Session 43: The Great Purple Worm Report Report in YonZora | World Anvil

Session 43: The Great Purple Worm Report

General Summary

23rd, 24th,25th of Cupid 500 CD. After Marrik knocked a large rock on the ground causing a vibration a large purple worm came out of the ground looking for its next meal. The companions immediately attacked the creature, but the massive 50' long creature managed to not only attack and poison Marrik it also swallowed him satisfied with it meal the creature burrowed back into the ground to avoid being attacked. Several party member jumped into the hole created by the worm and continued to attack. Marik himself managed to do enough damage to the creature causing it to regurgitated Marik out just before Dagwyn with the aid of her dragon bow killed the creature with massive lighting damage burning the creature from the inside out. The bright light from this damage in the dark tunnel caused a blinding effect on a couple of it party members. Conan was able to retrieve a gland of the deadly poison that the worm uses. Conan carefully wrapped the gland in some clothing to protect himself from the poison. The companions proceeded through the cave where they found several murals depicting a story of a prince who was chosen by a women with cobalt eyes to protect the tome that they were seeking. The mural also talked about a great battle between the princes army and the pharaohs army along with the aid of monsters. The prince aided by a great brass beast was able to defeat the Pharoh and his armies but at a great cost. The prince was cursed by the Pharoh before the death of the pharaoh. The prince than chose to go into a deep sleep and put into a sarcophagus along with the tome protected by some sort of magic to protect the tomb from getting into the wrong hands. The only thing that could bring back the prince was a wish spell. The Pharoh son then attacked the legendary city trying to get the tome destroying a once great city, but the tome was protected. The last mural has a map to the legendary city of Necropolis and a scroll of a prophecy. The companions of Shining Eclipse then traveled two more days to reach the city location to find nothing. Shamir told them to have faith and on the 6th hour of the next day a large city was seen appearing out of nowhere. The party then travelled as fast as they could to the city. Once reaching ancient city hieroglyphics shown this city to be ruled by the dragon born race. These hieroglyphics depicted a culture far different from the current culture. In the center of this city is a constant sandstorm swirls around a dome of an immense, seething cathedral. The Storm seems to be never ending and then a great voice booms out warning the party to leave and they shall live stay and they will die.

Rewards Granted

  • 1625 EXP: Arceven, Karrin, Jasmal, Dagon, Dagwyn, Marik, Conan, Zayrdi.
  • 1444 EXP: Dimmir, Raz Thrak.
  • Bonus EXP: Arceven 50, Conan, Marik 25
  • A map to the legendary city of Necroplis
  • A Prophcey scroll. 

Character(s) interacted with

  1. Shamir
  2. Pesh
The War for Soteropolis
Dagon Innsmouth
Raz'Thrak Bloodhoof
Dagwyn Oakencrown
Snoopy Baron
Dimmir “Brightlight”
Chaotic Neutral Satyr (Revelry Bouncer )
Barbarian 1
14 / 14 HP
Pyfor GreenDragonFly
Report Date
15 Mar 2024
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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