Valorin Character in Yumurta | World Anvil
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A Drow Assassin working for the Elven Court, and Intevar Virpetar's usual bodyguard.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Valorin is tall and fit, lithe and flexible, as would be expected of an assassin.

Body Features

Valorin got a tattoo from Kilara of a spider web pattern covering her right upper-arm.   She has a beauty mark on her right cheek.

Apparel & Accessories

She typically wears black-and-purple leather armor with white spider-web pattern highlights. It is the same armor she wore in Casal Llothellinal.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Valorin was born the third daughter of a small Drow House in Casal Llothellinal. She had a typical, brutal upbringing in a city so full of deception and betrayal. One of her earliest memories was seeing her older sister poisoned at dinner, where her mother held her body up by the hair and told the rest of her children that this is what would happen to those that went against her. She took that lesson to heart.   Being a younger daughter, and showing no affinity for Lloth or politics, Valorin went into spying and assassination as a career, despite usually being a "man's role" for how inherently subservient it was.   At some point, Valorin became romantically entangled with a fellow woman named Matriot, who she herself described as being similar to one of Winter's childhood friends but "a bit further along. They were lovers in spite of the disapproval Llothellian society had for female homosexual relationships and inherit danger of being intimate in a society where betrayals, blackmail, and poisoning was so common.   When Emperor Leonidas invaded, Valorin wanted to join those fleeing the city to avoid being absorbed into the Empire, but Matriot wanted to stay. She thought, in the more accepting Empire, they might be able to be together more openly. Valorin didn't believe in the altruistic words of the Emperor, and thought the political turmoil would be far too dangerous.   In the end, this disagreement caused them to part ways, with Valorin joining the Elven Court and Matriot staying in the city, her fate unknown after Casal Llothellinal disappeared. It's a painful memory for Valorin.   Valorin stayed in The Elven Court after the Drow officially joined. She was listless for a while, not sure what to do with herself in the much safer Issilidor society, where she didn't need to be an Assassin just to survive. In the end, she decided to continue with her profession on behalf of the Court, partly out of boredom, and in part to spite the High Elves who quietly whispered that the Drow were freeloaders.   At some point, her talents were recognized and she was assigned as the archmage's personal bodyguard and agent.


Valorin is bisexual, but has very different feelings of sexuality towards each sex. Valorin takes pride in the fact that she has "broken" every man she's ever been with (except for Felinas Dallionas, to her frustration). But she sees women as her chance to have more emotionally meaningful and equal relationships.   "When I'm with a man, its all about feeling powerful and dominant. But when I'm with a woman, I want to feel vulnerable and wanted."


Valorin is technically employed by the Councilor of Shadows, who acts as the Court's spymaster, but has been assigned to Archmage Intevar Virpetar, and usually reports to him, when not guarding his body on foreign journeys.

Morality & Philosophy

Valorin has kept a lot of her traditional Drow values, in spite of living in Issilidor now. She still sees men as lesser, harbors resentment towards her High Elven kin, and is more than willing to get her hands dirty in order to accomplish her goals. Though, as a professional, she is easily capable of keeping such "distasteful" views to herself when on the job.   While not very religious, Valorin does worship Lloth, and harbors a lot of respect for the goddess, especially after meeting her in person in the form of Istarra Tallatina


Contacts & Relations

Valorin is often the member of a special team working for Intevar Virpetar, along with the High Elf Barbarian Felinas Dallionas  and the orc wizard Saurmok.
Current Location
Shoulder-length and White
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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