Session 54: Disturbing Information. Report

General Summary

6TH OF ARES. The other half of franchise K that was not involved with the interrogation went to the guild hall of Dran Enterprises to search Draven Hawkshades office and room. At first this did not set well with the majordomo of the rival franchise. He his thoughts were that this was just a ploy by a rival guild to shut them down. But when the Ebrus Sternkin is almost killed by a trap set on the office door to keep anyone out including guild members his tone changes. Then once the office is opened and on the wall is a map of the North and South Azure marking the locations of the military might of the Black Legion empire and Black Moon Empires his demeanor changes. As Ebrus overhears that four legions are missing from each army including the Minotaur's legions he has to sit and worry that he will not be dragged into this. Ebrus was no born at the time of the War of the Ancients, but many of his kin were and dwarves teach their kin so that that they don't get complacent. Plus as the Majordomo who is second in command where does this put him as the investigation contiues. The Crimson Dragon are here with orders from the duke. The companion in their search beside the map, find coded letters between the Black legion and the Scarlet Brotherhood. Find a ceremonial dagger from the Crimson Brotherhood. The cypher code book was destroyed to cypher any coded messages. Also included was some personal stuff, family pictures, and items for a quick escape if he was discovered.   At the 18th hour the companions arrived at the keep and had dinner with Duke Eamon Lyrandar (Human), Marquise Lyanna Seraphine (Half-Elf), Baron Alistair Blackwood (Human), Baroness Isolde Windrider (Elf), Baron Kargan Stonefist (Half-Orc), and Colonel: Colonel Garen Ironfist (Dwarf). Information was exchanged between Acq Inc and the leadership of the town. Lots of question on the guild itself was also being asked. While this was going on Dimmir who had never been to a formal dinner kept it very interesting as he did not know the protocol for a formal dinner including walking on the table to get some food. He did not get the point of the servants and wanted to make sure that they were being fed. The Duke was wanting to make sure th that the Arch Duke in Soteropolis was going to be updated with the latest intel gathered.   In the after hours of the evening Dagon was out looking for information at the bars and taking a stroll on the beach of Messesopontos when he ran into a group of five upset guild members who were drunk. The members belonged to Dran enterprises and just found out that the guild charter had been pulled due to the arrest of Draven Hawkshade. Now they were jobless and were concerned about supporting their families. Dagon had offered to buy them a drink so that he could find out more information on them and what happened. Dagon was leading the group to the closet inn while they continued to harass the Dagon about his employer and its motivation. Then Dagywn arrived and instead of being a calming effect it got escalated with a fight ensuing with one of the Dran guild members being knocked out. Dagon got a crimson guard patrol to assist. The five members of Dran Enterprises were arrested for disorderly conduct. Dagwyn was arrested for inciting a riot, but did not go to jail because of her status. She was to see the judge the next day. Dagon and lieutenant Drex came to the defense of Dagwyn as a hero of the people. The judge who turns out knew Dagwyn's grandfather only fined her 100 shekels. His hope that she will live up to the Oakencrown name. A well respected name in the realm of Imyfelon.

Rewards Granted

  1. 917 EXP awarded to Dagwyn, Dagon, Dimmir, Arceven, Zayrdi, and Karrin.
  2. 688 EXP awarded to Conan, Marik, and Jasmal.
  3. Bonus Points awarded to the following.
  4. 75 awarded to Dagon
  5. 50 awarded to Arceven
  6. 25 Awarded to Karrin.
  7. 25 Awarded to Dimmir RP the crowd at the court room.
  8. 100 Awarded to Dagon for standing up for Dagwyn in court.
  9. 50 Awarded to Marik for taking the time to train the Squires survival skills.
  10. a map with the locations of 16 of the 20 legions for the Black Moon empire, Black Legion Empire and the Lavyrinthos empire.
  11. A list of five names including Lilly Harker it is unknow what they represent.
  12. Five scrolls written in a encrypted code.
  13. Several books on military tactics and strategies, including ancient texts and modern analyses.
  14. A comprehensive history book detailing the rise and notable battles of the Black Legion.
  15. The guild Charter to operate in Messesopontos.
  16. A forged document of the title to the guild hall a former Roman senator.
  17. A Ceremonial dagger of the Crimson Brotherhood.
  18. A small cache of weapons including a short sword, a hand crossbow, and a few throwing knives.
  19. A set of armor bearing the insignia of the 4th Legion of the Black Legion.
  20. Various sets of clothing suitable for disguises, including commoner’s clothes, noble attire, and military uniforms.

Character(s) interacted with

  • Duke Eamon Lyrandar (Human) - Leader of the council, known for his wisdom and fairness.
  • Marquise Lyanna Seraphine (Half-Elf) - Known for her diplomatic skills, she bridges the gap between various races.
  • Baron Alistair Blackwood (Human) - A shrewd businessman with interests in the Market District.
  • Baroness Isolde Windrider (Elf) - A historian and mage, she advocates for cultural preservation.
  • Baron Kargan Stonefist (Half-Orc) - Oversees the Dockside and is responsible for The Crimson Guard.
  • Regiment Colonel: Colonel Garen Ironfist (Dwarf)
  • Traqen Xathenastos (Elf) Judge of Messesopontos.
  • Thomas Gueguen (Human) Guild president.
The War for Soteropolis
Dagon Innsmouth
R̶e̶d̶a̶c̶t̶e̶d̶ R̶e̶d̶a̶c̶t̶e̶d̶ ( R̶e̶d̶a̶c̶t̶e̶d̶)
R̶e̶d̶a̶c̶t̶e̶d̶ 7
54 / 54 HP
Raz'Thrak Bloodhoof
Dagwyn Oakencrown
Chaotic Neutral High Elf (Charlatan)
Rogue 5
Ranger 2
48 / 48 HP
Snoopy Baron
Dimmir “Brightlight”
Chaotic Neutral Satyr (Revelry Bouncer )
Barbarian 7
63 / 73 HP
Pyfor GreenDragonFly
Report Date
18 Jul 2024
Primary Location


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