Session 6,7,8 The Hunt Begins, The Hunt Contiues, The Hunt concludes. Report Report in YonZora | World Anvil

Session 6,7,8 The Hunt Begins, The Hunt Contiues, The Hunt concludes. Report

General Summary

Acq Inc. Franchise K is sent by the Duke Caeso Calvisius Fagus of Soteropolis to to locate, find, and capture the pirate known as Bette 'The Siren' Adlam. Not much is know about this pirate.  She is knew to the region and has recently started making trouble.  An investigation by the Franchise K has led the party to a Decrypted old house 12 leagues north of Soteropolis. The party departed at the early hours of the 18th of Zeus without Raz' Thrak, who could not be located at that time. The party arrived at the house around the 12 hour of the day. The party at this time split where some party members headed to the front of house and other headed to a well that was located in the yard of the house.  The outside appearance of the house was bad. The eccentric old wizard who had lived here before has died around 20 years ago and the house was never kept up and the decay was showing. Arceven was attacked and knocked unconscious by four giant snakes at the well. Dante also took significant damage as well before Dagwyn and Dimmir deposed of the giant snakes only then they had to defend of 4 territorial weasels. with these two encounters dealt with the party once again was joined together where they proceeded though the back door of the house bring them into the kitchen and dinning area. Then the party began exploring the house where they found a set of stairs that led down to the wine cellar which set of a warning trap of Magic mouth.  The party continued on where they found the decaying body of a Knight of the realm in full plate mail and shield.  The plate armor was in need of repair, and could be worn by somebody. Dante started to inspect the dead decaying body and was attacked by Rot Grubs who began to gorge themselves on the newly found flesh. This almost killed Dante. The party found wine racks full of Wine from a winery called Valad Impaler Winery. These bottles were ear marked for the Duke of Soteropolis. The party than found a secret door that led to a room that had ten beds a table with chairs a kitchen, and two other rooms. The party encountered two humanoids which Dagwyn promptly dropped one with her deadly skill with her bow.  The other whose name is James Leontis looked at the well armed party and dropped his weapons and surrendered.  Dagwyn then recruited James to franchise K.  James was given instruction to go back to town go to the guild hall and register him self in the guild. James also gave them the information for another secret door that led to a sea cave. James informed the party that the smuggling operation has been going on for five years.  James had heard of the pirate Bette, but had never met her. He had heard about the missing girl as well but had seen her.  Stealing things for a little coin was one thing, but kidnapping was something different. The party then proceeded to explore the smuggler leader personal quarters. where some items were found and a spell book. Then the party entered a room that had been barred and took out some skeletons and found a secret room to a undiscovered lab where the party found a tome on how to turn objects into gold and three solid gold objects. Then the party continued on into the sea cave where they encountered several smugglers killing most of them.  The smuggler leader surrounded and another smuggler surrendered to the party.  The party also found several items of that had been smuggled. Arceven after hearing a roar of a beast several times from the cave mouth entrance, went by himself towards the cave opening. Using the darkness to his advantage through a light spell at the last minute startling the three individuals. One of the individuals promptly mount a large creature that appeared to be a dragon according to Arceven. It was a brief glimpse of the creature and being the only one to see the creature there was no one else to confirm if it was indeed a dragon.

Rewards Granted

  1. 724 Experience points. 
  2. A Solid Gold human Skull (20 Shekels)
  3. A Solid Gold Apple (5 Shekels)
  4. A Solid Gold Rose (5 Shekels)
  5. 47 Shekels
  6. Mariners Armor (Scale Mail)
  7. Full set of plate armor Damaged and in need of repair.
  8. Five Bolts of Silk (50 Shekels)
  9. Pipe of Remembrance
  10. 70 Dracma
  11. 150 Shekels 
  12. 8 casks of Brandy (10 Shekels each)
  13. A Philosophers Stone.
  14. Loaded Gaming Dice (20 Shekels)
  15. Jolly Boat (100 Shekels)
  16. Bag of Holding
  17. Three books (10 Shekels each)
  18. 88 Bottles of Vintage wine form Valad Impaler Winery (20 Shekels each)

Character(s) interacted with

Sanbalet (male human mid 30's) James Leontis (male Human Early 20's) Kaeso Insteius Messala (male human mid 50's) Killed when thrown into the Sea of Azure by unknown creature.  Bette' The Siren' Adlam
The War for Soteropolis
Dagon Innsmouth
Raz'Thrak Bloodhoof
Dagwyn Oakencrown
Dimmir “Brightlight”
Chaotic Neutral Satyr (Revelry Bouncer )
Barbarian 1
14 / 14 HP
Report Date
19 Jan 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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