Raina Tallatina Character in Yumurta | World Anvil
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Raina Tallatina

Created by Adam, filled in by Grace

Champion of Eldonna, Raina Tallatina

Raina's life has been filled with obligation and duty since her birth. Duty to her family, duty to her goddess, and duty to the Elves. A rebel by nature, she's figuring out how to balance duty and her own sense of justice.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Raina is in top physical condition for an elf, especially one trained as an archer. She is slender and elegant.

Facial Features

Her features are sharp, with high cheekbones and an aristocratic face.

Identifying Characteristics

Raina has a slight wooden scar around her right eye left from her adventures.

Physical quirks

Raina is right-handed, but is trained to shoot a bow with either hand if necessary. She is skilled in duel-wielding.   She has ridiculously straight posture. Too many noble dance lessons, probably.

Apparel & Accessories

She wears medium weight white dragon armor adjusted for archery and swordplay; with it, she prefers blue and gray tunics with silver elvish embroidery and practical gray boots. When not in her battle gear, she owns a wide collection of beautiful gowns of both elvish and human make, primarily in blue, green, silver, and red.

Specialized Equipment

Raina's primary weapon is the bow of Eldonna the Moon Goddess (the bow and the goddess share the name). With it, she carries four swords - one of fire, one of ice, one of poison, and a magical dancing scimitar.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Raina was born to Jostra and Vander Tallatina, high elvish nobility of Issilidur. While she was born into wealth and power, duty and obligation came with it. She was trained to be an elvish noblewoman, with particular attention paid to her combat abilities, for her mother hoped she would follow her footsteps into the Glass Rangers. While Raina generally enjoyed her lessons, she resented the obligations they represented.   As she grew older, an match with a fellow noble was arranged and she was encouraged to join the Rangers. However, Raina had fallen for Vakan, and based on his experience with the Rangers, refused to join them and broke off her engagement. When Vakan was later discovered to be a traitor, the shame and embarrassment was too much to bear, and Raina ran. She ended up in Kurst, where she acted as local protector for the town and maintained friendly relations with the local monastery.   All this changed when Ira came into town and zombies started appearing....Thus, the adventures began.   After defeating the white dragon Tulzog, Raina found a mythic bow in his hoard. This bow was the bow of Eldonna, the Elvish moon goddess and patron deity. Its discovery and Raina's mastery of it meant she was the Champion of Eldonna - another duty to fulfill. This one, though, she'd do her own way.




Education suited for a high elf lady, with particular attention paid to archery and swordwielding in order to become a Glass Ranger.


Socialite, then town mercenary-for-hire, then adventurer and small business owner. Currently Champion of Eldonna and semi-religious figure.

Failures & Embarrassments

Her previous romantic life.

Mental Trauma

Raina has some PTSD issues regarding a sawaugeen attack early in her adventuring career; she is uncomfortable around water as a result. She also has some lasting guilt issues regarding her relationship with Vakan; these were mostly worked through by shooting him.

Intellectual Characteristics

Raina is pragmatic and spatially gifted, with a good eye for style and color coordination.

Morality & Philosophy

Do what's best for people - even if it's not nice.

Personality Characteristics


Raina lives to protect and serve her people - even when they're being short-sighted and self-centered xenophobic idiots. Sometimes this protection gets a little aggressive.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

She has occasionally really poor taste in men and tends to attack first, wriggle out of it later.

Likes & Dislikes

Raina dislikes the ocean, but loves lemon-flavored things, roses, clothes, and fashion. She has grown to tolerate human beer.

Virtues & Personality perks

    • Loyal
    • Takes no shit
    • Pragmatic
    • Good dancer and skilled at political maneuvering
    • Natural leader
    • Good businesswoman

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Impulsive
  • Occasionally self-centered
  • Disrespectful towards authority figures


Tidy and clean.


Religious Views

Raina believes in the Goddess Eldonna, she just thinks she's annoying.

Social Aptitude

Charismatic and persuasive; extremely skilled at political maneuvering, speechmaking, and polite backhanded bitchiness.


  • Tends to interject or make jokes at people
  • Great speechmaker

Hobbies & Pets

  • Sewing and embroidery
  • Reading history books
  • She owns a full set of sled dogs that currently stay at the Tallatina estate


Swears extensively and creatively in multiple languages. Sailors could learn a thing or two.


Raina Tallatina

Reincarnation (Vital)

Towards Eldonna




Original Soul (Vital)

Towards Raina Tallatina




Well, Eldonna reincarnated as Raina. It's complicated.

Sathias Firevale

Boyfriend (Important)

Towards Raina Tallatina



Raina Tallatina

Girlfriend (Important)

Towards Sathias Firevale



Vander Tallatina

Father (Vital)

Towards Raina Tallatina



Raina Tallatina

Raina (Vital)

Towards Vander Tallatina



Garion Tallatina

Brother (Vital)

Towards Raina Tallatina



Raina Tallatina

Sister (Important)

Towards Garion Tallatina



Wealth & Financial state

Raina has inherited substantial family money from the Tallatina estates, which pay for her primary living expenses. She also briefly ran a small B&B called the Bread and Breakfast in Kurst which brought in a tidy sum.
Divine Classification
Reincarnation of a goddess
Chaotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Raina Tallatina, Lady of Issilidur and Champion of Eldonna
Circumstances of Birth
Raina was born to a noble family in Cassal Issilidith, with all the rights, privileges, and obligations that implies.
Cassal Issilidith
Current Residence
Cassal Issilidith - Tallatina estate
Bright blue
Dark brown and mid-back length, usually worn in a variety of practical braids when fighting.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
125 lbs (elves are generally lighter in frame)
Quotes & Catchphrases
*rolls eyes*
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Elvish Silvan Orcish Celestial and a few others

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