Session 45: The Search Begins Tome of Eragon and Saphira. Report Report in YonZora | World Anvil

Session 45: The Search Begins Tome of Eragon and Saphira. Report

General Summary

Frevr Day, 27th of Cupid, 500 CD The companions of franchise K stand at the entrance of prince Hamukai Ziggurat. One step closer to the tomb they are looking for. As they stand at the two massive doors to the entrance they discover that solving a riddle is the only way to open the door. For whatever reason the riddles were in common instead of the native dialogue of Arabic. As the companions work through the riddle and solve it. The massive doors open and some party members enter the ziggurat while others are cautious at first until the door start to close by themselves. The rest of the companions then entered before it closed. As they research the outer chamber all they found was ancient hieroglyphics of the dragon born and tieflings. Two more sets of doors were discovered and also needed riddles to be opened. These doors led them into the inter chambers of the ziggurat. This chamber was a large room lit by torches and cobalt crystals that were set into the wall with pillars. At the end of this chamber was a set of limestone doors with another riddle to solve. Before they could get to these doors a undead storm giant skeleton appeared and fought the party. The giant before it it was destroyed begged for mercy and said that he would grant them treasure if they did so. The companions of Franchsie K did one step further and cast removed curse allowing the giant to finally go to the after world. Then the new party member Zayrdi came through once again solving the riddle by her self-opening the doors to the burial chamber. There Arceven along with the help of Jasmal and Dagone use the wish scroll that they found among the treasure of the Storm giant brought back the prince to life.   Then a conversation was carried out between the party members and Prince Hamukai. The party also discovered a live actions mural on one of the walls. This mural depicted a large river with a gold figure crying by the river. Next to the gold figure was a red figure consoling the gold figure. A brass figure could also be seen sleeping on the mural as well. Dagwyn once again showing her wisdom started to try and talk to Felgolos. When doing so you could see the brass figure on the mural moving about as this figure seemed to be being disturbed. Dagwyn not getting Felgolos to react the way she wanted then went to touch the brass figure on the mural hoping to poke awake. This resulted in a massive blue light that illuminated the room. This caused Dagwyn to pass out. Jasmal also reacted to this as well, but did not pass out. The Marik seeing this started to talk to Thron and also touched the red figure with same results. This dropped Jasmal down to her knees, but did not pass out. Then the prince woke up from the wish spell and began asking a serious of questions including if they were Dovahkiin and if they were here for the Tome of Eragon and Saphira. Then a conversation carried on between the prince and the remaining companions. The prince brought to the attention of the companions of the mark that now was on the left hands of Marik and Dagwyn. Then he asked if they could cut him out of the mummy wrappings where after stretching his legs got out of the sarcophagus thanked the party then went to the mural and touched it. He disappeared into the mural and a red figure appeared who went to the gold figure and embraced the gold figure with a very passionate hug. Then the mural dissapeared and bright light appeared in the burial chamber and they were back at the library of Clodia Alethia in the middle of the night.

Rewards Granted

  1. 1875 EXP awarded to: Jasmal, Arceven, Dagon, Dagwyn, Marik, Karinn, Conan, Zayrdi
  2. 1667 EXP Awarded to: Dimmir, Raz' Thrak.
  3. 75 Bonus EXP Awarded to: Conan
  4. 50 Bonus EXP Awarded to: Arceven
  5. 25 Bonus EXP Awarded to: Karinn
  6. 100 Bonus EXP Awared to: Dagon, Dagwyn, Marik, Arceven, Jasmal, Karinn, Conan, Zayrdi removing the curse of the Storm Giant.
  7. 370 Talent
  8. 4,450 Shekels
  9. 1,240 Drachma
  10. Spell Scroll of Wish (used)
  11. Wand of Polymorph
  12. Staff of Withering
  13. +2 Long Bow
  14. A Petrified Chwinga
  15. Tome of Eragon and Saphira the Life Giver
  16. Gold Funerary items wrapped into the Prince's shroud 2,500 Shekels
  17. A Platinum death Mask 5,000 Talents
  18. The Colbalt Shard from the Princes right hand 250 Shekels

Missions/Quests Completed

Quest for the Tome of Eragon & Saphire the Life Giver.

Character(s) interacted with

  • Shamir
  • Pesh
  • Moksen

Created Content

Eragon the Braveheart A red dragon mate of Saphire one of the 12 guardians
The War for Soteropolis
Dagon Innsmouth
Raz'Thrak Bloodhoof
Dagwyn Oakencrown
Snoopy Baron
Dimmir “Brightlight”
Chaotic Neutral Satyr (Revelry Bouncer )
Barbarian 1
14 / 14 HP
Pyfor GreenDragonFly
Report Date
11 Apr 2024
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Related Characters


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