Session 41: Leaving for the cave of Haruun. Report Report in YonZora | World Anvil

Session 41: Leaving for the cave of Haruun. Report

General Summary

Anubis Day, 22nd and the Morning of 23rd of Cupid, 500 CD.   Shining Eclipse woke up to a very warm day at 70 degrees at the 7th hour of the day. The companions still adjusting to the extreme desert weather dealing with the changes their own way. The companions spent the early part of the day shopping and gathering supplies for the trip. Through the new companion of Jasmal she was able to understand the Arabic language. As the companions shopped and tried to barter with the market system they were able to get the needed supplies for their trip to the Haruun cave. Dagon was able to get a street urchin to find Shamir, and Pish to be there guide through the desert. He was warned by the street urchin to keep on the down low about those two because they were wanted by the local Nubian mercenaries who hunted the desert roaming nomadic tribes. The market come out on the good end of the bartering on this day as the companions paid way more than they should have for the gear and equipment that they acquired.   As the companions were gathering gear Jasmal notice that the second wife of Adar-Malik in a slave cage. When she asked Dagon to inquire it was learned that a trade caravan was coming to town and that she was be sold back to the city of Farma. She was deemed a useless piece of property because she did not provide any sons to her husband. She was to be sold to the prince of Farma or even the Pharoah as a concubine. This upset Jasmal greatly and she did everything she could to try and free Istar from prison within the means of the customs. Dagon himself tried to see if he could purchase the wife but because royalty being involved he could not get her free either. Meanwhile Arceven learned that he was being ripped off by Adar-Malik slipped a potion of poison in the barter. This potion looks like a healing potion.   The companions left around the 22nd hour of the day meeting their guide a league out of town. The party started to head north of Betu knowing that it was going to be a two days of traveling to reach the caves. Dagon was informed by Pish to keep it low of to where they were traveling to. The local government did everything it could to deny the existence of these caves and the possible history involved in the caves. Four hours into their trip the party came upon the talked about trade caravan. No survivals were to be found. The wagons that contained cages has all the bindings that would hold slaves opened. The bodies that laid around the caravan were all males. The wagons had been damaged by fire, but were not able to determine the cause of the fire. Some speculate that it was Ramoth but no evidence could be found to support that. Then around the around the 4th hour of the 23rd of Cupid the party ran into three giant scorpions and four wight's. This battle took place when the party was separated at Reba's request as she wanted the new saddle to be placed on her so that she could begin the training with Jasmal as a Dovahkin. Ramoth with Jasmal on her back and Karrin riding his dragonnel came in laying a cone of fire that killed two wights and a giant scorpion. Then in her glee of being free roared in victory almost killing her new found friends that were not dovahkin and did take out the two guides but did kill of the remaining giant scorpions. Then realizing what she did with a second breath weapon healed the two guides.

Rewards Granted

  • 544 EXP rewarded to Dimmir, Conan, Raz'Thrak.
  • 700 EXP rewared to Jasmal, Arceven, Karrin, Dagon, Dagwyn, Marik, Zaydri. Adjust based on the adjusted combat.
  • Four Long Bows
  • Four Long swords
  • Four sets of Studded leather.
  • Two Healing potions.

Character(s) interacted with

  • Pesh 16 year old human boy with a naïve charm but wise to the ways of the Zavabu. He will warms up to the party if he treated with respect.
  • Shamir Pesh's grandfather the leader of the Bedine nomadic tribe. He is cautious yet honorable. He is wary of magic users they bring the Nubian mercenaries to the region and was responsible for the destruction of the city of Necropolis and its kind. The statue intrigues him because of stories his great grandfather told him of such a creature that protected this region from the Nubian and armies of Cairo that has not been seen in centuries.
  • Adar-malik is a middle aged man in his 50's who has three wives and is the local healer if you can afford him. He buys his products from Farma and is a devout worshipper of the Egyptian Pantheons. He is also the local tax collector.
  • Istar Second wife of Adar-Malik her marriage was arranged and could be persuaded in the right situation. She is mistreated and abused.
  • Ramoth Female Bronze Dragon  
The War for Soteropolis
Dagon Innsmouth
Raz'Thrak Bloodhoof
Dagwyn Oakencrown
Snoopy Baron
Dimmir “Brightlight”
Chaotic Neutral Satyr (Revelry Bouncer )
Barbarian 1
14 / 14 HP
Pyfor GreenDragonFly
Report Date
08 Feb 2024
Primary Location
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