Felinas Dallionas Character in Yumurta | World Anvil
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Felinas Dallionas

Felinas is a High Elven barbarian and member of the "Black Blades" in Issilidor. He's gathered a reputation as a playboy and a hothead, and considered very eccentric for a High Elf. His life's goal is to use his long life to the fullest and have sex with a member of every mortal race in the world.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Felinas has trained his body to near the peak of what an Elf is capable of. He is significantly muscular for an elf, though is notably slim compared to his orcish or even human rivals, due to his basic physiology. Even so, he is incredibly strong, capable of great feats of strength, endurance, and agility.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Felinas grew up as the only son of a High Elven noble house, and as such had a very fine education. Growing up, he always chaffed against the refined expectations of an elven noble, and would often act out and rebel.   When the orcs joined the Elven Court during the war with the Empire, he immediately latched onto their strength-driven, thrill-seeking culture, and, in his mind, finally found some people with whom he felt he could belong. Much to the ire of his family, he became engrossed with physical prowess and the warrior's lifestyle, becoming a member of the elite "Black Blades" almost immediately after they were founded. His family still thinks it's a phase.


Unlike most elves, Felinas has a very free-spirited and assertive approach to sexuality. He sees his long life as an opportunity to experience love from all walks of life, and his goal is to have had a partner from every mortal race in the world. He's already well on his way, according to him:
  • High Elf
  • Wood Elf
  • Drow
  • Half-Elf
  • Orc
  • Aaracocra
  • Human
  • Blonde Human
  • Tabaxi

Morality & Philosophy

Felinas lives for thrills and fights. He has completely sworn off the normally aloof, refined, and thoughtful image typically associated with High Elves, and has embraced what he considers to be his "inner orc".


Contacts & Relations

Felinas is often the member of a special team working for Intevar Virpetar, along with the Drow Assasin Valorin and the orc wizard Saurmok.

Hobbies & Pets

Felinas has a hobby of writing out his intimate thoughts after a night with a lover. He brushes it off, but tends to write very personal, loving thoughts about everything he liked or experienced about the other person. The entries are always written in extremely flowery (and erotic) elvish prose.


In common, he will speak very casually and informally. But in elvish, he has maintained his refined and eloquent manner of speech that was drilled into him from a young age. For those who speak both languages, it can be confusing.
Current Location
Over 200
Long and brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Slightly Tanned

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