T'shullo Character in Yumurta | World Anvil
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General T'shullo

General T'shullo of the Empire is the head of the Imperial Magistratus and the caretaker of the Empire's Soulvault, where the souls of heinous criminals and dangerous individuals are stored. He is an extremely powerful necromancer and, while not known publicly, a lich. In fact, he has little to no public presence at all, as the Emperor keeps him on a very short leash due to his undead nature. Among the generals, he is the only one the Emperor does not trust, and rightfully so, for he has little interest or loyalty towards the Empire besides his own research and self preservation. The other generals keep their distance from him when he occasionally attends council meetings, and has been known to even give Edith Checkovitch pause. He is forbidden to leave the capitol, more or less imprisoned with his duties to the Soul Vault and Magistratus, except on occasion when he is sent to eliminate individuals who pose a threat to the Empire.   T'shullo is cruel and insane, gleefully willing to kill even imperial citizens and soldiers if he can skew it into somehow "benefiting" the empire as a whole. He often becomes obsessed with individuals he finds "interesting", much to their detriment, as after learning everything there is to know about them, he likes to "collect" their bodies, as well as those connected closely to them, as undead minions. His most recent obsession is with Opal, Raina Tallatina, and Ira, whom he was tasked with tracking and observing. As such, he has amassed a large collection of the bodies of their formal enemies, which he happily sends to fight them in terrible recreations of their past victories.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

As a Lich, T'shullo's body is in a constant state of decay. He preserves it as best he can, giving off the appearance of life to the naked eye, but had to often use bandages or face masks to hide his deformities. The most notable of these imperfections is that he has no flesh on his fingers, and is missing his lower jaw, his tongue dangling out of his exposed throat.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Little is know about T'shullo while he was still alive. Before the founding of the Empire, he was already a powerful Lich, having made himself immortal with necromantic magic. He controlled much of Azur'Nethal from the shadows, although he was more focused on his own research in the Doomvault, the underground magical laboratory spread throughout the city. Once the city was conquered by the Emperor, T'shullo pleaded for his life with the Emperor, and was spared in exchange for his loyalty, which he gave by signing a blood contract. After proving his usefulness, he was named a general and given a place on the council, as well as given jurisdiction over the Imperial Magistratus and the Soulvault.

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