old man offered to take them to Betu a village 10 leagues away which would provide some shelter, food, and water for them. Once reaching the village the old man and grandson departed saying that if they needed a guide please reach out to him and he would help them.   The companions were able to find a rooms at the Welcoming Fools a two story inn ran by a human by the name of Smot. He looking at the fact that Dagon had three wives was very impressed by Dagon and gave him his best suite which also included a adequate room for his wives and Eunuch's. Having a dinner which included lamb, or goat, vegetables, goat cheese, goat milk, and pita bread. Dagon was able to barter with the inn keeper obtaining tobacco and some gold rings for use later when needed to barter. The party took night of rest and the morning of the 21st of cupid began their investigation based on the clues left on the scroll. Dagon, Arceven, and Marik went to the temple of Set and began inquiring with the High priest of the 7temple whom he met before in his many travels into this land. Meanwhile the three ladies along with their body guard Karrin went to the local market to gather information as well. One of the clues on the scroll was to look for a third wife and bring back her staff. The companions from both groups discovered that there was only one person in the village rich enough to have three wives. This was Adar-Malik the town healer and was married to three wives Zakiti, Istar, and Reba. The companions met just outside of the market square and headed to the Exigent Emporium a large one story building that stood out from all the other building. Even the inside was very well decorated with all kinds of decor. One the healer not only recognized Dagon for the fact that he had the symbol of Set on his turban, but he had to be rich as well coming in with three wives, a son, a body guard, and a eunuch Adar-Malik at once shut down his business and got his wives to set up lunch for his guest and son. Once the lunch was set up the wives met in the kitchen and began talking. Jasmal shared her fresh dates, figs, and olives with the meal as well. This pleased the women and a positive conversation was going on with two of the three wives. When Reba who had white skin compared to the olive completion of the other two wives spoke the most of the three. Dagwyn, Jasmal, and Zayrdi started questing the wife named Reba the most. They were able to see that she had red hair as well. Then Reba asked if that was the staff that was asked to be brought back to her. Jasmal then answered yes and handed the staff back to the young lady. When this exchange was done a bright flash of light went through out the house lighting up the whole inside of the house. The men who were having lunch rushed into the kitchen to discover Jasmal passed out. This upset the host who proceeded to be his second wife for the all the trouble that was just caused and blamed her for the his guest wife being passed out. As Dagon checked out Jasmal he noticed a mark on her left hand that he had seen about a month ago when they were visited by a wood elf in the town of Clazos. This mark symbolized a Dovahkin. The host took his second wife out of the room Reba have Dagon a bag of rings pleading to her out of this house hold. Dagon then took the gold and bartered with the host for compensation for what was done to his wife he demanded that he buy the 3rd wife of the host. Looking at the gold then Reba this woman has not provided me with any children at all and gladly sold Reba to Dagon. While at the Hall of records getting everything legalized the party carrying on with the next clue left by Reba to find the tomes was a set of caves two days travel to reach in the hot desert sun. After the documentation was complete Reba asked to go outside of the city where she transformed herself into her true form a gargantuan brass dragon. Spreading her wings out she let out a very loud roar looked at the party and said that she could not help in the search of the tome, but that she needed to find it because it was the key to finding the next tome. Then the massive dragon flew off letting Jasmal know that she would be in the area if needed. As she flew away she called out saying I am Ramoth the Protector of the weak. Then the companions went back into to town to stay another night and prepare for the their two day journey or more to find the tome.

Rewards Granted

  • 400 EXP : Jasmal, Marik, Dagwyn, Arceven, Dagon, Karrin, and Zaydri. 
  • 300 EXP: Dimmir, Conan, Raz'Thrak. 
  • 50 Bonus EXP: to Jasmal
  • 25 Bonus EXP: to Arceven, Marik, Dagwyn. 
  • A plain oak wood staff. 
  • four healing potions (given to Dagon)
  • Ramoth A Brass Greatwyrm.  (Chose Jasmal as her rider.)

Character(s) interacted with

  1. Pesh 16 year old human boy with a naïve charm but wise to the ways of the Zavabu. He will warms up to the party if he treated with respect.
  2. Shamir Pesh's grandfather the leader of the Bedine nomadic tribe. He is cautious yet honorable. He is wary of magic users they bring the Nubian mercenaries to the region and was responsible for the destruction of the city of Necropolis and its kind. The statue intrigues him because of stories his great grandfather told him of such a creature that protected this region from the Nubian and armies of Cairo that has not been seen in centuries.
  3. Adar-malik is a middle aged man in his 50's who has three wives and is the local healer if you can afford him. He buys his products from Farma and is a devout worshipper of the Egyptian Pantheons. He is also the local tax collector.
  4. Zakita First wife of Adar-Malik very devout to her husband who is 40 years old. and is the favored one Giving him four boys.
  5. Istar Second wife of Adar-Malik her marriage was arranged and could be persuaded in the right situation. She is mistreated and abused is only 20 years old giving him three children all girls.
  6. Reba Third wife another arranged marriage who has the ability to make potions. She appears to be in her mid-20's and has not Boar any children yet.
The War for Soteropolis
Dagon Innsmouth
Raz'Thrak Bloodhoof
Dagwyn Oakencrown
Snoopy Baron
Dimmir “Brightlight”
Chaotic Neutral Satyr (Revelry Bouncer )
Barbarian 1
14 / 14 HP
Pyfor GreenDragonFly
Report Date
01 Feb 2024
Primary Location
Related Characters


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