Session 53: The interrogation of Conan and Dagwyn. Report

General Summary

Session 53: Interrogation of Conan and Dagwyn.   6th of Ares.   Just before the meeting in the great hall ended Supreme commander of the Order of the Phoenix (Dimmir) gave the order to search the guild leader of Dran Enterprises Draven Hawkshade. This of course did not set well with the guild leader and he quoted "This was abuse of power of a rival guild to gain the upper hand". Dimmer on the other hand suspected the Mr. Hawkshade character and felt that he was hiding something. Captain Elara Ashenblade of Alpha company who was present at the meeting ordered her platoon commander Lt. Drex to search the guild leader. At first Draven thought about trying to escape, but realized that he was out numbered with a platoon of Crimson Dragons, Crimson Guards, and the Rival guild members. He regrettably surrendered. Upon searching the Mr. Hawkshade a dagger was found not peace knotted. Three scroll cases were also found on him. Two of these scrolls had wax seals on them the the third did not. The scroll that was opened had the contract of the Venom Blades for the death of the Traveling Bard. Two scrolls that had wax seals were trapped with and acid vile to destroy the parchments and damage any one that did not know to open them properly. Arceven using some skills the party was not aware that he had was able to disarm them with no damage.   One of the parchments was a request by Zindove Harker to a High General Vaelora of the Nightshade requesting reinforcements after battling a massive brass dragon and a rider in high priestess decor. The presence of this dragon had this Zindove shook up pretty bad as she barely survived the ordeal according to her in the letter. She lost men and this upset her as well. She was telling this general that they needed new up to date intel on this region. The fact the a dragon who has supposed to be dead for 500 years along with a possible Dovahkiin as well did not bode well with the young commander. The second scroll contained a letter to Lilly Harker updating her on the situation and her need for her mother and updating her on the situation as well. She stressed the same concerns to her mother and asked if there was anything that he could do to gather important intel. The two letters looked like they were intercepted and never reached their plan destination. Mr. Hawkshade was arrested on the spot and taken to the prison in the keep in the city. They were then invited to a dinner with the duke at the 18th hour. Lieutenant Colonel Kael Firestorm then asked if Dimmir wanted to be involved in the interrogation of the prisoner. Dimmir gave this task to Conan, Dagwyn, and Marik to complete.   Meanwhile Ramoth and Dagon had a heart to heart over the Sea of Azure. Dagon showed Reba the crystal scales that he found in the bottles this triggered something in Reba who told Jasmal that he was taking Dagon for a ride. They went to the beach then Dagon was told to walk out into the ocean where Reba transformed herself into her true form and lifted him out of the water in flight. Then a conversation went on where Dagon found out that he was actually around 600 years old. Dagon had met a Crystal Dragon my the name of Sida who broke a sacred oath in the dragon world by mating with a humanoid. A child was born and Io was livid and the crystal dragons and Unfortuanlly Dagon paid the price. The crystal dragons were no longer allowed to roam the lands of Azure. As a matter of Fact crystal dragons have not been seen in over 600 years. Ramoth figures with what is going on with Harker's return that Io is maybe softening up if she was allowed to contact him again. Dagon also learned that he has 13 daughters through a Hag by the name Croaking Karla Fangnuzzle was allowed to mess with Dagon to birth 13 daughters. Dagon then asked if his wife was still alive to which Ramoth applied yes. Dagon then demanded an Immediate divorce. Dagon also asked if she knew the location of his daughter to which she said yes, but she was not allowed to tell him.   Then Conan was tasked with his first interrogation for the franchise K. The question on of the day was who was interrogating who. While Conan tried to be the nice guy and ask questions about Draven back ground who he served with where did he get the scrolls and from who. Deveron fired back with questions on how Acq Inc hired there interns. Learning that they actually hired or trained there interns with skills to do the job. This banter went back and forth with Draven coming out ahead as he was not going to tell this puny rogue, in his mind, anything. Bud Draven learned what he needed to make his guild a more profitable business to compete againts Acquisitions Incorporated. Then Dagwyn had enough and used her bow and the metal in the cell striking the veteran several times dropping the tough fighter down to his knees in tears and crying for mercy. Draven then revealed that he was a former roman Legion Legate of the 4th Legion. He was recruited by a female elf to come to Messesopontos to help run the Crimson Brothers. He was using the guild as a front to keep an eye on what was going on and report to the activities to the brotherhood.

Rewards Granted

  • 400 EXP awarded to Zayrdi, Conan, Dagon, Jasmal, Arceven, Marik, Dimmir, Karrin.
  • 300 EXP awarded to Dagwyn, Raz' Thrak.
  • 75 Bonus Points awareded to Arceven
  • 50 Bonus Points awarded to Dagon
  • 25 Bonus Points awarded to Marik
  • Intercepted two letters meant for Lilly Harker and a High General by the name of Vaelora Nightshade
  • Draven Hawkshade is a member of the Crimson Brotherhood.
  • Draven Hawkshade is a former Legion Legate.
  • Draven was using his guild as a front to move information to the Black Legion Empire.
  • Draven was using his guild as a spy ring for the Crimson Brotherhood.

Character(s) interacted with

  1. Ramoth/Reba
  2. Grag The Barbaric Male Orc Dimmir Squire
  3. Veldak Pazavur (Male Dragon Born Squire Karrin)
  4. Zid Female (female kobold Karrin)
  5. Gimmley Battlehammer (Female Dwarf) Dagwyn Squire.
  6. George Patten (Marik Squire Male Human
  7. Annia Alethia (Female) Jasmal Assistant.
  8. Lieutenant Roran Drex
  9. Lumia Artiannius
  10. Marquise Lyanna Seraphine 
  11. Baron Kargan Stonefist 
  12. Lieutenant Colonel Kael Firestorm
  13. Captain Elara Ashenblade
  14. Draven Hawkshade
The War for Soteropolis
Dagon Innsmouth
R̶e̶d̶a̶c̶t̶e̶d̶ R̶e̶d̶a̶c̶t̶e̶d̶ ( R̶e̶d̶a̶c̶t̶e̶d̶)
R̶e̶d̶a̶c̶t̶e̶d̶ 7
54 / 54 HP
Raz'Thrak Bloodhoof
Dagwyn Oakencrown
Chaotic Neutral High Elf (Charlatan)
Rogue 5
Ranger 2
48 / 48 HP
Snoopy Baron
Dimmir “Brightlight”
Chaotic Neutral Satyr (Revelry Bouncer )
Barbarian 7
63 / 73 HP
Pyfor GreenDragonFly
Report Date
10 Jul 2024
Primary Location
Related Characters


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