Tiberius Caius Leon

" The Goat Man"

Name: Tiberius Caius Leon Nickname: The Goat Man   Age: 800 years old   Heritage: Roman   Race: Pure Blood Werewolf   Profession: Goat and Sheep Herder, World-Famous Cheesemaker   Location: Northern Azure   Clan: Leon Clan   Background: Tiberius Caius Leon, known widely as "The Goat Man," is a legendary figure in Northern Azure, celebrated for his unparalleled cheesemaking. With an ancient Roman heritage, Tiberius has lived for 800 years, his longevity stemming from his pure blood werewolf lineage. His extensive lifespan has allowed him to witness and adapt to countless historical changes, making him a repository of ancient knowledge and wisdom.   Appearance: Tiberius possesses the imposing stature and robust build of a Roman warrior, belying his age. Despite being 800 years old, he retains a youthful vigor, with piercing green eyes that reflect centuries of experience. His hair, a mix of grey and black, is often tied back, and he sports a well-maintained beard that adds to his rustic charm. His attire is simple and practical, suited to his life as a herder, yet hints at his noble heritage.   Personality:   Tiberius is a man of few words, preferring the company of his goats and sheep to that of humans. He is wise and contemplative, often lost in thought about the events that have shaped his long life. Despite his solitary nature, he is known to be kind-hearted and generous, especially to those who appreciate his cheese. His loyalty is unwavering, though his trust is hard to earn.   Skills and Abilities:  
  • Master Cheesemaker: Tiberius's cheese is world-renowned, a testament to his centuries of perfecting his craft. His secret recipes and methods are highly sought after.
  • Surviving Dovahkiin of the war of the ancients ( his Dragons name was Yrvor, Lady Of The Skies
  • Werewolf Strength and Senses: His pure blood werewolf heritage grants him enhanced strength, speed, and senses, making him a formidable opponent if provoked.
  • Survival Skills: Tiberius is adept at surviving in the wilderness, with extensive knowledge of herbalism, animal husbandry, and traditional Roman combat techniques.
Clan History:   Tiberius is a member of the Leon clan, one of twelve powerful and ancient families that betrayed the Harkers 500 years ago. This betrayal, driven by political maneuvering and a quest for power, has left a lasting stain on the Leon name and intertwined their fate with the other eleven clans involved in the treachery. The betrayal has led to a deep-seated enmity between these clans and the Harker family, a grudge that endures to this day.   Current Life:   In the picturesque yet rugged terrain of Northern Azure, Tiberius leads a secluded life, dedicating his days to tending his goats and sheep to produce the finest milk for his cheese. His farm is a serene and idyllic place, a stark contrast to the turbulent history he has lived through. Despite his isolation, Tiberius remains a figure of great interest and occasional mystery, with travelers and locals alike seeking out his cheese and the wisdom of "The Goat Man."   Notable Relationships:  
  1. Leon Clan: Despite their dark history, Tiberius maintains a complex relationship with his family, often acting as a mediator in their internal conflicts. His wisdom and experience make him a respected, albeit somewhat reluctant, elder within the clan.
  2. Other Betraying Clans: Tiberius has varying degrees of interaction with the other eleven clans that participated in the betrayal. While some alliances and friendships have formed over the centuries, old grudges and rivalries occasionally resurface.
  3. Descendants of Abraham Harker: There is an unspoken tension between Tiberius and the descendants of Abraham Harker. While not openly hostile, there is a mutual distrust and a legacy of betrayal that neither side can fully forget. Some Harker descendants view Tiberius with a mixture of respect and suspicion, acknowledging his age and wisdom but never fully forgiving his clan's actions.
Tiberius Caius Leon stands as a testament to endurance and adaptability, a living relic of a bygone era who continues to influence the world around him through his remarkable craft and enigmatic presence. His life, marked by the weight of his clan's betrayal, is a tapestry of solitude, wisdom, and the pursuit of excellence in his craft.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

His attire is simple and practical, suited to his life as a herder, yet hints at his noble heritage.

Tiberius has the imposing stature and robust build of a Roman warrior. Despite his age, he retains a youthful vigor, with piercing green eyes that seem to hold centuries of wisdom and experience. His hair is a mix of grey and black, worn long and often tied back. He sports a well-maintained beard that adds to his rustic charm. His attire is simple and practical, befitting a herder, but with subtle hints of his noble heritage.

Character Location
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Current Status
Roaming the Soteropolis region.
Current Location
Date of Birth
12th of Diana
Year of Birth
300 AD 800 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
11th of 12 Children.
Tiberius possesses the imposing stature and robust build of a Roman warrior
piercing green eyes that reflect centuries of experience.
a mix of grey and black, is often tied back, and he sports a well-maintained beard that adds to his rustic charm.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Other Affiliations


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