Session 52: The city of Messesopontos Report Report in YonZora | World Anvil

Session 52: The city of Messesopontos Report

General Summary

5th and 6th of Ares.   Dagwyn, Zayrdi, Karrin, and Dagon arrive at the rest area after the conflict with Bette and her 10 soldiers who were attempting to raid another rest are to disrupt the trade along the Ancient Route. Ramoth has decided that she had enough of hiding and the disrespect that is been given to the Order of the Phoenix. Grabbed Jasmal and took out the problem. When the four arrived the battle was over but the field was on fire and 10 smoldering bodies lay in the field. There was no sign of Bette anywhere. The members began asking questions of their companions and Lt. Dress who happened to be at the rest area. Dagwyn who wanted to really dig at Lt. Drex for his treatment in Osca really got know where at the Lieutenant was trying to comprehend just exactly what he saw for the report that he was going to have to give to his company commander Captain Elara Ashenblade. True to her nature Breenova wanted to get moving she had reservations at the Gilded Phoenix and wanted her goose down feather bed. So the party departed for Messesopontos arriving at the city at 22nd hour of the day. Once arrived Dagwyn paid two Sheckels for her tax for them to open up the gate at that hour of the night. The dragon born corporal was not happy about and displaced in her demeanor towards Dagwyn. Then the rest of the caravan showed up and Breenova paid the tax to get the rest of the party in. The party then got to their rooms secured the carts of gems, horses and the squires set up watches for the night. Dagwyn finally realized that her cousin Hehelana had been traveling with them all day. She followed her to the Silver Minstrel where she would be performing for the next few day. The prophecy was true and she was going to share this with everyone. The cousins had a heart to heart conversation before retiring for the night.   The morning of the 6th of Ares started off very warm and muggy. At the 6th hour of the day the tempature was already at 75 degrees. Jasmal who spent the night at the temple of Poseidon had breakfast with the High priestess and acolytes did some prayers and meditations and some teaching to the young acolytes. She received three healing potions. Karrin actually went to a temple for the first time in months and also received one healing potion. Dagon on the other hand while doing his morning routine on the Ocean of Azure found two bottles. The first bottle has a note, a crystal gem, and a healing potion. The Note read Salt do not lose faith. The second note asked Salt how their daughter was doing along with a crystal gem. This spun his world around and he spent most of the day on the beach reflecting about the notes he had found. Zaydri and Reba both approached him to check to see if he was all right. His answer was he just needed to be alone. Whatever those notes were really shook him up. Dagon later discovered that these crystals were not gems but scales of some type. At the inn a young half-Orc Crimson Dragon by the name of Lumia has been assigned to the group to watch them and report their actions to her company commander. At first her demeanor was rough and edgy she was not used to this kind of duty. As they day progressed her attitude did improve. She instructed the party that the duke wanted a meeting with the party at noon, lunch would be provided. The party spent the next four hours doing odds and ends until the meeting. During this conversation the word thug came out of Lumia mouth. Breenova was quick to defend Acquisitions Incorporated and their actions.   Noon arrived and the tempature was a blistering 95 degrees. The party, with the exception of Dagon, met at the great hall where Lumia waited for them. The were escorted in the council room where a large Mahogony round table was the center piece of the room. Marquise Lyanna Seraphine, Baron Kargan Stonefist, and Lieutenant Colonel Kael Firestorm were seated at the round table. Captain Elara Ashenblade, lieutenant Ronan Drex, and Draven Hawkshade were also in the room seated in chairs at the north end of the room. Once Dimmir walked Colonol Firestorm called the room to order as he recognized the rank of Knight of the round table and supreme commander of the Order of the Phoenix. Once the Colonol told the people in the room who Dimmir was a Different chair was brought to the room by Lumia for Dimmir. Prince Stromwalker and Baroness Oakencrown were escorted and seated at the round table. The rest of the Party was seated next to the other members present in the room. Then Dimmir updated the Colonol and the Marquise after formal introductions were made of the members in the room. The attacks at the rest areas on the way down. The assassination attempt on the traveling bard. The investigation also talked about the five members of Dran Enterprises who were found dead between the rest area and Osca. This did not set well with Draven Hawkshade the guild leader of the Dran Enterprises. He accused Acq Inc of foul play. Lt Drex then got up and gave a report to the members in the room finding no fault with Acq Inc. Plus he added that Prince Stormwalker aided in the investigation. Dimmir picked up on the fact the Draven was hiding something and suggested that he have his belonging searched. This did not set will with the human fighter. Dimmir also did report that two dragons were involved in the last conflict. He in fact rode one of the dragons. This caused a murmur in the room between the as there were Crimson guards and Crimson Dragons in the room for security reasons. Marquise Seraphine then overwhelmed with everything adjourned the meeting and invited the companions of Acq. Inc. to dinner with the duke later in the evening at the 18th hour.

Rewards Granted

  1. 400 EXP awarded to Jasmal, Dagon, Dagwyn, Dimmir, Karrin, Marik,  Zayrdi, and Arceven
  2. 300 EXP awarded to Conan, and Raz' Thrak. 
  3. 50 Bonus EXP awared to Dimmir, and Arceven for recap. 
  4. 10 Bonus EXP Awarded to Dagwyn for easter egg. 
  5. 25 Bonus EXP Awarded to Dagon for good RP. (Reaction to the letter in a Bottle).
  6. 25 Bonus EXP Awarded to Marik for making sure the squires are taken care of when the party arrives at a town. 
  7. Three Potions of healing awarded to Deborah
  8. One Potion of healing awared to Karrin and Dagon. 
  9. Two Crystal Scales of unknown origin awared to Dagon. 
  10. 50 Reputation points with Breenova Glittergem.
  11. 25 Reputation points with Lieutenant Colonel Kael, Marquise Lyanna Seraphine, Captain Elara Ashenblade
  12. 10 Reputation Points with Lt. Drex
  13. -25 Reputation Points with Draven Hawkshade

Character(s) interacted with

  1. Ramoth/Reba
  2. Grag The Barbaric Male Orc Dimmir Squire
  3. Veldak Pazavur (Male Dragon Born Squire Karrin)
  4. Zid Female (female kobold Karrin)
  5. George Patten (Marik Squire Male Human
  6. Annia Alethia (Female) Jasmal Assistant.
  7. Breenove Glittergem (Female Gnome Daughter of Zanbar) Associate traveling with group if this job is picked.
  8. Hehelana Oakencrown (Female Elf)
  9. Lieutenant Roran Drex (Male Human 26 Years old) Crimson Dragon. Osca.
  10. Corporal Arian Acridius (Female Dragon Born Fighter)
  11. Lumia Artiannius: Female Half-orc Fighter,
  12. Innkeeper: Octavia Aurelius
  13. Head Chef: Lucius Valerius
  14. Bartender: Flavia Marcellus
  15. Entertainer: Antonius Cassius (Bard)
  16. Marquise Lyanna Seraphine (Half-Elf Female)
  17. Baron Kargan Stonefist (Half-Orc)
  18. Lieutenant Colonel Kael Firestorm: (Human)
  19. Captain Elara Ashenblade (female Elf)
  20. Lieutenant Ronan Drex
  21. Draven Hawkshade (Male Human)
The War for Soteropolis
Dagon Innsmouth
Raz'Thrak Bloodhoof
Dagwyn Oakencrown
Snoopy Baron
Dimmir “Brightlight”
Chaotic Neutral Satyr (Revelry Bouncer )
Barbarian 1
14 / 14 HP
Pyfor GreenDragonFly
Report Date
30 Jun 2024
Primary Location


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