Session 55: The letter

General Summary

6th-11th of Ares, 500 CD. The companions of Rising Shadow of Acquisitions Incorporated Franchise K have spent five days in the city of Messesopontos. Marik took the squires out on a fishing expedition working and training on the survival skills. The three day trip on the Sea of Azure yielded nothing as the extreme heat for this time of the year seems to affect the fishing. To frank the whole five days spent in Messesopontos was in a short heat wave. The local fishermen were not able to catch anything as we. Jasmal and Zayrdi leaned that the pantheons of the sea would use the weather to protect the fish population. Most of the companions spent the five days relaxing and staying out of the heat. Dimmir on the other hand took todays and walked the streets of Messesopontos learning the aqueduct system and gave the idea to the Barron Kargon Stonefist and Captain Tharok of the Crimson Guard. He gives them the idea of adding cucumbers and fruit to the water system to the noble district. Dagon spent the five days working and training a skill set. Arceven took advantage of the situation with Dran Enterprises and started a charter for Franchise K in this city. He met with Duke Eamon Lyrandar and Baron Kargan Stonefist. In this meeting he was able to secure the charter going around the guild president Mr. Thomas Gueguen. He also worked out a deal for the former guild house of Dran enterprise On the evening of the 11th of Ares a dispatch was received by Arceven for Supreme commander Dimmir.   On the 12th of Ares the weather once again took a turn for the extreme as the city of Messesopontos woke up to 30 degree tempature and a light snow falling. This was driving the fisherman nuts as once again they were not able to go fishing. The druids, clerics, and nature paladins spent time in pray thanking there pantheons for taking care of N Azure natural environments. Dagon doing his typical morning routine once again found a bottle floating in the Sea of Azure. As he waited about 15 minutes for the Sea of Azure too do its thing pick up the bottle read the scroll inside of the bottle that stated that I will be with you soon passed out on the beach as a searing white light appeared after reading the message. Jasmal spent a hour in half at her temple talking to the local priestess gathering what information she could. Karrin went to his temple as well and prayed to Io for wisdom and guidance. Ebrus Sternkin the newly hired majordomo of the guild house found a document in the former leader room with a list of five names including Lilly Harker. Marik got some hot porridge for the squires who were at the guild house preparing for the trip back to Soteropolis. As the rest of the party started to gather at the guild house Judge Traqen Xathenastos showed up with some sealed scrolls for the arch duke in Soteropolis. He also have five men who were to be assigned to the Order of the Phoenix to work off their debt due to the attack on Baroness Oakencrown. The judge asked the guild leader to make sure that these men were trained to be adventures so that they could be interns of Acq Inc. They had lost their lively hood when Dran Enterprises was shut down. Baroness Oakencrown and the five men were not happy about the situation but following the orders of the supreme commander she was put in charge of the training of the five men.   The party departed at the 8th hour with three carts of finally cut gems, Breenova Glitergem, Hehelana Oakencrown, and five new companions heading north to the city of Soteropolis. First stop was to be Osca to pick up three more carts of finally cut gems. With the cold tempature and snow falling Breenova wanted to get their as fast as possible to get to a warm inn. The party followed the well-marked Ancient Trade way reaching the common rest area that is between Messesopontos and Osca. This was the same rest area that Ramoth had revealed herself to the public for the first time. Durids were seen in the fields that she had burned healing the land with the druid powers as the spring plant was nearing. There were 27 other humanoids of various races at the rest area. The Alimente family once again has a roach wagon set up with fresh hot food cooking. They have also set up temporary Shelters with campfires to help the traveling folks warm and dry while they rest. While eating and taking there break the untrained horses started to get antsy . Annia and Jasmal primal instincts kicked in as the an uneasy feeling of undead was felt. Karrin tried to use his divine sense to detect what was approaching but the range of the whatever was approaching was too great. Marik was the first to spot them as as 16 walking humanoids were approaching from the north on the Ancient Trade Way. These humanoids had orange and blue colors emitting from their bodies. The platoon of Crimson Dragons under the command of Lt. Drex mounted and charged towards the threat. Karrin mounted Silver and flew with the platoon. Dimmer rushed ahead as well to intercept the threat before it reached the rest stop. Jasmal, Zayrdi, and Dagon positioned themselves to support the party of the threat. Dagwyn waited for the creatures to get into range. The creatures were undead beings emitting flames and lighting. If one was killed it would stand up and the flame or lightning would intensify even more. The undead creatures had a breath weapon of either fire or lighting as a dragon would. If a creature was intensified they were immune to all attacks for a time then would emit its breath weapon and explode.

Rewards Granted

  • 75 Bonus points Dagon
  • 50 Bonus points Arceven
  • 25 Bonus Points Lucas
  • 25 Bonus points to Dawyn
  • 25 Bonus Points to Arceven.
  • A letter from the Sir Lancelot Du Luc
  • A letter to Legate Devron Hawkshades.

Character(s) interacted with

  1. Ramoth/Reba
  2. Grag The Barbaric Male Orc Dimmir Squire
  3. Veldak Pazavur (Male Dragon Born Squire Karrin)
  4. Zid Female (female kobold Karrin)
  5. Gimmley Battlehammer (Female Dwarf) Dagwyn Squire.
  6. George Patten (Marik Squire Male Human
  7. Annia Alethia (Female) Jasmal Assistant.
  8. Breenove Glittergem (Female Gnome Daughter of Zanbar) Associate traveling with group if this job is picked.
  9. Hehelana Oakencrown (Female Elf)
  10. Lieutenant Roran Drex (Male Human 26 Years old) Crimson Dragon. Osca.
  11. Lumia Artiannius: Female Half-orc Fighter, NE. Str 15, Dex 16, Con 5, Int 14, Wis 11, Cha 10.
The War for Soteropolis
Dagon Innsmouth
R̶e̶d̶a̶c̶t̶e̶d̶ R̶e̶d̶a̶c̶t̶e̶d̶ ( R̶e̶d̶a̶c̶t̶e̶d̶)
R̶e̶d̶a̶c̶t̶e̶d̶ 7
54 / 54 HP
Conan Enamed
8 / 8 HP
Raz'Thrak Bloodhoof
Arceven Stormwalker
Lawful Neutral Lightfoot Halfling ()
Wizard 6
Artificer 1
45 / 45 HP
Dagwyn Oakencrown
Chaotic Neutral High Elf (Charlatan)
Rogue 5
Ranger 2
48 / 48 HP
Snoopy Baron
Dimmir “Brightlight”
Chaotic Neutral Satyr (Revelry Bouncer )
Barbarian 7
63 / 73 HP
Pyfor GreenDragonFly
Report Date
20 Jul 2024
Primary Location
Secondary Location
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